“Biden Promises Lindsey Graham VP Spot”

Filed in National by on January 1, 2020

That headline scans. Why not Graham? Who else can Biden be considering? Graham is one of those self-important fuckers in the GOP that Biden claims will regain his senses once Trump’s spell is broken. What better way to break the spell, than with a newer more powerful bi-partisan comity spell?

BTW, speaking of disgusting “satire” any DLers on the ground in Middletown to take in our annual spectacle of racism and bad taste?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Another fucking stupid thing Biden said recently was about retraining coal miners to be computer programmers. Whenever I get close to convincing myself that Biden can pull this off, he opens his stupid geriatric mouth:

    The idea that 55-year-olds who have spent their lives in a very localized highly specialized profession should just take a few classes and then go move somewhere else for a new lucrative career is just… nuts. It’s been nuts for decades. It was nuts when “job retraining” was supposed to make the NAFTA medicine go down. It’s especially nuts when “tech” is a field known for elitism and age discrimination.

    There aren’t many coal miners so the focus on them is a weird fetish, but to the extent that “coal miners” is a metaphor, it’s one for people who had hard jobs that went away and no amount of job retraining can reset their lives.<\blockquote>

  2. Jim C says:

    I’ll report shortly on the “bad taste” in Middletown.
    10 minutes to go before it begins!

  3. Jim C says:

    Shorter than two years ago. Began with a guy in top hat and tails waving the American (Betsy Ross) flag. Then the Nur Temple Mini-motorcycles. Next, a man in a Bill Clinton mask and a lady in a Hillary mask with a man between in an orange “jumpsuit”(really a hunting outfit) with a sign that said, “Protective Custody”. Close behind, a bear-suited person who carried a sign saying, “Del-A-Bear”. Next a little ATV carrying a huge teddy bear that also said Del-a-bear followed by fifteen or so Harley-riding old guys, bikers? They made a lot of noise! Then came a big sign-laden pickup with what appeared to be a unclothed man with a cardboard box strapped over his shoulders which said, “Censored”. Other signs on the truck mentioned “Dallas Sux” and something like, remember to come to the Middletown “imPEACHment festival”. Then two guys walked by with huge paper snowflakes on their chest and back. There were three women and a young lady lampooning the college admissions scandal. Next, the only truly offensive moment of the parade was an old, “Blues Brothers cop car” that had a homemade “trump2020” sign on it. Next to the last, was trailer with a young “Greta” look-alike wearing a sign that said, “How Dare You”. Also along for the ride, a Cookie Monster who carried a large photo of Big Bird with the caption, RIP Big Bird, 2019. The last “float” had a young man on a full drum set pounding away while his buddy walked alongside with an electric bass turned way up picking out bass lines to old Black Sabbath songs. Clearly the highlight of the parade as it moved away up the street and lasted long after the crowd began to scatter.
    “That’s the report from Broad St in Middletown, back to you, Jason!

  4. xyz says:

    Guys, Joe’s a joke around the club. He’s a good # 2 guy but no way a # 1… He can try again in 2024.

    • Alby says:

      Why don’t you take up fishing? Same idea as what you do, but you can eat what you catch, unless it’s from the Christina.

      I don’t know if you realize it, but there’s no love for Biden here.