DL Open Thread: Wed., Nov. 13, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 13, 2019

‘Get Your Impeachment Hearing Scorecard Right Here!’.  Provided to you in the blandly-neutral manner NPR favors. My question: When do we see the staged Rethug theatrics?  When the facts aren’t on your side, time to give ’em the ol’ razzle dazzle. Here’s a less leggy preview of the first day, and what D’s need.

Carl Bernstein: America Is ‘In The Middle Of A Cold Civil War’.   Hadn’t heard it put that way before, but, you know, I think he’s correct.

Will The D’s ‘Impeachment Lite’ Strategy Work?  Maybe, but I agree it’s risky.  The sheer magnitude of Trump’s corruption is unrivaled in American politics. If he skates on this, there are no do-overs.

‘Credible Fear’ No Longer A Pathway To The US.  That’s the first step in seeking to enter the US. 97% used to meet that threshold. It’s now below 10%:

This unprecedented drop in approved interviews comes without any public regulations, directives or guidance about changes to what is known as the “credible fear” interview process. Would-be immigrants must pass the credible fear interview to present their asylum case in immigration court.

Dreamers Dreams Dashed?  Starting to look that way. Trump’s cruelty will likely meet judicial approval. Helps to have a fellow rapist on the Supreme Court.

Houston Astros Illegally Stole Signs To Win 2017 World Series.  Hey, the Patriots have been doing it for years…

Gordon Boondoggle Comes Home To Roost.  Looks like the best that NCC can do is to collateralize the loan through company stock, which could soon be worthless. Remember, folks, Mike Ramone was neck-deep in this scheme.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    So glad the Delaware Stonewall (not) Democrats threw Ramone a lifeline because …rules

    Nice work, Karen.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    If you want a really simple primer on what is happening Bolivia there’s a new Intercepted podcast (dropped today) interviewing Washington University (St Louis) Anthropology professor and Bolivian expert Bret Gustafson.

    He describes one of the coup leaders Chamacho’s power as tied to a Chamber of Commerce right wing type group.


    Or you can just trust an anonymous ReD sCarE type. 🤪

  3. TK says:

    Back to work! Oh.. Liberals don’t work.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I’m not a liberal, so.

      This is a neat quote, huh…

      “I dream of a Bolivia free of Indigenous satanic rites, the city is not for ‘Indians,’ they better go to the highlands or El Chaco” Senator (fake president with oversized Bible) Jeanine Anez Chavez

      The country is 65% indigenous.

      This is a national senator calling for apartheid/ethnic cleansing after a fascist coup. Not democratic, folks. OK… Sorry.


    • Alby says:

      …Says the conservative during work hours.

      Don’t you dumfux ever get tired of self-pwning?

    • xyz says:

      I’ll allow it.

      Old news but a pretty good story.

      Money quote:

      “joined in a profane verbal altercation that quickly turned into physical violence and ended in gunfire, and in doing so, gravely undermined public trust in the dignity and decency of Indiana’s judiciary.”

      Alby name that Zevon tune that comes to mind…

      • Alby says:

        I’d go with “Lawyers, Guns and Money,” except they were at White Castle, so there’s not much money involved.

        Moral of the story: Nothing good comes of flipping somebody off at 3 a.m. In fact, the list of good things that happen at 3 a.m. is damn short.

  4. Annd, the Rethugs start out with all sorts of points of order, primarily designed to out the whistleblower.

  5. RSE says:

    LOL, Shiff says he doesn’t know the identity of the whistleblower… That’s classic.

  6. Alby says:

    I’ve got it: The whole thing was a false-flag operation to get liberal Americans to think of our intelligence services as heroes!

    What’s my prize?

  7. xyz says:

    Phrase of the day for Dem witnesses – “in my opinion”

    • jason330 says:

      Honest question…What would you, xyz, have to find out to admit that Trump withheld aid in order to get Ukraine to help damage his political opponent?

      • xyz says:

        Don’t really care whether he did or not to be honest. Just keep the economy rolling and keep screechy Liz Warren out of the White House.

        If you don’t think shady shit like this goes on all the time on both sides you are hopelessly naive.

        • Alby says:

          I agree on the shady shit. But Warren seems like the only one who wants to put a stop to any of it.

          Then again I don’t listen to audio of any of them so I don’t care about her screechiness.

          • xyz says:

            I like some of Lizzie’s ideas on reducing high frequency trading and other shady bank stuff but Medicare for all or whatever she calls it is a non-starter. Plus I need the market to keep rolling for a few more years to ice retirement and I think she would bomb the indexes.

            • Alby says:

              The last part is probably true.

              Why don’t you like single-payer? It’s far more efficient for consumers. If you’re an investor I suppose you just don’t want to upset the playing field?

        • jason330 says:

          I take your response as an acknowledgement of what we all know to be true – Trump withheld aid in order to get Ukraine to help damage his political opponent.

          Now the next honest question, which you answered in advance, is what should the penalty be? You candidly and blythly suggest, none.

          That’s interesting to me.

        • John Kowalko says:

          Support for the murderous Putin’s/Russia’s agenda to invade a sovereign nation by denying/delaying aid is an act of “treason”. Denying and delaying this aid that would enable a democratically elected government of Ukraine to resist a hostile (to U.S. interests) invasion is an un-American and immoral act. Threatening and actually denying congressionally approved aid to an ally (Ukraine) that would enable them to resist the illegal and murderous actions of a hostile (Putin’s Russia) nation in order to extort information beneficial to a political (Trump’s) campaign is criminal. Donald Trump’s actions are immoral, criminal and acts of treason.
          Representative John Kowalko

          • xyz says:

            Yeah? Jim Jordan just murdered your star witness in plain sight on the House floor. Your treason charge looks pretty dead in the water, kid.

  8. xyz says:

    2nd phrase of the day for Dem witnesses – “well no, I didn’t hear the conversation directly”.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I hate to engage trolls, but you are aware, of course, that the White House and the State Department are preventing many of those who DID have direct conversations with the President from testifying.

      Seriously, are you getting paid to troll? I hope so b/c it’s a waste of money.

      • Rufus Y Kneedog says:

        What a fiasco. Hartley-Nagle grandstanding / complaining about this deal is ridiculous. It is an upgrade over where we are now, a $3 million loan secured by worthless software. This deal is probably the best chance to get some of the money back, and she’s trying to shoot it down? Where was County Council when this deal got cooked up in the first place?
        And good luck getting anyone else to leave money to the county for parkland preservation if this is how it winds up.

        • Alby says:

          It only winds up that way under a Gordon administration.

          KHN is not the stupidest politician I’ve ever met, but she’s close, and combined with her total ignorance of damn near everything she’s worse than the stupidity alone would allow.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Gym Jordan. The Joe Paterno of the US House.

  10. nathan arizona says:

    Adam Schiff has Andy Kaufman eyes. And he’s here to save the day. I hope.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Please note, I do not consider this metric at all and don’t necessarily think it’s an indication of anything. Not how I keep score, frankly.


      Capitalism has slaughtered far more people than Communism.

      Pass it on.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    Also, Julia Peter is the shit. For real.

    Birddogging everyone


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