Delaware Liberal

Top Posts of 2019

With a new corps of Democratic activist unwilling to quietly “wait their turn” in electoral politics, it was a busy ramp-up to an important election-year.  So it is no wonder that so many popular posts dealt with who was running an why.    

BREAKING: Eric Morrison To Primary Earl Jaques!

Faced with a primary, Jaques stumbled out of the starting blocks.  All primaries are tough though, so Morrison has a steep climb.   


Delaware Voters Are Being Openly Insulted By The Democrats They Elected

Delaware put the Democrats in power, it wasn’t so that they would smother Democratic initiatives, fail to bring democratic bills to a vote, allow the death penalty to come back, and put Republican budget smoothing proposals above literally EVERYTHING.

If the Democrats don’t do anything, why should they expect anyone to continue working and voting for them?


State Auditor Not Doing A Fucking Thing–On Purpose

Backwards reels the mind. You just have to read this article about Park City Kathy refusing, refusing, to do her job. Says she doesn’t have the resources, so agencies will just have to pay for her office to do audits, otherwise she won’t do them. Some fair-use excerpts:


Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Sun., June 30, 2019

So the most “progressive” general assembly in history’s record so far.

1) nothing on gun reform
2) nothing on voting reform
3) nothing on budget reform


Melanie George Smith Even Phonier Than I Thought

I knew her ‘sustainability’ bill stunk to high heaven. I couldn’t figure out what the purpose was for this bill. Now I know.  It was a bill designed to create a cottage industry where Melanie George Smith could prosper. 


Madinah Wilson-Anton is a Democrat running for state representative in the 26th RD

I’m running for office because the system is broken, and we need to fix it. Our education system is unfair, and too many of us cannot afford the rising costs of housing and healthcare. It’s time to make the system work for US.


Delaware Elections 2020: Race-By-Race-Part 2

OK, I’m not gonna run through all 41 house races. I’m not that sadistic, and I would hope that you’re not that masochistic. I’ll just cover the ones that interest me as of this moment:


BREAKING: Poppiti To Challenge Karen Hartley-Nagle For NCC Council President

Ciro Poppiti III tonight announced that he would primary the embarrassing Karen Hartley-Nagle for the D nomination for New Castle County President.


Kerri Harris – Current Front Runner vs John Carney in Gov Primary

Harris sees her campaign as part of a movement of what she calls “insurgent candidates” across the country.

“Our elected officials are now trying to prove that they are truly the elected officials for the people. And that is something that they didn’t have to do before,” she said.


State Party to Carney & Schwartzkopf – “DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!”

Just read this shit and be amazed.

..And as if on cue, Carney KILLS MINIMUM WAGE BILL on behalf of his Chamber of Commerce Masters


The Delaware Political Hot Stove: Sept., 2019

State R Chair Jane Brady is having a hard time recruiting somebody, anybody, to run.  I mean, what R non-incumbent in NCC would want to take part in a suicide mission?  Or run statewide, for that matter? Inspirational quotes from the retired ‘judge’:


BREAKING: It’s Official. Sarah McBride Running for State Senate!

Her early entry is really smart. Gives her a chance to raise some money, build her organization.

Others will have to play catch-up. If they can.

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