DL Open Thread: Monday, May 25, 2020

Filed in Featured by on May 25, 2020


How Wealthiest Hospital Chains Got Billions Earmarked For At-Risk Providers.  I’m starting to wonder whether any money went where it was needed:

After the CARES Act was passed in March, hospital industry lobbyists reached out to senior Health and Human Services officials to discuss how the money would be distributed.

Representatives of the American Hospital Association, a lobbying group for the country’s largest hospitals, communicated with Alex M. Azar II, the department secretary, and Eric Hargan, the deputy secretary overseeing the funds, said Tom Nickels, a lobbyist for the group. Chip Kahn, president of the Federation of American Hospitals, which lobbies on behalf of for-profit hospitals, said he, too, had frequent discussions with the agency.

The department then devised formulas to quickly dispense tens of billions of dollars to thousands of hospitals — and those formulas favored large, wealthy institutions.

‘Senior Health and Human Services officials’.  Like Chris Coons’ Ivy League BFF Alex Azar.

How Trump Spent His Weekend.  By doing nothing that any self-respecting President would do.

Federal Judge Destroys Florida’s Defense Of ‘Poll Tax For Felons’. You all remember what happened. Florida voters passed a referendum restoring voting rights to ex-felons.  Florida Rethugs immediately passed legislation requiring that these ex-felons basically pay back whatever they may owe before they can vote. It’s been in the courts ever since.  Of course, the reason why so many ex-felons became felons in the first place is because putting them in southern jails took them off the voter rolls.  So, a reasonable person might ask, ‘Who should pay back who?’. (Or whom? I still struggle with that one.)

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  The latest carnage:  1,643,499 confirmed cases and 97,722 deaths in the United States.  Man, we might hit 100,000 dead by the end of the day tomorrow.

Idaho Rethug Leaders Go To War–With Each Other.  We’re talking the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor, and we’re talking about reopening the state.  Don’tcha just hate it when spats like this split the family?  BTW, this Janice McGeachin is a real piece of work.

Pandemic Hatred Extends To African Americans, Latinos, And Asian Americans.  It’s up to all of us to put an end to white supremacy.  It’s basically them vs. the rest of us.  They know they don’t have the numbers to win, hence voter suppression in all of its odious forms.

Delaware Craft Breweries At Crisis Point.  The distributors that have a monopoly on wholesale booze could have helped by letting the breweries self-deliver, but that’s not how they roll. They don’t roll, they roll over anybody who stands in their way.  Somebody needs to bring them down a few pegs.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Unionbrother says:

    Delaware building trades endorsed Cloutier and Ramone today. As far as I know democratic challengers weren’t even invited to interview.

    My question is do Delaware Unions even want to continue being Unions? They don’t seem to want anyone new to join and constantly make deals with anti-union Democratic leadership and straight up Republicans to their own detriment so they can…uh block direct shipment of wine or something? What a disgrace.