Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 12-18, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 19, 2024

1.  BHL Conducts Push Poll-And Not Even THAT Looks Good.  When you’re bragging about this, you’re grasping at straws.  This, from her campaign:

A recent poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long begins 2024 with a strong lead in the race to be the next Governor of Delaware. The polling memo from PPP states:

Hall-Long leading Meyer by 7 points in a two-way race with nearly half the electorate undecided (30% Hall-Long, 23%Meyer, 47% not sure).  (That’s a strong lead?)

After hearing both profiles, Hall-Long’s lead over Meyer grows to 16 points while voters move away from Meyer, (38%Hall-Long, 22% Meyer, 41% not sure).

● To quote from the PPP memo, “Voters clearly find Hall-Long’s background a more convincing reason to vote for her, and she ends the poll with a 16-point lead (38-22), having grown her lead by 9points over the course of a poll 41% of voters remain undecided.”

In total, PPP interviewed 643 likely Democratic primary voters statewide between Jan 10-11, 2024.The margin of error is +/- 3.9%. After the initial poll memo release, Campaign Manager Donnie Johnson is encouraged by the increasing support for Lt. Gov Bethany Hall-Long as voters learn more about the candidates for Governor.

“This early poll is a testament to her unwavering commitment and years of dedicated public service to Delaware. As the campaign progresses, we are confident that more voters will recognize Bethany’s unique qualifications and her vision to make Delaware the best place to live, work, and raise a family.”

The operative phrase being ‘After hearing both profiles’.  Hmmm, anyone think that the so-called profiles might differ just a wee bit from what, say a Meyer push-poll profile of BHL would look like?  Going out on a limb here–the poll didn’t ask about how voters would respond when they learned that BHL and her husband diverted $300K in campaign donations into their personal bank accounts.

You know what this poll tells me?  Voters just might be looking for a more inspiring alternative.  It is also notable that, unlike Kyle Evans Gay, the BHL campaign did not put out a press release touting their campaign’s successful fundraising campaign.  We’ll know more next week when the Department of Elections finally gets around to making the finance reports public.  But I wouldn’t be shocked if Meyer blows BHL’s doors off when it comes to fundraising.

2.  Fundraising Reports To Go Up On DOE Website On January 22.  That’s Monday.  Finally.  I’ve got a lot of stuff going on on Monday.  Sure could use your help in going over the reports.  Remember that these filings will not include fundraising totals for federal campaigns (Senate and House), but will include all Delaware races, statewide and local.

3.  Marty Rendon Officially Files In RD 14To succeed the retiring ( but not soon enough) Pete Schwartzkopf.  Sussex Spies have told us that Claire Snyder-Hall, head of Common Cause Delaware, will enter the primary.  I’m also told that Pistol Pete is trying to grease the skids for his beloved disgraced former State Auditor Kathy McGuiness which, come to think of it, is a disgrace that Pete shares with her.  Their bond, in fact.

4.  Kamela Smith Is IN!  Could Our PAL Val be OUT?  Kamela’s exploratory candidacy is now officially a full-on challenge to Delaware’s least-ethical legislator.  I think this is the key legislative race of the yearYou know what this link is for.  Click it!

5.  Nick Beard Is IN!  Officially filed for the ballot to take on (the incumbent) Michael Smith, whose mascara hasn’t stopped running since  Seaford LLC’s were thwarted from voting in municipal elections.  This Hockessin-area district promises to be one of 2024’s most competitive races.  You know what this link is for.  Click it!

5. Kim Hoey Stevenson Files To Take On Sen. Russ Huxtable.  Russ has had a spectacular first term as State Senator.  A Suxco State Senator at that.  R Kim Hoey Stevenson is a formidable challenger.  The numbers, however, favor Russ: 9710 D; 6993 R; 5730 I.  Russ carried the district in 2022, garnering 51.48% in defeating noxious State Rep/ex-cop (and Pete Pal) Steve Smyk.  Meaning, this is a competitive district.  You know what this link is for.  Click it!

6. Filing(s):  D Rep. Mimi Minor-Brown, 17th RD, and part of the Mean Girls House Leadership team, has filed for reelection.  Hard to fathom the dream of an all-female leadership team turning into the nightmare of three hacks with no ideology whatsoever looking to punish those who they view as threats. More than depressing.  Which reminds me: More Better Democrats.

7. Personal To The Department Of Elections:  If you wanted to make your site LESS user-friendly, you have succeeded.  People, including me, shouldn’t have to master some sort of labyrinthine code to easily find voter registration totals and those who have filed for the ballot.  Suggestion:  Perhaps you could trade in your web designer for someone versed in, oh I don’t know, campaign finance law.  The new site sucks. FIX IT!

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Anon says:

    Between labor and political lifers who have all worked with her on something, you have to give the edge to Hall-Long.

    • Alby says:

      All the more reason to open a criminal investigation.

      The Republicans are already making bank on Democratic malfeasance.

      • BLT says:

        Kathy Jennings won’t open any investigation. She’s too tied into the political cabal propping BHL up. KJ’s donors, who are also BHL’s, won’t let her do that.

  2. Anon2 says:

    All they’re doing is trying to get ahead of the campaign finance reports. Because it’s going to be an absolute crater. I bet Kyle raised more since August than bhl did. Just a guess.

    I can’t think of anyone less relevant than labor and the “political lifers” around BHL. Lifers in that they’ve been sentenced to a life of embarrassment for continuing to aid and abet this unstable crook, sure.

    • “All they’re doing is trying to get ahead of the campaign finance reports.”

      I think you nailed it.

    • Anon says:

      Except labor and the “political lifers” around BHL are the very people who show up on primary day.

      • Not really. You overestimate their impact.

        Perhaps DSEA and AFSCME. But, FWIW, my experience both working in the General Assembly and being involved in elections since I’ve left, many of them pretty much only show up to vote for Trump and white candidates who identify as white.

        If you don’t pay their ‘volunteers’, they don’t do shit. Even IF you pay their ‘volunteers’, they don’t do shit.

        • Joe Connor says:

          Effective political activist unions, DSEA, AFT, AFSCME, SEIU, UFCW, some Teamsters,
          Note that these are Service unions and i refer to the service members of the Teamsters, these unions are raciall diverse and have large women membership.

      • Anon2 says:

        Maggie Jones might tell you something diffeent.

  3. paul says:

    “the nightmare of three hacks”…I first met Kerrie Harris in 2018. Over 6 years I found her to be truthtelling and a progressive. Are you basing your negative assertion on anything in black and white? I have a real difficult time reconciling what I learned first hand and what you say…

    • I did as well. Campaigned for her, although I found her campaign to be too passive. Wrote about that here at the time. Frankly, her state rep campaign was uninspired and devoid of substance.

      Paul, it’s just her going all in with Pete and Val first chance she got. Sold out, had it pay off. Didn’t expect it to happen, but it did. It’s how the hacks stay in power. She has now become one. Instead of standing with the Madinahs and Erics of the Caucus, she stood with Val.

      • J4A says:

        The first thing Kerri Harris did in House Leadership was to throw her other Kent County legislators under the ol’ busaroo in committe Assignments.

        She forgot what district she reresented I Guess? Sux that any advantage kent County had in funding was lost when ol lumpy carson got the ax.

        And did anyone see ol sneaky pop gun pete got assigned to house joodisheairy? now you know that there aint no crim justice or police reform no more in d-ware…..

        great job house leadersip. we all forgot bout the justuce for all initiative???

  4. The MoMo says:

    PPP is basically a random number generator. If it was easier to find expenditures on candidate filings, it would be a red flag every time.

    • Alby says:

      Couldn’t find anything on their web site about this poll. Sounds manufactured to me.

      Wonder what the push questions were? Think it might have been union-related?

      What else have they got to ding Meyer on? Development? Give me a break. BHL is SuxCo, and there’s no more runaway development than there is in SuxCo. They’ve fouled their nest down there for real estate money. Who in their right mind would believe they’ll stop there? They’ll be telling saps from New York and New Jersey that Smyrna is a “short drive to the beach” before you know it.

  5. The Politically Engaged Patriots for Delaware says:

    Not to be dismissed, Hoey-Stevenson’s marital ties to fossil fuel propagandist David Stevenson, whose life’s mission is scaring rubes with lies about wind power and EVs. Sadly, the Caesar Rodney Institute leader knows how to pack fire houses with reactionaries in search of talking points to reinforce their fears and stoke their anger. His collection of e-mail addresses will likely boost his wife, who’s already shown a disregard for the environment and an obeisance to moneyed interests as a Sussex County Planning & Zoning commissioner.

    • You’re absolutely correct. Was gonna write about that in the Political Weekly, but you saved me the trouble.

      You can bet, though, that I’ll be returning to that theme quite a bit before November.