Delaware Political Weekly: December 8-14, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 15, 2023

1.  Velda Jones Potter Files For Wilmington Mayoral Race.  She’s not just running for herself, she’s running for her family and their assorted hangers-on.  With your vote, you can provide a whole bunch of needy grifters/deadbeats with jobs and access to big pots of money.  Let’s see–she ran for Mayor in 2020, and got over 35% of the vote, finishing behind Mike Purzycki, who got about 43%, and Justen Wright, who got 21.5% and was effectively the spoiler.  She had previously edged Darius Brown for City Treasurer in 2016, and had lost a primary for State Treasurer back in 2010 to the Honorable L. Chipman Flowers.  You may recall that Velda had been appointed by Jack Markell to fill out his term as State Treasurer after Jack was elected Governor in 2008.

She and Purzycki engaged in this feud back in 2019, featuring more than a cameo appearance by Charles Potter.  As I wrote at the time, Velda appeared to be channelling her inner L. Chipman Flowers.  Meaning, she was wrong.  When viewed in that context, it’s not so surprising that Mayor Mike recruited John Carney to run against her.

You may also recall how she abused her authority in the Dennis P. Williams ‘Administration’ to promote and to provide city funds for a hip-hop event being run by her son, then blamed everybody else.  BTW, that was some real good blogging from Cassandra.

Well, Velda’s running again.  It’ll be interesting to see where her money comes from for the race.  Just as it will be interesting, and depressing, to see where Carney’s money comes from.

2.  Commissioner Of Elections Answers My Questions.  Sort-of.  See if you know any more after reading this than you knew before.  I don’t, but at least they replied:

Commissioner Albence: I am writing to respectfully request answers to the following questions:

  1. How does one go about requesting that DOE conduct an investigation into possible campaign finance violations? If the Department receives a complaint or other written communication from an individual or entity alleging campaign finance violations by a political committee (or a candidate or a committee treasurer), that information is thoroughly reviewed and appropriate steps are taken to determine compliance with Delaware law, specifically the State Elections Code (Title 15 of the Delaware Code). Those steps may include a formal investigation of the allegations. The Department does not comment on potential or pending investigations and does not provide any comment or update to the individual or entity reporting the allegations. However, the Department may contact the party reporting the allegations if additional information is needed.
  2. Who in the Department is responsible for, and capable of carrying out, such an investigation?  What are said person’s or persons’ qualifications? Per 15 Del. C. § 302(14), the State Election Commissioner is authorized and empowered to conduct an investigation, and 15 Del C. § 302A(a) addresses the scope of the Commissioner’s investigatory authority.
  3. In the past, the Commissioner of Elections has issued opinions on various campaign violation inquiries.  I’m not sure that any have occurred during your tenure.  However, your predecessor, Elaine Manlove, issued such opinions.  Who assisted her in arriving at her decisions, and are they still working for the Department? The issuance of these types of opinion (rulings) falls under 15 Del. C. § 8041(2), which is separate and distinct from an investigation under the statutory provisions referenced in my response to Question 2 above.  As to the opinions (rulings) issued by former Commissioner Manlove, I do not know whether she formulated and issued opinions on her own or with the assistance of other Department personnel.
  4. If the Department of Elections doesn’t conduct investigations, does it at least forward pertinent information to the Department of Justice? Please see me response to Question 2 above, including my reference to Section 302A(a)(specially (a)(3)).

So, the two questions I really wanted answered were not answered.  (1)  We do not know whether there is anybody at DOE capable of carrying out a real investigation, only that the Commissioner, who I suspect is pretty much there due to political patronage, is ‘authorized and empowered’ to do so. (2) We do not know whether pertinent information dealing with campaign finance violations and/or possible crimes is forwarded to the AG’s office.  Since I asked the AG’s office whether they conduct such investigations, and since I was told that they wait for referrals from the Department Of Elections, that sure seems like a pertinent question that requires a genuine response from somebody.  Otherwise, we can reasonably conclude that DOE doesn’t refer anything to DOJ, and DOJ, having not received referrals, doesn’t do anything.   Anybody care to set me straight?  As the dope who has been roped, I’m done playing ‘rope-a-dope’.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Michael J Groark says:

    Don’t forget about Charles Potter and the Baynard Stadium debacle.