Let Joe Drive!

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware, National by on January 27, 2023

I never thought about this until I saw some stray comment on some automotive web site: Once someone is elected president, he never drives again.

While he’s president he’s driven by Secret Service agents — that’s why Donald Trump never reached the Capitol on Jan. 6. Ex-presidents also have security details, of course, but I never put two and two together — their job is to protect him, so they’ll do the driving.

As this article notes, that might not bother some people — Trump had a driver long before he was president — but Joe Biden enjoys driving. His father sold cars and gave him his prized 1967 Corvette, which he still owns, as a wedding present.

The article notes that Biden got some time behind its wheel as a guest on “Jay Leno’s Garage,” but it’s sad that he gets to drive even less than Dustin Hoffman’s character in “Rain Man,” who could only drive in the driveway on Wednesdays.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Campaign fundraising idea (though I’d prefer if he didn’t run again): Laps with Joe in his ‘Vette at Dover Downs.
    The track is empty for 51 weeks out of the year, plenty of parking for his donors, and lots of NASCAR fans in that blue-collar demographic that he says he cares so much for.

  2. Arthur says:

    Wasnt there a rumor that obama and michelle used to sneak out and go on a date night drive when he was president?

  3. bamboozer says:

    Joe drives his Corvette at Dover Downs? Cool! Can I drive my ‘Vette as well? Power To The Corvette Owning People!