RUMOR ALERT: Has Governor Carney Endorsed Eugene Young?

Filed in DL Opinion, Featured by on December 20, 2023

I had a generally reliable source just share this with me.

Not sure why he would wade into that primary, but, if true,  well, it’s something.

I’m sure we’ll soon find out…

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  1. Kevis Greene says:

    Maybe he wants a blessing from Eugene in return for the mayorship? Having a strong African American endorsement is critical.

    • True. However, Sarah is real popular in the city as well. If a progressive D were to enter the mayor’s race, it’d be real interesting.

      Maybe he’s just trying to wash the BHL stench off him?

      Which reminds me, does she still have his endorsement? I’m not asking you, just wondering…

    • BLT says:

      You’re right he probably wants Eugene to help deliver the African American vote in the city for him, but don’t forget Carney and his conservative Irish Catholic cohorts are homophobic and may not want Delaware to have the first transgender congressperson in the country.

    • Alby says:

      I agree with Kevis. Does Carney have Young’s endorsement?

  2. Joseph Connor says:

    I was at an event last night with a big contingent of Dems in my age group including a lot of Biden ’72 alums and Valerie was there well. Carney was there and he and Sarah exchanged pretty cool greetings, just sayn’. One more thing, I have not been shy in my BHL and Pete comments. I was surprised at how many of my contemporaries read DL regularly and engaged me regarding both.

    • BLT says:

      Carney knows he can’t just rely on his whitewashed old guard cronies to get him elected this year. But don’t sweat the small stuff. I guess there’s always time to pay off Norman Oliver. I have visions of BHL prancing around the room last night since those establishment hacks are her kind of people.

      • Joe Connor says:

        She wasn’t there.

      • Claymonster says:

        Was just going to say this. Anyone who has seen Jock Carney interact with McBride knows that he is visibly uncomfortable in her presence. He’s one of the most socially conservative Democrats in Delaware.

        • Claymonster says:

          I meant to reply this to BLT’s earlier comment about wanting to stop the first transgender congressperson, but it’s also relevant to Joe’s comment too.

          • Beach Karen says:

            I’ve said it before – it’s like the only thing going on in Carney’s head is the Eagles fight song.

  3. Observation says:

    A John Carney endorsement means next week Eugene will be out of the race. He has that magic touch. You’d think he learn from the colossal embarrassment that will live over his head forever as it relates to BHL. Crushing for his “legacy” of doing nothing except ensuring the state didn’t fall into the sea and watching a lot of eagles games. And generally appearing miserable all of the time as if we are forcing him to do this.

    So is eugene a progressive champion of the people or just a lackey for John carney? Seems like the second and I can’t imagine another person you’d let get away with such a thin veneer – who’s most substantive background appears to be getting jobs from the worst governor in history.

    I’m just curious why some on this blog have such a strict litmus test for some but when it comes to Eugene and others, you forgive and overlook and excuse so much.

    But Eugene cast his lot. Hes running a totally impotent campaign and will be a two time loser and put out to pasture with Sean Barney and the like.

    But I guess this answers why Eugene didn’t run for mayor, because John Carney instructed him not to and that’s who he actually listens to.

    • You know why? Because we know Eugene and know that he’s not a lackey. Hiring him was one of the very few good things Carney did.

      And for the umpteenth time, Eugene DOESN’T LIVE IN THE CITY ANY MORE. Hence, he can’t run for Mayor.

      I support Sarah, but trolls of all stripes are not welcome here.

      • Observation says:

        Fair enough. But I will maintain my criticism of carney as a leader and as a democrat and, for me, his endorsement is not a positive and yes it does raise some questions for me. I guess Eugene can prove me wrong and I hope he does.

        • Beach Karen says:

          Eugene Young doesn’t have to prove shit to you. He’s proved himself to the people of Delaware over and over again. Your comments about Eugene smell out of state to me.

          And El Som is spot on, Eugene is one of the only things Carney has done right.

          • Observation says:

            Ok. What is the proof? When has he ever bucked the status quo or made a decision of consequence? I’m seriously asking. What’s the evidence here? I know you like him. I don’t dislike him. But I see a guy who has worked for Cory booker and John carney. And wnyone John carney is going to support is certainly not going to do anything to upset the apple cart. But give me the receipts.

            And ya he does have something to prove to me because I’m a voter in the state. Sorry for bursting your bubble here. Very touchy. Obviously hit a nerve.

    • I’m glad that Cris Barrish, at least, is still on the case.

      I think a lot was riding on the success of the Longhurst-sponsored fundraiser this week. The photos I saw suggest that the turnout was pretty paltry. Any first-hand feedback?

      BTW, UI, you’re welcome back any time!

      • mediawatch says:

        Really solid work by Cris.
        By now BHL should have realized that this issue is not going away.
        Can’t wait until she starts using the “politically motivated witch hunt” defense.

  4. Avi says:

    She’s done. She’s been done. It’s not entirely clear what she’s doing here. Set aside 207k in checks they wrote to themselves from their campaign account. She’s been a secret section 8 landlord for years. What sort of state elects a section 8 landlord to be governor? Especially one that obviously worked hard to keep it out of the public’s eye.
    And according to Barrish and his on the record source – she was at the damn closing! She can’t just blame her husband. She was in on it. And with her staffer who was her subordinate.

    And they bought them from the owners of the houses they were inspecting?!!! That isn’t a betrayal of the public trust???

    She seems willing to lie and obfuscate about everything. It’s sad to see what an awful, narcissist has been revealed by this. But this is how it happens. Crooks don’t get away for it for so long because people suspect them to be crooks

    But her remaining supporters especially those who are elected officials – who are supporting and allowing this to continue – they’ve disqualified themselves from any future public service. Disgusting and corrupt party and state.

    • The Barrish article is the perfect entry for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention to the story. He lays it out chronologically from the very beginning of her political career. He provides new information, particularly on her husband’s Section 8 LLC that he formed with her top aide.

      So much corruption yet, much like with Trump, no so-called ‘leaders’ want to come out and state the obvious. And those supporting her, they are enabling corruption by a public official.

      • BLT says:

        Barrish also makes clear that the checks were paid to Dana Long, but the new reports reflect that they were issued to BHL. Stinks of a cover up.

        • Joe Connor says:

          Dear Bethany, If you weren’t part of the deal WTF were you doing at the settlement table? If you have nothing to hide, why did you not report it?
          I see a slum lord that wants to be Governor. Please feel free to prove me wrong, Happy holidays:).

      • Unstable Isotope says:

        Honestly, I think you can read the Dana Long story 2 ways.

        Way 1: Long used his expertise at a Section 8 inspector to see a neighborhood with potential but underinvested. He used his knowledge to buy into the neighborhood, made improvements as well as profits

        Way 2: Long used insider knowledge to make a profit for himself and helped guide funds to increase his own profit.

        Perhaps a combo of 1 & 2?

        The questions I’d like answered:

        1) Did Long have insider knowledge of investments in the neighborhood that gave an incentive to invest there?

        2) Did Long use his insider connections to send investment to the neighborhood that benefited himself?

        I think FOIA requests could help answer these questions but we won’t get answers before we have to vote in 2024.

    • SmallTimeJohn says:

      Let’s try not to stigmatize section 8 voucher programs. Being a section 8 landlord just means you accept housing vouchers, which honestly is a noble and respectable thing to do given that so many property owners refuse to participate. Being a slumlord, regardless of vouchers, is the real issue. If you are a section 8 slumlord, you are defrauding the govt and likely committing a felony

  5. The MoMo says:

    Lots of time for Eugene to change his place on the ballot, and I hope he does. He couldn’t use the funds raised for the federal race in direct fashion, but I bet he could still return donations and then folks could donate to a state official campaign committee…..

  6. Meme Emma Slone says:

    I am absolutely devastated by the comments I’ve read here, and it breaks my heart to witness the state of our world. We have some truly exceptional politicians in office, and there are also many incredible individuals who aspire to lead and make a difference. It’s incredibly disheartening to see all of this chaos and negativity, as it dampens our spirits as human beings. I yearn for something better, something greater, or something different. If any of you have suggestions, please share them with me. It seems like all we do is talk about the problems, but where are the solutions? Why is it that everyone brings up a damn problem, but no one offers a solution? What is the solution?

  7. Mr Goode says:

    Sounds to me like a group of people that just have nothing better to do

    What’s the solution? I read someone was at some event, with their like minded people well what did that do for the issues? What are you doing about the issues?

    I don’t like either candidate for Governor. One is a pushover and the other is a crook running around like he has done something.

    Eugene Young was a fine fella liked him when he ran for mayor but they are trying to keep anyone black from being in the mayor seat it won’t work for the greater agenda. Can’t blame them for not wanted GN Mrs Velda in there, she is married to another idiot like that lady Beth hall. What’s the scoop on Mr Velda seems like he has gotten away with a lot and she is running for mayor.

    I’ve been reading here for a long time and I can tell you I am disappointed lately by what I’ve read no better than the politicians you all complain about.

    I’ve been thinking. About coming out of retirement and having my own place for people to vent, damn nursing home mates have more sense then any of

  8. Joe Connor says:

    Mr .Goode and Emma should hang out. They can play “ Can you top this platitude” 😎

  9. SussexWatcher says:

    I’m no fan of Barrish’s, but that story was excellent.