Checking in on Delaware’s Legislative Black Caucus OR Where the FUCK is Delaware’s Legislative Black Caucus on Police Reform?

Filed in National by on May 1, 2021

Here are the very mild police reform proposal from the Legislative Black Caucus last year.

  • Pass Senate Bill 191, a bill introduced in February, which would start the process of amending the Delaware Constitution to protect against discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin.

  • Create an African American Task Force that would look at racial inequities in Delaware and propose ways to change those inequities. The task force would also commit to investing in historically black communities over the next five years.

  • Prohibit law enforcement from releasing mugshots or other photographs of juvenile defendants.

  • Require all Delaware law enforcement to video-record all interrogations of juvenile suspects and defendants, except under certain circumstances.

  • Amend the Delaware Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights to allow criminal defendants’ legal counsel to receive internal affairs investigative records of law enforcement officers accused of wrongdoing.

  • Create a Law Enforcement Accountability Task Force made up of stakeholders, including police officers and impacted citizens, who would consider issues and proposals regarding the use of force, civil rights protections, transparency and community policing.

My sense is that these very mild police reforms evaporated into thin air around the time they were proposed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. I think that there was way too much deference given to the impending report from the Police Accountability Task Force–a Task Force dominated by the police and those who fluff them.

  2. Jason330 says:

    The Delaware blue ribbon treatment. You’d think someone from the Black Caucus would decide that the deference has expired.

    • You’ve got some who are serious about this issue–some of whom weren’t elected until AFTER this whitewash of Black Lives Matter concerns was already under way.

      But you’ve got some, OK, I’ll name names, Stephanie Bolden, Kendra Johnson, Franklin Cooke, Melissa Minor-Brown, and Sherry Dorsey Walker, who seem intent on currying favor with the Cop Cabal. The jury is still out on Nnamdi, Darius Brown, and especially Tizzy Lockman (BTW, where does she plan to live, now that she’s married?).

      Lead. Or leave. Or, hopefully, be shown the door.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Agree with all the sentiment here. And I’m especially critical of Tizzy.

        I can tell you that she and her husband just moved into a place in her district.

        Plus she was connected to the draft bill in the leaked story about reform demands.

        In other words keep the pressure up. Public bullying works.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Functional Black Caucus
    Madinah, Larry, Marie
    I said what i said!

    • Those are the certainties. The rest, at best, are question marks.

      BTW, I’ve neither forgotten nor forgiven Melissa Minor-Brown for cutting a video endorsing–Dave McBride. I mean, really?

    • Andrew C says:

      So close to haiku!
      You added one syllable
      In the first damn line.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Also, I think I have enough to go on. I’m calling it.

    Darius Brown is a fucking joke.

    (Joe. Rae Moore tho.)

    • Joe Connor says:

      That was a miss for me, you are correct sorry for that. Nothing funny about Darius! and FOP Frank is literally dangerous!