Chris Coons Reallyreallyreally Wants To Be Secretary Of State

Filed in Coons, Featured by on September 25, 2023

It’s a little unseemly and more than a bit desparate, but I’m all for it:

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) said he would “consider it seriously” if he was asked by President Joe Biden to become Secretary of State in a potential second term in office.

Coons was asked the question by moderator Ed O’Keefe during an installment of CBS News’ Senate Project debate series, where he was sparring with Florida Republican Marco Rubio.

“If he calls?”, O’Keefe asked.

“I’ll consider it seriously,” Coons said.

C’mon, he’s been lobbying for the position since Biden’s election.  You think all that ‘Coons as Biden’s shadow Secretary Of State’ pub happened w/o the active involvement of Coons?  You can’t say he’s not a schmoozer.

If Biden were to choose him, Biden could pretty much name Coons’ senatorial successor.  I’m guessing he’d choose Sarah.  Meaning perhaps, perhaps, both Sarah and Eugene end up in DC as members of the Delaware delegation.


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  1. Beach Karen says:

    I guess none of those brilliant Canadian Parliament staffers bothered to ask this guy which side he fought on during WWII:

    ‘“We have here in the chamber today a Ukrainian-Canadian veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today, even at his age of 98,” Rota said Friday, followed by a lengthy round of applause and a wave by Zelenskyy. “He’s a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service. Thank you.”’

    Unfortunately, because some idiot didn’t ask a question or do any research, you had Trudeau and Zelenskyy giving an actual Nazi bastard a standing ovation.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Kind of a sneaky way to open the door to a more progressive Congressional delegation for the state.
    OTOH, would Joe want Coons selling his brand of bipartisanship to the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers and ambassadors?

    • I know that the McBrides are close to the Bidens. That’s why I think it’d be Sarah.

      Coons is used to going supine when dealing with Rethugs.

      Come to think of it, perhaps an Ambassadorship is a better role for Coons… from where does the Gore family originate?

  3. Jason330 says:

    “If Biden were to choose him, Biden could pretty much name Coons’ senatorial successor. I’m guessing he’d choose Sarah.”

    No way. Maybe Carney. Or more probably Ted Kaufman (if still on this side of the sod) or LBR

    • Remember, Biden chose Kaufman. We all thought Ruth Ann would choose Carney. But she deferred to Joe after he was elected Veep.

      So would Carney.

      LBR’s gonna be in the Senate anyway. It’s not as if Biden’s gonna name him SOS tom’w. The question re Coons was about a second term.

      Meaning, it might be up to the new Governor to make the appointments.
      Just keep that in mind when deciding who you want in the Governor’s office.

      • Jason330 says:

        I stand corrected – I’m now saying Delaware Secretary of Labor , Karryl Hubbard

        Who would BHL pick? Jesus, think of the most mediocre pol you can think of then go three steps lower.