Delaware Election Results Open Thread: Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 8, 2022

I may not be around when the Delaware results start coming in.  I’m on a committee in Arden that will be counting votes in our annual Budget Referendum and Assessors’ ballot.

So, please feel free to pick up the slack.  Should be home soon enough to jump right back into the conversation.


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  1. Early returns very promising for Burns, Huxtable, and Hoffner.

    I think some D senators were almost resigned to losing the 14th SD. Could still happen, but the further you get down ballot, the less the voters know about the candidates, and tend to revert to party ID.

  2. One poster said that Stell Parker Selby had a legit shot in the 20th, the district being vacated by Steve Smyk. The early votes support that, with Selby at over 56%. Wingate could pick up the difference in same-day ballots, but it’s certainly competitive.

  3. The stunning feature of the Hoffner/Pugh race is that Hoffner is outpolling Pugh on the machine votes. The R’s have to count on machine votes to overcome the D advantage in early voting and absentee. That is not happening so far.

  4. Some people were concerned that Laura Sturgeon could face a tough challenge. It isn’t coming from Ted ‘Horsey D’ Kittila. The new rule of thumb is that R’s have to overcome early voting disadvantages, since they apparently don’t believe in it. Sturgeon’s whupping Kittila in machine voting to add to her already strong early voting edge.

  5. There was some concern that DeShanna Neal might be ‘cut’ by Larry Mitchell in RD 13. Isn’t happening against a very weak opponent. She’s winning the machine votes, and could wind up close to 60%.

  6. Burns and Ramone has narrowed, with Burns holding about a 270-vote lead. All depends on where the outstanding ED’s are.

  7. Beginning to look like Russ Huxtable is pulling away! Has a 2300 vote lead. I honestly don’t think that Smyk can make it up. Pleasepleaseplease.

  8. Joe Connor says:

    I think we have a frank Burns win!!!! Not 100% sure but there can’t be more than 1 ED out.

  9. Andrew C says:

    Auditor, AG, and Treasurer votes surprisingly close, though all Dem leads. Did we expect all those to be single digits?

    • Not really surprisingly close. Just anecdotal from my greeting session–some people thought that York was the one who had been indicted. Jennings has taken on public corruption and police misconduct, so I figured that would be a little closer. Only thing I can guess about treasurer is that Coverdale is a good candidate who’s in the the wrong party.

      But all the margins are comfortable.

      • Arthur says:

        THey thought York was indicted? Did you only talk to white people?

        • Look, it was anecdotal. But, at best, most voters pay only passing attention to such things. Thankfully, I was able to explain the facts of the situation.

          Being a greeter has only a marginal impact, but sometimes it at least has AN impact.

          • Arthur says:

            Basically they saw a black woman and assumed she was indicted. becuase, you know, racism

            • Not in this case. The voter was Black. I explained what had happened, and he, of course, said he’d vote for Lydia.

              Which is not to entirely discredit your theory. Only in this case.

      • Arthur says:

        Not to bust your balls but you said “some people” and now its only 1. I dont care if they were democrats you spoke to, if they assumed york was the one convicted its because of latent racism

  10. Burns is up by only 20 votes. Hope all the votes are in…

    Huxtable is up by about 1200. That one almost HAS to be a completed count.

    If Parker Selby wins, it will have largely been generated by the incredible turnout in that Senate race.

    Hoffner still hanging on in what appears to have been a low turnout race.

  11. Andrew C says:

    Kerri Harris up by 15! I didn’t believe it until I saw it. Amazing. So happy to have her represent me now.

  12. Very few ED’s remaining. Huxtable, Hoffner and Selby appear to have won.

    Burns appears to have lost. Meaning, the D’s should now have a 15-6 margin in the Senate, and the House numbers should remain the same, with the R’s picking up the seat that was shipped downstate, and Selby picking up Smyk’s seat.

    Feel very bad about Frank, a great candidate. I would like to see the new House leadership (I have a pretty good guess as to who they will be) give Ramone nothing.

    Got some interesting political rumors, including one which makes perfect sense (but I hadn’t thought about it) that is making the rounds.

  13. John Manifold says:

    At times like this — Ooh La-la Sasson

  14. Joe Connor says:

    Well, if there is not sufficient anger in the House D Caucus to DELETE Pete and move him down the hall for his last term, I would be very surprised. He did not spend a dime or do a thing to support Frank. Straw meet Camel’s back!

  15. Jason330 says:

    MICHAEL RAMONE wine by 35 votes. Jesus fucking Christ.

  16. Peter Briccotto says:


    Statewide, the DEMs have got to start waking up that the influx of retirees relocating to Delaware lean RED & VOTE RED. Trust me, I live here and have to shadow support Dem candidates.

    The pocket of Rehoboth which saved Russ {great campaign btw} as did Selby’s great local connections driving folks to the polls to support her.

    However, many of the people living in the Beach Burbs will not be supporting Democrats in this state, and that has to change.

    I didn’t have time to look, but I am curious how many more ballots were cast in 2022 compared to 2010 or 2014. It may show data worth considering.

    If Dems want to improve their winning margins, more must be done is Sussex to build a big tent coalition of Democrats. We can’t feel like we have to live in silence – and as Lisa’s VERY strong presence showed down the stretch for Russ, when Statewide Leaders support candidates strongly, they can win!

    I may be overly excited, but both Hux/Selby wins gives many of us breathing room to end shadow supporting our candidates.

    Congrats to everyone one working on these campaigns!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      “more must be done is Sussex to build a big tent coalition of Democrats”

      You mean: “More must be done in Sussex.” Period. The party leadership there has failed year after year after year. Jane Hovington and her crew have to leave, especially after she picked sides in the SD6 primary. (She picked the losing side, as is her specialty.)

      Note to Jane: When you can’t find warm bodies to run for a majority of the seats, you’re a failure.

      • One more good thing about Russ’ election: He’s in a position to help usher in some new leadership into Suxco’s D ranks.

      • liberalgeek says:

        Ha! I don’t remember the last time that a Sussex chair was overly successful in “getting warm bodies”. There is plenty of blame to go around in Sussex for the past 20 years. My guess is that most of it is because there are so many factions of the Dems ready to knife another faction at every opportunity.

        As an example, Sussex has now tripled their representation in Leg Hall, and here you are 14 hours later with an open switchblade.

  17. puck says:

    “the influx of retirees relocating to Delaware lean RED & VOTE RED.”

    They won’t change their minds so the only thing to do is raise their taxes to slow them from coming. Seems politically not feasible but if Delaware loses escheat revenue, let’s hope the GA has become progressive enough to raise taxes on the rich.

    And those old folks tend to vote down school referendums.

    Also when reassessed property tax starts to kick in, those beach community homes might seem less of a bargain.

    “when Statewide Leaders support candidates strongly, they can win”

    Nowhere is this more evident than in Frank Burns’s narrow loss.

    • Alby says:

      Most of those expensive beach homes are owned by non-voters who live in the DC suburbs. It’s the cheaper developments that attract the ex-cops who retire on half pay at age 50.

      • peter briccotto says:

        there’s so much development – retired middle-class are fully relocating here droves. far out pacing the millionaire’s second home vibe. it’s wild times down here!

        • Alby says:

          I know, that’s why reassessment isn’t going to affect them greatly.

          Before his election and the 2008 crash, Markell recognized this senior-magnet situation as a problem. I don’t remember the solutions he proposed, but I’ll ask him next time I see him.

          If I were going to retire someplace, it would need a much better health care system than what’s available in Sussex County.