Song of the Day 5/24: The Rolling Stones, “Luxury”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 24, 2023

Kyrsten Sinema is one of the more curious political cases out there. How does someone start out a Green and wind up a corporate tool? Whatever the reason — after consulting William of Ockham, I think it might have something to do with money — it sure has pissed off a bunch of her constituents. They’re not content with knowing she’ll never get re-elected, they want her out now.

Their latest tactic was a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission blowing the whistle on her spending habits, which included “fund-raising” trips to Paris and London on which she spent more funds than she raised. The complaint accuses her of “living a lifestyle of luxury financed by her special interest donors, to the detriment of her constituents in Arizona.” To be fair, she’s not accused of bilking taxpayers, just campaign donors, and I doubt they care what she does with the money as long as she votes the way they paid her to.

The tax-exiled Rolling Stones recorded a good bit of “Goat’s Head Soup” in Jamaica in late 1972, and the island rhythms and patois must have stayed with Keith Richard. He said he got the idea for “Luxury,” released on the 1974 LP “It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll,” from a song he heard months later on the radio while he was driving around Munich.

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