DL Open Thread: Tues., May 26, 2020

Filed in Featured by on May 26, 2020

BREAKING: Sen. Bryant Richardson To Run For Governor.  All in the name of ‘religious freedom’.  He will lock down the white supremacist vote, meaning he’ll be the Rethug nominee. Inspirational quote?:

“The tenants of our free society are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness … or property rights.”

Ho-kay.  Of course, he’s not up for reelection this year, so no harm/no foul.

‘Cleanse The Trump Stain From Twitter’.  Why isn’t Trump held to the minimal standards that Twitter requires of everybody else?  That should change. Speaking of Twitter, bots are retweeting misinformation, bigly.

Yes, He Is Unfit To Be President.  It is time to stop pretending otherwise.  And time to say it out loud.

Better Democrats, Mass. Edition.  A true progressive is fighting to unseat longtime do-nothing Rep. Richard Neal in a western Massachusetts district.  His opponent, Alex Morse, is precisely the kind of D we need in Congress. After you contribute to Jess Scarane, consider a donation to Morse.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd. US. Global.  The latest carnage: 1,662,768 confirmed cases and 98,223 deaths in the United States.  We’re coming off a three-day weekend and there is less counting during the weekends.  Meaning, we could hit 100,000 deaths today.

AYFKM?  Veterans Affairs Giving Vets Trump’s ‘Miracle Drug’.  Been doing it since March. Haven’t told anybody. This miracle drug.

Bureau Of Land Management To Oil Producers: Drill, Drill, Drill.  Oh, and they’ll give you all kinds of breaks to do it.

RWNJ’s Hang Kentucky Gov. Beshear In Effigy.  Anyone still doubt that the ‘reopen’ activists are white supremacists? In other words, Trump’s base.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. nathan arizona says:

    Tenants? I hope life and liberty are paying their rent.

  2. Mouse says:

    Can’t the Republican find a candidate who isn’t a pandering nutcase?

  3. bamboozer says:

    As a devout Atheist I look forward to numerous nauseating statements from Bryant Richardson concerning gawd, guns and of course taxes. As for white supremacists I suspect most are indeed Republicans, but probably Libertarians as well.

  4. I just love the ‘…or property rights’. Maybe he put that in there to make sure that Richard Collins showed up for his announcement.

    • John Kowalko says:

      I’ve made as much noise as humanly possible and I and my fellow legislators still receive these notice of decisions and planning changes no sooner than the press. We are not being engaged or consulted in the process despite numerous attempts and requests to be included as a distinct branch of government. I cannot even get a basis for the justification on the short-term rental decision or the reasoning behind the 250 gathering decision. Despite numerous requests to the Governor and his staff I and other legislators have not been provided with any data or info that is being used to define a flattening of a curve or a safe economic reopening. Phase 1 is not due to proceed until June 1 and we have preemptive pronouncements from the Administration that “we have met the enemy and nothing to see here” Move along. For Christ’s sake he held a press conference while we were in our first “historic” virtual session and I challenge any of the 62 members of the GA to say they were made aware of it or its content more than and hour or two prior.

      Representative John Kowalko

      • Andrew C says:

        I mean… there’s a ton of data right here: https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/

        I’m not even saying I’m in favor of reopening fully, but the trend lines all show what you want to see in terms of cases, hospitalizations, and admissions. I’m not an epidemiologist nor do I work in public health, but your claims that you have been provided no data “to define a flattening of the curve” is just false. I don’t know more of the nuances but you can’t just say we’ve all been kept in the dark when the information is public and easily accessible.

        • John Kowalko says:

          We have not had adequate amounts of testing and we’ve had record setting daily death numbers within the past week and a half. We can’t rely on any one factor tracking such as hospitalizations or adequate hospital beds to prove a flattening of the curve. I have not been provided an adequate amount of data and in some cases any data at all. I, and my legislative colleagues, as elected public officials need adequate information to keep our constituents protected. I frankly do not care if you feel comfortable basking in some artificial transparency of the situation at hand. This disease is as highly communicable and deadly as any in our lifetimes and the public that I am sworn to serve and protect should have access to all of the “nuances” and facts that I can give them. I, and most of my colleagues have been very adamant in asking for information to see why and how plans to reopen are being crafted and justified. We are a coequal branch of government that is being stifled and ignored.
          Representative John Kowalko