Pistol-Packin’ Pete Picks His Pawn

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2023

John Atkins, Part Deux.  Ex-Rethug just reborn as a D. Second Amendment absolutist, as in ‘law-abidin’ citizen’.  But don’t take my word for it, take his:

Realtor and Builder Rob Burton filed today as a
Democrat for the 14th District. 

We won’t let you take our firearms
We, the people of Delaware, have elected our
legislators to protect our rights quaranteed us by the
United States Constitution and the Delaware State
Constitution. These rights guaranteed to us by both
constitutions are not up for debate or compromise.
By proposing and considering recent gun
restrictions, they have awakened a sleeping giant.
Tens of thousands of citizens in every district that
are not willing to compromise their rights because of
I the actions of a few evil or mentally insane people.
We understand that something needs to be done,
but restricting gun rights is not the answer. It is a
guarantee that we will do everything in our power to
see that they are not re-elected!

Rob Burton

Rehoboth Beach

There are plenty of other letter/posts just like this one from him.  There is only one reason why Schwartzkopf is backing this guy–it’s to keep the power in that caucus dominated by the Kop Kabal.  It explains the shots being taken at Marty Rendon by anonymous trolls pretending to represent the ‘women’ of the 14th RD.  Pete and Val are dirty.  They fight dirty.  They will have to fight even dirtier to stop progressives from finally having the numbers to influence Delaware’s direction moving forward.

I hope that Marty runs the kind of campaign needed to stop this Rethug from taking Schwartzkopf’s place in Dover. The district should be receptive to his candidacy.  He’s a true progressive  You can help by contributing right here.

None of these races will be easy.  But this is the year we can truly drive a stake through the heart of this Kop Kabal/Delaware Way dominance in the House.  Pick your candidate and jump in!

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  1. Sussex Worker says:

    There is no way the Democratic Primary voters of the 14th RD will support a former Republican whose social media posts have not only been pro- guns, but have also been slavishly pro-Trump and virulently anti- Biden. If Pete S.supports him, maybe he is a placeholder for Kathy McGuiness, who intends to run if her conviction is overturned. Either way it is a sad exit for Pete.

    Progressives should now rally around Marty Rendon.

  2. Arthur says:

    Changing political affiliations mid cycle should be like the NCAA transfer portal. if not approved, a years wait needs to be inplemented

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Dear Pete, You could have left with a legacy of some good achievements. Instead you beclown yourself by outing your inner MAGA. I feel sorry for you and question that full and effective support I provided back at the beginning in ‘02. Happy Holidays😎

    • John Kowalko says:

      Sorry Joe, I served 16 years with Herr Pete and cannot recall any significant achievements that he had or helped. His legacy is that of a bully. Plenty of obstruction to good policy and good lawmakers however. If you wish I can list quite a few of his good policy obstructionism. He used his desk-drawer veto power as speaker more than Vaughn or Adams ever did. He ruled through coercion, intimidation, threats and rewards that would make any facist proud. John Kowalko

  4. Beach Karen says:

    Pete picked one of his best friends, whose wife was a Cape Henlopen School Board book burner, Jennifer Burton.

    What we got here, is a Chamber lackey realtor with a bible thumping wife. If he makes it through the primary, he’ll win, and he won’t step aside for Kathy McGuinness, who is far more liberal.


    • Just–wow.

      Serious question, Beach Karen: Why would ANY D vote for this guy in a primary?

      • Sussex Worker says:

        If he makes it through the Primary, he will win in this Blue district. No Republican could win. That is probably why Burton switched to run as a Democrat. He will not win the Democratic primary.

        • Valentine says:

          I would not be so sure that a Republican can’t win in the 14RD. It has not been that long since one did and Pete was essentially a Republican.

          • Sussex Worker says:

            When Pete first ran- in 2002- this was Republican plurality district. It became Democratic as new people moved here and each redistricting made the 14th more compact, with the Republican areas taken out

            Just look at the numbers

          • Joe Connor says:

            Pete is the only person to hold office in RD 14 since is moved to Sussex, the other point is well taken

            • Sussex Worker says:

              My point, in articulately stated, was the 14th was moved to Sussex and configured to be a Republican district. The Republicans’ gerrymandering was designed to take out two Dems, which they did, and take the 14th, which they didn’t.

              • Joe Connor says:

                Correct, turned out Schroeder and gave us John Atkins:) though the retiring at the time Charles West was Not much of a D.

      • Beach Karen says:

        Because he’s incredibly well connected in that district and personal relationships can supersede rational thought.

        • Joe Connor says:

          The guy’s digital footprint is a treasure trove of outrageous memes denigration POTUS and just about ever Democratic position. His gun nut stuff might not be as much of a problem in the district but we need to see his Choice and LGBTQ positions. But for the love of god don’t dismiss him. He is a dangerous wild card.

        • Joe Connor says:

          The guy’s digital footprint is a treasure trove of outrageous memes denigration POTUS and just about ever Democratic position. His gun nut stuff might not be as much of a problem in the district but we need to see his Choice and LGBTQ positions. But for the love of god don’t dismiss him. He is a dangerous wild card.

      • Valentine says:

        Beach Karen is right. In addition, a lot of his R friends are probably also switching to D to vote in the primary. That is what they did to vote for Markell over Carney back in the day.

        In addition, a lot of Dems in Sussex are not current-day Dems but rather Dixiecrats. And a lot of people are non-ideological.

        • Not in that coastal district, though. Remember, Russ Huxtable flipped the Senate district, which goes outside of the coastal area into fertile R territory, last time. Pete is to the right of RD 14 on everything but LGBTQ rights.

          Here’s what concerns me–you saw that troll insinuating that Marty Rendon wasn’t pro-choice, which he is. Makes me wonder if Pete is trying to line up a three-way (no, that’s not a reference to KMG, get your minds out of THAT gutter) primary, with two progressives splitting the vote, which might enable his hand-picked MAGAt to win.

          In other words, I hope that Marty is campaigning hard.

          • Valentine says:

            There are still a lot of “from-heres” in coastal Sussex, like the Burtons and many other business owners and realtors. So yes, Russ flipped it, but that doesn’t mean no Republican can ever win. And we will also have to see if Russ holds onto the seat. The Republicans are already attacking him in the Cape Gazette.

            You might be right about “Fay Jay” being a Pete troll, but it is in fact true that the rumor is going around the “women’s community” — which means lesbian community — that Marty is anti-choice. Pete’s minions are probably the ones spreading it, but it continues to be spread. I hear it all the time. Hopefully, he can get ahead of it.

            • Here’s Marty’s response from yesterday on our blog:

              Marty Rendon says:
              December 18, 2023 at 5:34 pm (Edit)

              I must reply here. I am pro-choice. My handout card has as the second issue that I will “protect women’s reproductive rights.” I also have indicated I support a woman’s right to choose when asked on questionnaires. I appreciate this opportunity to set the record straight.

              • Valentine says:

                OK… but that does not negate the fact that there is a whisper campaign that says the opposite.

              • Valentine says:

                Also, I think Pete is almost certainly behind the smear campaign, but I don’t see that he is trying to get another progressive to run.

            • Joe Connor says:

              I agree with you. V regarding the make-up of the district and the continued influence of native Sussex County as well as folks who came as kids or young adults and have been there for decades. I get the sense that Pete plans to drop a stink bomb on his constituents as a parting gift. Pete will be sitting in Sharkey’s or the Starboard at breakfast with the boys bragging about his final revenge. What a sad empty way to close out a career!

    • Mikki Snyder-Hall says:

      In 2012, Claire was going to run for school board. Pete had his minion call to get Claire out of the race because Jen Burton was getting in the race. But Claire had decided not to run because of her father’s health.