DL Open Thread: Tues., April 28, 2020

Filed in Featured by on April 28, 2020

‘We Promised You Tests, Not The Ability To Test’.  The VP says it was all a misunderstanding. It was actually a deliberate attempt to deceive.  Lives lost in the fog of semantics.  BTW, the new Task Force Plan for ramping up testing?:  It’s all on the states.  Still.

Trump Didn’t Read Briefings That Warned Of Pandemic.  The revenge of the intelligence community.  Call ’em ‘human scum’ at your own risk.  Even ‘Sleepy Joe’ was screaming about it back in January.  I don’t think the ‘Blame China’ reelection ploy will work.

Small Business Program A DisasterAt least the mom-and-pop business known as the LA Lakers was able to get a lifeline.  I think most small businesses will come to regard this program as a rigged fraud. Because that’s what it is.

Leader Of ‘Reopen NC’ Group Tests Positive For COVID-19.  And then loudly protested government forcing her to quarantine for 14 days.  I provide the info, you provide the schadenfreude. Bonus Track: The Kansas bleach-drinker.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Global. US.  The latest carnage: 988,469 confirmed cases and 56,253 deaths in the United States.  If a ‘mere’ 1400 daily deaths can be defined as progress, well, I guess that’s progress.

Big Plastic Seeks Relief Funds.  Anybody wanna bet against them getting that money?

Trump’s Judges. An utterly-depressing account of how he did it and what we face.  Force yourself to read it.

UD Implements Hiring Freeze Amid Budget Shortfall.  This seems like as good a time as any for the Delaware General Assembly to link ongoing state aid to a mandatory opening of the books. “You want the money? This is how you access the money.”  I mean, the state’s facing a huge shortfall, make UD and Del State and, of course, Del-Tech, accountable.

First Delaware Business-Reopening Virtual Town Hall Answers Little.  While not unexpected, especially in Sussex County, I have a question: Why the bleep is this meeting being run by the head of the so-called ‘public-private partnership’ known as the Delaware Prosperity Partnership?  John Carney and the Dover lilliputians enacted legislation making this body exempt from the prying eyes of the public.  Why is this Kurt Foreman guy leading this meeting? Is he even a state employee? I would think that meetings pertaining to reopening aspects of Delaware life would be led by, you know, elected officials. But what do I know?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RSE says:

    The Democrats want to give everyone $2000 per month for “at least six months”. So, combined with my job, that will be more money than I’ve seen in a long time. Is this even possible?
    I am due for a new surfboard…Come to think of it, one of those little 110cc pit bikes from Amazon would be nice. And there is a good chance I will injure myself on one of these products and therefore the hospital will recoup some of the revenue they’ve lost due to COVID19. Could this be the answer?

    • JD says:

      You’ll truly show them by using the stimulus money to buy things which will (checks notes) stimulate the economy

    • “The Democrats want to give everyone $2000 per month for ‘at least six months’.”

      “The Democrats”? Which Democrats? The Democratic Party? Some Democrats? All Democrats?

      You give yourself away when you pen something like that. That has all the integrity of something being excreted out there by the Caesar Rodney Institute.

    • puck says:

      A bill actually was introduced by Tim Ryan: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/492950-house-democrats-propose-2000-monthly-payments-to-americans

      Not a bad concept in general. I’m sure the bill has lots of problems in the details.

      • So, Tim Ryan is ‘The Democrats’. Got it.

        • Alby says:

          Are you against the idea?

          • RSE says:

            I knew they would do this when I saw what was happening, and in theory I’m against money for nothing until the robots can pick up the slack, but in practice…I want that little dirt bike…And it really seems like the simplest solution at this point.

            • Alby says:

              It’s a damn sight better than giving money for nothing to millionaires, which is what the greedy imbeciles you voted in are doing now.

              Let me explain how capitalism works, son. It’s a money pump, and it pumps money upwards. You put money in at the bottom and the people at the top get their cut when the people at the bottom spend it. If the people at the bottom have nothing, they can’t buy anything, and the people at the top sit on their pile and can’t figure out what went wrong.

              The country has gone to the shitter because the third-generation dumbfucks who run it after they got a legacy admission to Harvard never learned that. And the arrivistes are a gaggle of limpdick nerds who couldn’t get laid in college, let alone high school, and they never learned that either, or anything beyond computer coding.

              The U.S. of A. is well and truly fucked. That country you grew up in is gone, boy, and it ain’t coming back.

          • Not really. I’m against RSE’s broad misrepresentation.

            • Alby says:

              Gotcha. But I actually think it would be a good thing for Democrats to be proposing.

              Of course, the country is filled with assholes who think people shouldn’t get money for nothing, as if it weren’t just a small rebate for a lifetime of funding sit-on-their-ass masters of capital.

              This is why they don’t want people learning anything about Marx.

            • RSE says:

              I’m no economist, but I would think that if you start giving dollars away, then dollars won’t be worth as much.
              Couple that with the possibility that we may reduce our reliance on Chinese manufacturing and you have a recipe for major inflation.

      • puck says:

        Well, we know what “The Democrats” are going to do. The Democrats are going to wait until Moscow Mitch sends them a bill, then they are going to pass Mitch’s bill, and then the following week there will be the stories about how Democrats didn’t know about all the bill’s giveaways to the rich and failure to help everyone else.

    • Ben says:

      if you spend that money on a surf board, you are contributing more to the economy than if that money sat in some billionaire’s bank account.

  2. Arthur says:

    Call me cynical but the OpenNC leader who had covid19 but was symptom free seems like some fake news. Make the statement, say youre fine and didnt hurt anyone and how easy it was to go on with daily life.

  3. GeoBumm says:

    “Trump didn’t read intelligence briefings”
    God, if you’re up there, please let me live long enough to see this menace and his entire family out of office to be shunned by those who no longer can exploit the office of president by proxy and to be rightfully treated as the pariahs to society that they are. Seriously, if this was anyone other than a republican the nutty right would be rioting in the streets (and a bunch of us would be right there with them; this shouldn’t be a ‘team’ sport).

    Here comes Jesse Ventura and Green party. Maybe. You just knew that the vanity candidates would come out of the woodwork. Funny, if he ran in the democratic primary I might actually see what he has to say. But at this point, I’m going to take Kang and Kodos words to heart and not “throw my vote” away on a third party, this time. If he enters, hopefully he’ll draw more from the heartland libertarians than from the left.

  4. Mouse says:

    I want his supporters to suffer, be harassed and shunned for the rest of their lives.