President Donald J. Trump Impeached

Filed in Featured by on December 18, 2019

Article I On Abuse Of Power:                    230 Y  197 N  1 Present (Tulsi Gabbard)  3 NV

Article II On Obstruction Of Congress:   229 Y   198 N  1 Present (Her again)         3 NV

President Donald John Trump, the 45th President Of The United States, has been impeached by the House of Representatives of the United States.

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  1. John Kowalko says:

    To paraphrase some of my priests, ” and may his soul and all the souls of the faithful Republicans burn in hell”
    Representative John Kowalko

    • Dana says:

      So, to you, not voting for impeachment is an unforgivable, mortal sin, deserving of eternal punishment?

      Come January 20, 2025, Mr Trump will leave office, forever; his administration will not last forever. He will be 78 years old by then, he’s obese and eats crap. He will depart this mortal vale soon enough.

      But what I really wonder is what you (plural) hope to accomplish. No partisan impeachment has ever succeeded — remember: we tried that in 1999, and President Clinton emerged more rather than less popular — and not a single Republican voted for either article of impeachment. If the Democrats couldn’t sway even one Republican, out of 197 in the House, what hope do you (plural) have of persuading 20 Republicans out of 53 to vote for removal in the Senate?

      I’m guessing that the Democrats voted for this because the left wing of the party hates President Trump so much that they felt that, if they didn’t vote for impeachment, they’d all draw primary challengers, because, really, that’s the only thing that makes sense.

      • Alby says:

        The parallels aren’t there. Support for Clinton’s impeachment was about 30%. You could look all this up, but I realize it might upset your internal narrative.

        The reason for impeachment is that a U.S. president is pursuing a personal agenda with a hostile foreign power. They are doing their constitutional duty, which is more than any Republican now in office has ever done.

        • Dana says:

          The Washington Post has the ‘whip count’ of senators on impeachment: seven have said they will vote for removal, 56 have not said how they would vote, and 37 have said they’d vote for acquittal . . . and that’s four more than needed to guarantee acquittal.

          And Ukraine is a hostile foreign power? Who knew?

          • Alby says:

            No, Russia is the hostile foreign power.

            The vote isn’t the point. Upholding the constitution is the point. I don’t agree with how they did it — the violations of the emoluments clause is reason enough — but this is important for history.

            Even if this republic turns into a dictatorship, like all the republics before it, this will serve as a warning to whoever revives democratic rule in the future.

      • xyz says:

        Well said. The left wing commie loons control “pickled” NP..

    • xyz says:

      JK – getting more and more senile..

      PS. How’s that higher income tax bill coming along?


  2. Oh, no-o-o-o! Rachel has, wait for it, Chris Coons on.

  3. bamboozer says:

    On a lighter note just read that Mark Meadows (yep, that Mark Meadows) is probably not running in 2020. Seems the courts undid the gerrymandered district that split liberal Asheville in two so rural areas could dilute the Dems votes. Without cheating they can’t win, and once in a while they admit it.

  4. nathan arizona says:

    Dana: ALL wings of the party hate Trump. Though I’m not sure about whatever wing is Gabbard’s.

    • ben says:

      they hate racist traitorous sex offenders. “they hate trump” plays into their narrative that he hasnt earned the disdain.

      Tulsi loves whoever Modi tells her to love.

  5. nathan arizona says:

    I get it, but I still hate him, for all the reasons he’s being impeached and then some. Hate has not blinded me; he deserves all of it and all the repercussions. That’s my “narrative.” Fuck their’s.