Song of the Day 8/22: Crabmeat Thompson, “Small Wonder”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on August 22, 2021

Readers of the News Journal might not know this, but Delaware folksinger and raconteur Jerry “Crabmeat” Thompson died in June. I first heard this from friends who saw it on social media, but the only obituary I could find ran a month later in the Middletown Transcript.

Back in the days when I worked the obit desk we kept a file of “glory” obits — people notable enough to deserve a headline story on their passing — that were prepared before a person’s death. Given how much ink Crabmeat got from columnist Al Cartwright alone, there must be a clip file on the guy who, after all, wrote the unofficial state song. This is not the official version — the stuff about the DuPonts wouldn’t fly with the state tourism folks who came up with the slogan — but it does give you an idea of both his stream-of-consciousness wit and his political leanings.

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  1. Jim the Bass Player says:

    Crabmeat Thompson was a very bright person who loved singing songs for people. He was literate, irreverent and very funny. Crabmeat’s song subjects included poodles from hell, big foot and partying vegetables. He had a great singing voice and decent guitar chops. He was fluent in Spanish. He ran for the U.S. presidency once. He was treasure and Delaware is poorer for his demise.

    I backed him up on the upright many times and always had fun. I will miss that.

  2. Hop-Frog says:

    Thanks a million for the tune and the obit, which told me a lot more about Crabmeat than I knew, and I thought I knew him pretty well. Last saw him performing a couple of times with the Crabmeat Thompson Band at the St. Georges Country Store pre-pandemic. He served up several of his own creations, along with some kick-ass blues with the help of the late, excellent Dale Dallabrida. (Along with a couple of other fine musicians whose names I can’t recall.)