Confederacy-Loving Delaware Man Gets Three Years in Union Prison

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 10, 2023

Kevin Seefried, the Laurel drywall hanger who paraded a huge Confederate battle flag through the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection and menaced a Capitol cop with it, was handed a three-year prison sentence yesterday by a Trump-appointed federal judge.

His lawyers had asked for a 12-month sentence, and argued that Seefried, 53, lacked “even average intellectual capacity.” “Mr. Seefried did not appreciate the complex and for many, painful, history behind the Confederate battle flag.

“It was difficult for Mr. Seefried to recognize the extent to which the flag is a controversial symbol,” they wrote, “and while some view the flag as a symbol of southern heritage as he had been taught, opponents see it as a symbol of racism and slavery.”

The thing is, I believe that last part is true — lots of children of Confederacy sympathizers are brought up with these beliefs. Most of them were not in the Capitol on Jan. 6.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    So, his defense was STOOPID?

  2. mark m says:

    Stupid is as Stupid does — Forrest Gump

  3. bamboozer says:

    Did a victory lap around the studio when I heard this, was afraid it would be another savage slap on the wrist and another exercise in white privilege, I had thought this arch idiot would get away with it. Pure Pleasure To Know I Was Wrong.

  4. Paul says:

    Kevin Seefried was my student at Laurel Middle School for his middle school years ages 10-13. Not a “good” student. And not because he was particularly stupid…he preferred hanging with the “anything for yucks” crowd which, as we can now see prepared him only for prison. He had other choices available to him but refused those other choices. I have only minimal sympathy for him.

  5. puck says:

    Can we re-open the prison at Fort Delaware for these guys?

  6. Rumbledoll78 says:

    As we say, f#4k around and find out…

    • Jason330 says:

      yeah. I guess this is a good example of fucking around and finding out. Also, confirms the “play stupid games / win stupid prizes” axiom.

      Still it would be nice to see some of the higher ups find out. They are the ones who really fucked around.

  7. Paul says:

    I await any action against members of congress who played ANY role in the insurrection.