Hey, Chris Coons, the Journos Are Onto Your Game

Filed in Coons, National by on September 21, 2020

Sen. Chris Coons said something in a Fox News appearance that caught the attention of William Saletan of Slate. Saletan tweeted:

Sen. Coons (D) says he’ll appeal to his close relationships with Republicans: “I’m going to be working this weekend, this week, to reach across the aisle and see if I can’t persuade some friends …to respect the precedent they set in 2016 and to let the voters decide.”

Adam Jentleson of Democracy Forward, and a former chief aide to Harry Reid, responded (emphasis mine):

This is useful insofar as it will prove the uselessness of these relationships in the face of the larger forces of polarization and negative partisanship. It’s fine to try it, but when it fails, it becomes Democrats’ responsibility to recognize the failure and act accordingly.

He followed that up with (emphasis again mine):

It’s always useful to build relationships across the aisle. But in the year 2020, it is unforgivably naive to expect those relationships to overcome the structural forces shaping our politics. And it’s an abdication of governing to not have a plan for when the relationships fail.

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  1. puck says:

    I was going to call Coons out for spending the weekend with Republicans when he ought to be out campaigning for Democrats. But then I realized I couldn’t think of any Democrat who would benefit by Coons campaigning for them.

  2. jason330 says:

    Well it is about time. This ongoing joke is well past its expiration date.

    Expecting Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Lindsey Graham, or Chuck Grassley to do anything is outright idiocy at this point. I mean if Coons does manage to “reach across the aisle and see if I can’t persuade some friends …to respect the precedent they set in 2016 and to let the voters decide.” It will be a fucking miracle on the order of the parting of the Red Sea.

    But by all means, proceed Senator. History has its eyes on your scam.

  3. puck says:

    Props to LBR for making better use of her time than Coons. I just go email from her asking for donations (with ActBlue links) to black Dem Congressional candidates in OH, VA, and NY.

  4. delacrat says:

    I’m voting Jess Scarane as a write-in candidate.

  5. Old Man Biden says:

    I’m voting Bernie Sanders as a write in.

    • Alby says:

      If you live in Delaware, it doesn’t really matter who you vote for.

      Also be aware that, under revised Delaware law, your write-in vote will not be counted. So you needn’t bother.