Andrew C, You Say You Want A Poll, I’ll GIVE You A Poll!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 25, 2021

Because I’d love to hear what everybody’s answer to this would be:

If you could only volunteer to challenge one House incumbent D this year, which of the following would it be, and why?:

Stephanie Bolden

Larry Mitchell

Pete Schwartzkopf

Valerie Longhurst

Franklin Cooke

Lumpy Carson

Andria Bennett

Bill Bush

No doubt there are others you could choose, but these eight are clearly the most in need of upgrading to me.  And it’s my poll.  Feel free, though, to add other names as well.  Remember, though, only one per commenter…

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  1. Andrew C says:

    I guess it’s reasonable to choose the one who represents me, and that’s Andria Bennett. It would be good to see her go. East Dover deserves better.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Pete Schwartzkopf, no question. The others are doltish followers and quislings will fall in line.

  3. Alby says:

    Now get Jason to format it.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Pete Schwartzkopf, the constant reminder that retired state cops are but Democrats in name only and by nature are antithetical to what the party stands for.

  5. A says:

    I think you also have to consider the areas. I’m cases like Val, Pete, and Andria… you could almost certainly find better democrats to run. But in cases like Lumpy, and Bill, you’re not gonna fair much better with any of the local Dems.

    • You may be correct about Bush, but with Lumpy especially, I think that district has changed and become more suburbanized. He can be taken out.

      One thing’s for sure: If he has an opponent, he WILL be outworked.

      BTW, and this is true, didja know that Lumpy has a ‘pickaninny’ collection? Not exactly what/who you want in a D representative.

      • A says:

        My God… I did not know that about him… but you’re absolutely correct. I do believe there are candidates in that district who could challenge and win.

        • Only way I knew is that I ‘volunteered’ a couple of days on that Special Election, which took place after Bruce Ennis won a special election to succeed Sen. Jim Vaughn, who had passed away.

  6. AQC says:

    Stephanie Bolden. I can’t get over her saying it was fine to house the mentally ill as long as they didn’t come to her district.

    • She also said something like it was time to export some of Wilmington’s crime to the neighboring communities.

      That sure didn’t play well when she challenged Bob Marshall for the Senate. We made sure that everybody in Alban Park, Cleland Heights, Colonial Park and the other communities outside of the city in the Senate district was aware of her exact quote.

      She barely broke 25% in that race.