DL Open Thread: Thurs., Jan. 30, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 30, 2020

Dershowitz Pushes Insane Justification In Trump’s Defense.  The President can do anything as long as they believe their reelection is in the public interest. Not even the Rethugs could swallow this one.

The Bernie Campaign: Will It Emulate McGovern Or Trump?  No, not Trump in the sense of his level of obnoxiousness, but as an outside insurgent.  The fact that I don’t know the answer is the only thing keeping me from jumping totally on board.

Former Biden Aide Sues Matt Meyer For Defamation Of Character Or Something.  Dennis Toner.  He took offense to the County Executive’s critique of the hinky Delaware Board Of Trade deal.  He claims that his reputation has been tarnished by Meyer’s critical remarks.  Y’know, I read the allegedly defamatory statements and I didn’t see Dennis Toner’s name anywhere.  I guess he’s talking ‘defamation by association’, if that’s a thing. Might I point out that, had Toner not filed this lawsuit, hardly anybody would have known of his involvement with this deal that stunk from the very beginning? I might, and I did.

Hey, I’ve got a bad cold, eyes burning, extensive coughing, the whole bit.  Sorry if this is less comprehensive than usual.

I’ll try to make up for it in the Post-Game/Pre-Game.  Restoration of the death penalty, anybody?

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  1. RSE says:

    You would think that the US Gov. could get Justice Roberts a better chair, It looks broken.

  2. Alby says:

    You missed this one: A section of border wall in California fell over in the wind:


  3. El Somnambulo says:

    I was just about to post that. Not to mention, decent power tools are apparently all you need to compromise Trump’s ‘very powerful wall’.

  4. bamboozer says:

    “Dershowitz Pushes Insane Justification In Trump’s Defense”.
    I thought that was Pat Cipollone’s job? Can Rudy be far behind at this point?

    As for Bernie are we all sick of “incremental change”, or do I miss my guess? The Republicans never hesitate to go for it all, and not just with Trump. Once again we get a whiny Chris Coons approach to the candidate, filled with fear and cowardice and absolutely no excitement to be had. For me it’s Warren or Sanders, get out the vote and make it happen.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I ran a phone bank on Election Day for McGovern in 1972. It’s tough to get over that kind of shell-shock.

  5. mouse says:

    Interesting spending priorities for a defective wall. Kind of like Rumsfeld saying you fight with the army you have not the army you want when they neglected to have adequate armor to protect troops yet could spend any amount on exotic weapon systems

  6. Delawarelefty says:

    If the Republicon Senate won’t give the American people a fair impeachment trial, what is the chance the 2020 election will be secure and fair?

    • ben says:

      We must assume a 5% cheating ratio. Even then, they’ll still change votes or try to overturn vote count totals. Expect it. Prepare for it.

      they have made the ballot box irrelevant… and to reference a failed Nevada senate candidate… if we cant win with the ballot box, it’ll have to be… well, you know.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    This is a bulletin from the Bunker’s emergency action network.


    Sunday 3pm. Pete’s Pizza. 26th & Market.