Something is rotten in GOP Sussex – Comment Rescue

Filed in National by on September 21, 2023

Something is rotten in GOP Sussex. The email below was sent out yesterday. It appears the entire executive committee of the Sussex Republican Party has resigned:

Resignation of Sussex County Republican Committee

Greetings, fellow Republicans,
For those who are yet unaware, the Executive Board of the Sussex County Republican Committee has resigned. Know that this decision was undertaken after numerous hours of contemplation and not decided hastily. After days of deliberation, we feel this is the best course of action. We have been honored to lead and serve the Republican Party in our little part of the world although it has not been very pleasant recently.
Marilyn Booker
Lewis W Briggs, II
Hylton Phillips-Page
Betty Bridgeman

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    GOP in disarray 400 days from election. Hopefully the fracture is bad. Very bad.

    Anyway…more evidence that the Democrats should be running people in every district, every election.

    • Clay says:

      Dems aren’t immune. Meyer be BHL and Young vs McBride are going to become really sore points. Not so much that it will create space for Rs, but there will be Hurt Feelings

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Julianne Murray remaking the Party in her own image?

  3. Jason330 says:

    Early report is that the committee just got sick of being screamed at by MAGA jagoffs all the time and said fuck it.

    To which I say, now you know how America feels.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Also – candidate recruitment continues to suck for the DEGOP. LBR may waltz into the Senate following TWO unopposed contests.

    People, listen up. LBR is not all that. Progressive need to be fielding candidates in all primary elections.

  5. Arthur says:

    I didnt know we had an organized GOP party in DE? Do we have a democrat one yet?

  6. puck says:

    DEGOP has a “Town Hall” on the calendar next week:

    It’s in Georgetown but will air live on WUSX 98.5 and presumably livestreamed.

  7. Anon1 says:

    I’ve heard post Brady exit, upstate GOP donors, what few are left, are leaving the party.

    • Al Catraz says:

      What is there for them?

      The only thing Republicans want to do is engage in performative outrage and theatrics over symbolic cultural divides that don’t really matter to anyone in any practical way. It’s a constant parade of petty grievances that have nothing to do with the actual functions of government.

      The party structure is not relevant to their single-minded devotion to Trump, who is happy to take autopayments from the credit cards of people for whom Fox News is a nest of communists.

      Republican politicians aren’t interested in governing. A prime example is the bizarre ranting that went on yesterday at the House Judiciary Committee examination of Merrick Garland. The comments of one representative in particular, Rep. Spatz, is worth a watch:

      Who would donate actual hard-earned money to that? What on earth do these people even want any more?

      • Kevis Greene says:

        You’re 100% right. Those who have the dollars and sense know that the GOP is good money after bad. They aren’t changing their minds though, just strategy. Expect to see more Dinos in the near future, and a deeper rift between progressive and establishment Dems. It’s how Mayor Mike got his foothold in Wilmington, and how Bethany Hall Long will get the governorship

  8. bamboozer says:

    LBR will be yet another corporate Dem, will vote for her but the changing of the guard will amount to the same old same old, and refuse to lie to myself about it. But where indeed are the progressive candidates?