Teabagging Day! Bet They Wish They Had Thought of Loose Tea

Filed in National by on April 15, 2009


Now, it is also Tax Day, so make sure that you have completed your Taxes and sent them in before you get involved with any Teabagging activities.  Somehow I don’t think that the IRS will take your Teabagging Events as a serious reason to not file.  So here we go:

This is what these guys are protesting today:


48% of Americans think that the amount they pay in taxes is about right — and while this is the most positive tax survey that Gallup has taken, it is pretty clear that folks have been moving to that position for awhile.  I’m not sure of this is a question of coming to terms with paying for the government you want (in direct opposition to the wingnut you can have allthe government you want for free — just not the social safety net stuff), but this is looking like we are growing up abit.

So how many teabags do they have to throw in the water to counteract this?

The there’s this:


Now I’m not going to do what our local rookie leaguers do and pretend that these polls are the final answer to anything.  They aren’t.  It is tough to argue with the tax trend, though and these approval ratings can change in a flash.  But as today’s bit of political theater, the Teabaggers have a real uphill climb here.  Even though they will speak as though most Americans want the current trajectory to change, they really don’t.  Which shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, since most Americans voted for Obama and they still want him to succeed.  Our Teabaggers basically want to rerun the election, which doesn’t look possible today given the current attitudes.

So here we go.  I know that the Huffington Post will be liveblogging some of the events and as we discover more venues we’ll post them here.  Are you hearing or reading any news from any of these events today?  Document it here….

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (23)

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  1. anon says:

    Obama is a Socialist! And he isn’t doing enough to save Social Security!!

  2. pandora says:

    LOL, anon! They are a confused bunch.

  3. does anyone think that first chart looks…ummm…phallic?

  4. John Manifold says:

    The Delaware GOP site is encouraging teabaggers to gather at the Riverfront:


  5. Knight Rider says:

    Is the Tea Party in Wilmington sponsored by the Delaware GOP?

  6. pandora says:

    John Cole tells us how to understand tea parties…

    Simply mentally replace the phrase “tea party” with “hissy fit” and it really clears things up.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m so excited! I feel like a kid at Christmas. What will those crazy teabaggers do?

    Steve Benen over at Washington Monthly has been asking the question (like a lot of us) “what do the teabaggers want?” Check out the answer he got from McQ at QandO:

    Much of the left, Steve Benen serving as a perfect example, are missing an essential point about the tea parties planned around the country. They aren’t about the level of taxation now. Instead, those attending them understand that with the massive spending undertaken by the federal government and the massive amounts of currency pumped into the system by the Federal Reserve, taxes aren’t going to remain anywhere near where they are now, no matter what politicians promise.

    LOL! So they’re protesting future tax increases that haven’t even happened yet. That’s the kind of long-term thinking that we’ve come to expect from Republicans.

    OK, who’s going to the Wilmington tea party? Are you going disguised as a teabagger? I’m dying to know.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL, DV. Now I think so.

  9. RSmitty says:

    I think DV just gave us a biographical example of what happens when one grabs his own “tea bag chart” with a little too much zeal on a daily basis. Dude, too much grip is detrimental. Relax it.

  10. anonone says:


    Now that you mention it, it kind of looks like one of those French condoms.

  11. anonone says:

    Hey RSmitty,

    Proud day to be a repub, eh? Are you going to teabag with Maria?

  12. anon says:

    It looks like the Dick Army reporting for duty.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Hey A1…
    (sorry, it’s a visual response)

  14. anonone says:

    sorry, it’s a visual response

    So you ARE teabagging with Maria! It is probably better for all of us if you don’t post pictures.

  15. RSmitty says:

    Nah, you’re number one in my book, A1.

    Hmm…it IS better than teabagging with David A, no?

    FTR, no, not participating, was never a consideration. This is as much non-partisan as is this blog.

  16. anonone says:

    it IS better than teabagging with David A, no?

    I wouldn’t know.

    But today is your day to teabag with either one or both together at the same time and let us all know.

    Compare and contrast.

  17. RSmitty says:

    Just say no, A1. You’re still number one.

  18. anonone says:

    Sorry, I already have a teabag partner.

    This would be a good day to fill out your card, RSmitty!

  19. John Manifold says:

    Is anyone free to brave the elements to take a team photo of the teabaggers? Would do so myself but am tied up.

  20. John,

    I’ll be there don’t worry. I’m not missing this for a million tax free dollars

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    I can’t wait to see DV’s report. Oh I’m going to be glued to the internet tonight. Scattered reports are starting to come in via Twitter. About 300 at the D.C. party.

  22. Unstable Isotope says:


    Please be careful.