DL Open Thread Sunday, August 22, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 22, 2021

The hypocrisy of the media’s war cheerleading sure is coming a-cropper, with every pom-pom-waving “military analyst” shitting on Biden as their always-questionable usefulness comes to an end. No, you’re not imagining it — talking-head shows weren’t interested in booking anyone who agreed with Biden. If this doesn’t convince people to turn off the infotainment TV, nothing will.

Facebook normally issues a traffic report every quarter, but it skipped one earlier this year, apparently because pages spouting Covid and vaccine disinformation ranked so highly.

Most of the problems with the internet can be traced to the anonymity it gives users — online, nobody knows you’re a dog, or a sociopath. But people using social media are perhaps not as untraceable as they think. An outfit named Logically put together enough clues to identify a notorious anti-Semite, who turned out to be a South Florida Trumper — who could have guessed?

Another milestone in the climate-based destruction of the planet: For the first time on record, it rained atop Greenland’s ice summit. This will eventually solve our Florida problem, but too late to prevent it from killing us all.

Park City Kathy McGuiness keeps trying to do jobs she wasn’t elected to. The state auditor, a pharmacist and former pharmacy owner, has been on a jag for months about the state’s prescription drug contract, which she claims is a $25 million rip-off. She whined about this some more to WDEL last week. The deal probably could have been better negotiated, but there’s nothing she can do about it — it’s a contract, and unless she can show it was in some way fraudulent (she can’t), she would surely lose a lawsuit. She’s reduced to recommending that someone who knows the pharmaceutical business should negotiate on the state’s part. She’d probably be good at that — but that’s not her job. Her job, apparently, is to pave her way for a run for higher office.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Andrew C says:

    Greetings from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, at my parents’ place for a Summer vacation for a week. Humidity is high, masks are non-existent, and COVID is all the rage. But, plenty of beautiful beaches, my parents and grandparents all fully vaccinated, and a lovely rescue cat named Eustace still make this a nice time for all.

    • Jason330 says:

      If OBX are anything like Myrtle Beach, I’d suggest you do some thoughtful grocery shopping and plan on dining in.