DL Open Thread Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 21, 2023

Democrats who base their political decisions on what they think independents and Republicans might do still want to dump Joe Biden, so it probably won’t change their minds that Biden continues to enact more progressive policies than anyone predicted. His latest move: creation of an American Climate Corps by executive order, after Republicans in Congress shot it down by pretending to care about how much it would cost.

Next on his agenda: a federal office of gun violence prevention, though I doubt it would propose the one thing that would do the most to accomplish that goal.

Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug, of GOPers, but it’s still a laugh yuck riot to hear these mooks pretending to support organized labor. Their blindingly obvious antagonism was spoken aloud by token Black Republican Tim Scott: striking United Auto Workers should be fired.

Given their inability to govern, or even to articulate any vision for the country other than making rich people richer and using government to crush everyone but white males, how do Republicans ever win elections? Old-line GOPer Rick Wilson says it’s simple. They have two rules: Rule 1: Just win, baby. Rule 2: Stay on message. This works because, sadly, half of all people are of below-average intelligence.

Speaking of below-average intelligence, scumbag guitarist Eric Clapton helped raise millions of dollars for scumbag failson RFK Jr. I would have headlined that story “Chinless Wonder Endorses Brainless Wonder,” but I also would have invoked my rule that any mention of RJK Jr. must include the reminder that he kept a sex diary of his extramarital trysts, complete with ratings, and that his wife killed herself after she found it.

On a lighter note, you never know what you’ll find at the thrift store. A woman who bought a painting for $4 posted a picture of it on social media, where someone noticed it was a long-lost N.C. Wyeth illustration. It sold at auction for $191,000.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I think a Federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention is much needed, if for no other reason that Americans have grown complacent to the daily slaughter of Americans via the precious guns. As for Clapton he’s another far right Brit, and a good reminder that the hatreds we have here are sadly nothing new.

    • Paul says:

      Clapton gives notice that not all who indulge in LSD come out the other side as better people. The there was his friendship with George. What could it mean?

  2. Jason330 says:

    Biden should do everything by executive order and at the each signing ceremony say “this isn’t what the founders envisioned, but they didn’t consider a MAGA extremist political party in congress so committed to fucking shit up.”

    • Peteza says:

      Quite possibly the stupidest thing you’ve ever said and that encompasses a vast collection of stupid comments. Well done!

    • Clay says:

      I understand you want a leftist strongman, but Biden? Really? Real revolutionaries aren’t on a strict Metamucil regimen

  3. Sussex Worker says:

    Something is rotten in GOP Sussex. The email below was sent out yesterday. It appears the entire executive committee of the Sussex Republican Party has resigned:

    Resignation of Sussex County Republican Committee

    Greetings, fellow Republicans,
    For those who are yet unaware, the Executive Board of the Sussex County Republican Committee has resigned. Know that this decision was undertaken after numerous hours of contemplation and not decided hastily. After days of deliberation, we feel this is the best course of action. We have been honored to lead and serve the Republican Party in our little part of the world although it has not been very pleasant recently.
    Marilyn Booker
    Lewis W Briggs, II
    Hylton Phillips-Page
    Betty Bridgeman

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    Anybody know why Newark’s mayor resigned?

    • Kevis Greene says:

      No official word but talk around town is that there was a health concern. Our town seems to run mayors ragged more than most