Obama not endorsing Warren, but sorta is endorsing her

Filed in National by on December 24, 2019

Obama tells big money Dem donors that it is their turn to hold their nose.

Last month, former President Barack Obama indicated that he would support any Democrat who ends up winning the primary election. But Obama has reportedly gone the extra mile to support one candidate in particular to wealthy donors: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

According to The Hill, Obama has told some of the party’s wealthiest contributors that they must still fully support Warren if she becomes the nominee, despite the fact that she’s spent much of her campaign denigrating billionaires and Wall Street.

Obama has intentionally stopped short of endorsing Warren in these settings, people close to the former president told the Hill. But he has gone out of his way to hype her experience and capabilities. Warren used to work as an assistant to Obama in his administration and helped establish one of his legacy changes– the establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

“He obviously thinks she’s very smart,” a Democratic donor told the Hill. “He thinks her policy ideas matter. And I think he sees her running the campaign with the most depth.”

SPRINGFIELD, MA – JUNE 2: Elizabeth Warren speaks during the 2012 Massachusetts Democratic Endorsing Convention, held at the MassMutual Center in Springfield. (Photo by Aram Boghosian/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I think she’s very smart as well, hope she prevails as the candidate. As for Wall St. and the current barrage of billionaires trying to buy their way into politics we must put an end to what is appropriately called The Second Gilded Age, and Warren is the best shot to do it.

    • jason330 says:

      Agreed. I’m very happy if she is the nominee. Warren then Sanders and everyone else is a very distant third place.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Wrong way round! Get with the program.


        (Just dropped this week’s episode early for patrons. Highlighting the courageous organizers in these streets. Happy Christmas. Happy Hanukkah.)

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Bernie is the only candidate who could potentially win Iowa, NH, Colorado, Nevada & California. He already beat Clinton last time in MI, WI.

    You guys are missing a really big trick. The oligarchy already convinced Bloomberg and Deval into self funding suicide missions to try to broker the convention. The reason is… Well I won’t insult you. You know why.

    You don’t want to believe it. We’ve been conditioned to think it’s impossible. It most certainly is not.

    Not me, us.