DL Open Thread Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on January 10, 2024

The Israeli attempt to wipe out Hamas has brought widespread condemnation, but since calls on conscience are doing nothing to dissuade Netanyahu from his murderous course. So the focus of criticism seems to have shifted toward worries about the war widening to the entire region, with the new Axis of Evil shaping up as Iran, Russia and China. There’s no way for us to gauge the likeliness of such scenarios, but what’s notable is how many media outlets have run with similar stories in the last several days.

In news from countries we don’t pay attention to, Ecuador has turned into a narco-shitshow because the new president is trying to crack down on drug gangs. Yet Republicans can’t figure out why there’s a refugee crisis at the southern border.

It’s pretty clear, isn’t it, that Donald Trump is acting as his own attorney and his attorneys of record are just mouthpieces? What legitimate lawyer would argue that exoneration in an impeachment trial grants a president criminal immunity? Also, too, the panderin’ mandarin claims he will deliver closing remarks in his fraud trial, apparently failing to realize that if he does, prosecutors get to cross-examine him. He’s not a stable genius, he’s the ass-end of a genus that lives in a stable.

Perhaps the longest-running Republican myth is that private enterprise is always better than government programs. Sometimes it is, but quite often it isn’t. Latest example: NASA has pushed back target dates for its Moon program because the stuff made by those private companies has caused “safety concerns.” Meaning it doesn’t work.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin caused a flap when it was revealed that he was hospitalized for three days without telling anyone, including Joe Biden. Turns out he was being treated for complications from previous treatment for prostate cancer. Forgive the pun, but I’m surprised the news didn’t leak sooner.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. anon says:

    Trump is usually able to avoid rake stomps like this, but if he delivers the closing remarks in his fraud trial, I will be won over to the side that says his brain is worm-filled mush.

    Regarding Netanyahu/Biden vs Iran/Russia/China, it seems like we’ve decided that there are good genocides and bad genocides. The good news is that we haven’t yet concluded that Gaza is a good genocide.

    • anon says:

      As expected, Trump decided not to deliver his closing argument when the judge told him he’d have to talk about the actual case.

      “Engoron initially approved the unusual request, saying he was “including to let everyone have his or her say.”

      But he said Trump would have to limit his remarks to the boundaries that cover attorneys’ closing arguments: “commentary on the relevant, material facts that are in evidence, and application of the relevant law to those facts.”

      He would not be allowed to introduce new evidence, “comment on irrelevant matters” or “deliver a campaign speech” — or impugn the judge, his staff, the attorney general, her lawyers or the court system, the judge wrote.”

  2. mediawatch says:

    Hot flash from BHL: Looks like she couldn’t find any in-state talent to manage her campaign.


    • anon says:

      What a waste of an election cycle. A clear shot at getting some progressive into statewide office, and we simply blew it. I’m afraid these openings don’t come along very often.

  3. ‘Hot flash from BHL’: I like it.