DL Open Thread Monday October 10 2022

Filed in National by on October 10, 2022

Happy Indigenous Person Day. If you have today off you can thank one of the 4,100 or so members of Delaware’s Nanticoke tribe.

I’ve been in a kind news black out, but reading a lot of Twitter these days, which is a strange news filter.

I have to admit tat I still don’t understand how twitter works. I gather that if you follow the right people it can be useful for keeping up with the things you want to keep up with, but I can’t say that I have mine dialed in yet.

Here is the news according to my twitter feed:

Georgetown Delaware punched itself in the face.  


Kanye West is either mentally ill or a anti-semite. Probably both. 

Kanye West’s Twitter, Instagram accounts restricted after alleged anti-Semitic posts reut.rs/3EtSQyQ

Replying to

when he says he’s coming for the jews i think you can drop the alleged

More shots fired at HS football games, because freedom?
This is the America gun companies want. An America where no one is safe and everyone feels they need a gun. Just so the can sell more guns.
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Here’s the moment shots were fired at the Toledo Central Catholic-Whitmer football game. This shit has to stop!
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Trump said that George H W Bush kept top secret classified documents in a Chinese Restaurant/Bowling Alley. The the ex-president confessed (again) to the crime he is currently under investigation for.
This is what we call a summation exhibit. Proof from the defendant’s own mouth. And on video.
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Trump: I had a small number of boxes in storage… There is no crime. They should give me immediately back everything they have taken from me because it’s mine.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. NascarDad says:

    The school violence, at football games and otherwise, is not being addressed head on and could quickly become a liability for progressives (at least collectively) in the general election. The last of the parents I know with middle school aged children are sweating out the charter school wait lists. Obviously there is a history and a stigma around northern DE high schools since the busing ( I remember those long rides), but the problems are real and the kids who are instigating the disruptive behavior are coming from disadvantaged/minority communities. I don’t think the districts have the ability to provide the wraparound services needed, and throwing more SROs at the problem isn’t going to work. Meanwhile the parents who are the most engaged are jumping ship to greener pastures. Any ideas?

    • Alby says:

      So we will accept any form of authoritarianism under Republican rule except for banning guns. Makes perfect sense.

      • NascarDad says:

        I think if this issue isn’t addressed head-on, people are going to start considering alternatives, up to and including voting republican.

        This issue is number three in the office chatter, right behind ukraine and inflation. Granted, its really driven by parents with school-age kids, but for this to be a top local story is significant. If progressives don’t control the narrative, the DINOs will. And since their “solutions” (SROs, zero tolerance) haven’t worked, its only a matter of time before less savory characters show up to peddle their snake oil.

        All I ask is for this to get more daylight. Rational people will suddenly become RWNJs when their kid’s education is involved. I know people who live in Delaware that are using rental properties/business addresses to register their kids in a PA district. People who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to relocate to Appo, or take out second mortgages for private school tuition. Having good schools, or at the very least the sense of good schools, is what makes or breaks a community.

    • meatball says:

      Don’t they have metal detector screening stations at HS football games? Seems like a pretty simple fix unless the shootings are happening outside the stadiums.

    • puck says:

      School violence could also become a liability for Republicans – who promote open access to guns, block common sense gun safety laws, and block community services. It all depends on whether Democratic electeds and candidates are willing to call Republicans out on those terms, and tie them directly to the school shootings.

      Whenever there is a shooting, especially with teenagers, I always want to know two things:

      – Where did they get the gun? and
      – What was the beef about?

      Getting to the root of those two problems would help a lot but we’re not even asking the questions.

  2. bamboozer says:

    No! Not Return Day! Seems to be that Georgetown is in competition with Seaford for the worst that Sussex has to offer, be it puh-rayer or the flag of the traitors, both southern fried by nature. But help is arriving on a daily basis as people from New York , New Jersey and Philly flee high taxes and set their sights on Sussex. At some point there will be change, and it will be due to those moving in, not the current residents.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Sure, this ex New Yorker well knows the people moving in are not Delawareans in the way they drive, think or act. Took me years to get over the New York mentality, but at some point down state worked it’s strange magic and I now “fit in”. On the plus side most will tend to be Dems, the real kind as opposed to what passes for Dems here.

  4. Hop-Frog says:

    And Happy Indigenous Peoples Day to you, Jason!

    In another stride forward for Native Americans, Nicole Mann, a member of the Wailacki Tribe of Round Valley in Northern California, is currently circling the Earth as a commander of the crew of the International Space Station.


    Thanks for the link to the 2014 NJ article on Delaware’s indigenous population, but it says that the 4,100 self-identified Native Americans were primarily Nanticoke, who inhabited the Eastern Shore and southern Sussex, and Cherokee, a North Carolina tribe whose numerous descendants have spread widely across the U.S.

    Delaware’s main tribe, whose local descendants are becoming more visible, was the Lenape, who lived in all three Delaware counties, southeastern PA and central NJ. They became known as the Delawares as they were pushed inexorably westward, where the main part of the remaining tribe settled in Oklahoma, formerly known as the Indian Territory — the government’s all-purpose dumping ground for formerly Southern, Eastern and Midwestern tribes who stubbornly refused to be wiped out entirely.