Take the poll – Do you feel funny?

Filed in National by on March 26, 2020

The sidebar poll is usually an afterthought. I typically use it to take a cheap shot at Coons, but I’d like all of our lurkers to take a look at the current poll and give me a sense of where we are with this thing.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Had a lovely cough and low grade fever weeks ago, by the time I got to the doctor the fever was gone, diagnosed as upper respiratory. Having said that they had me wait in the car until they called my phone, got in there it was just me and they all had masks on. Little bit Twilight Zone like.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’ve had a light cough for a few weeks now. No fever. Nothing but an occasional cough which occasionally makes me wonder.

  3. puck says:

    II still have a job and am working from home, and not very worried about getting sick. My wife works in health care and sees patients every day, so I’m worried about her (and if she gets the virus, the rest of the household is likely to as well).

    What I’m most worried about is losing my job, and then having to find work in the post-corona economy. The shortage of skilled workers is over. Not to mention I suspect the multi-trillion dollar package will finally bring on inflation.

    On the other hand, the rest of the world is getting hammered by the virus too, so maybe the US will end up the least damaged in the world economy.

    • Point of Order says:

      There is no reason to worry about inflation. The more likely risk is a deflationary environment. The Fed can control inflation. There is a fair amount of slack in the system.

  4. meatball says:

    3 people I have tested turned up positive.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    It is unfortunate that this Pandemic is hitting at the same time as Spring Allergy season. Those allergic to pollen, like me, either get random running noses and watery eyes to a full blown sinus infection with fevers and coughs. Luckily, I have just had an occasional running nose during this whole time. No coughs or fevers.

  6. Ben says:

    My job brought me into all 3 “ground zero” buildings at UD within a week of the first reported positive cases. It’s been stressful couple of weeks, but I’ve been fortunate to spend them at home. No symptoms, but bad allergies. I have inactive lymes, so i sorry what that could mean should i get the ‘ronies

  7. Dave says:

    I had a raw chest, which I suspect was a consequence of transitioning from cold weather in Delaware to hot weather in Merida, Yucatan. Doctor came to the house (yeah really), gave me a list (no prescription) of a couple of things he wanted me to take. He also said all my current meds (BP, Afib, etc.) did not require prescriptions. Just went to farmaceia, got my meds and I’m doing fine. Doc will be back on Monday to check on me. Price for house call: $1500 MXV. ($64.27 USD at the current rate). I’m wondering if I need to give him lunch?

    Vet has also been to the house 3 times so far treating our dog’s diabetes, doing ultra sound, xray, blood work, yadda, yadda. You guys would upchuck if I told what I was paying for that (insulin at WalMart is about $20 USD).

    It’s nice to be living in a 1rst world country for a change. By way, the US has hit #1 in the world with the number of COVID-19 cases. MAGA!

  8. Jim C says:

    I got to take a shot at Coons yesterday. Got a text from “Coons” asking how my family was doing. I replied, “We’re doing as well as can be expected. Been keeping busy phonebanking for Jess Scarane. I hope that the partisanshipman-in chief is looking over his shoulder in light of DINO Lipinski’s loss in IL the other day”
    Got a text back saying they would take me off the list!