Quote of the Day
We [the Republican Party] have to be comfortable recruiting candidates who do not fit the profile of an Alabama conservative.
— Steve Schmidt, McCain Campaign’s chief strategist
Tags: Radical Right
We [the Republican Party] have to be comfortable recruiting candidates who do not fit the profile of an Alabama conservative.
— Steve Schmidt, McCain Campaign’s chief strategist
Tags: Radical Right
I’ve been impressed with Steve Schmidt lately. I know he was a McCain advisor, and I thought that campaign was very poorly ran. Was the unfocused, hateful campaign because of Schmidt or despite of it? Either way, perhaps he’s found wisdom in loss.
All this Schmidt talking the truth shit wants me to despise him even more….
Meaning that he will sell out his own beliefs, for ones with he does not agree, just for political glory and cash.
I’m with you, VC. I often wonder how many of the Republican talking heads are true believers and how many are just shameless whores.
VC – You’re right, he would and he has, but unfortunately this particular affliction is not exclusively Republican. Why else would liberal Democrats oppose torture investigations for political expediency?
Schmidt’s general notion is right though. RSmitty and I exchanged a few comments along these lines over on that Mexican/GOP thread yesterday. Apparently Smitty’s a “progressive” Republican… who knew?!?!
Smitty’s a Teddy Rough Rider!
DG – In Obama’s case, i think he’s playing the “above the fray” card. No congressional investigation…and he’s right, it would appear too partisan (even if it weren’t). But the DoJ can investigate and prosecute without interference by Obama. Actually the only recourse Obama has to stop it would be to fire Holder, and that will not happen.
It’s a classic politcal move -Augustus perfected it; Obama’s using it.
Oh, I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it. I have to think BHO finds this despicable but is playing this game for political expediency, like I said. So how’s that different from Schmidt running McSame/Failin’ ’08?
Not to make an excuse, but not acting on your beliefs with everything at your disposal is not the same as ignoring your beliefs and carrying out the opposite.
As a married man, I’m sure you can appreciate the “tone” of any message. 😉
I see your points, VC and DG. I’m leaning towards VC’s position. If Obama leads this charge everything becomes political. And this is not political. If Dems were involved with torture they should suffer the same fate… maybe an even worse one!
Schmidt said another remarkable thing at yesterday’s meeting:
…If you read history about Bobby Kennedy’s unfinished race in ’68, this was, in my view, the unfinished Bobby Kennedy campaign – the idealism, the passion, the inspiration he gave to people, it was organic and it was real and it wasn’t manufactured at a tactical level in the campaign. It was a function of the president’s unique skill set and presence, and it was really taken advantage of by a campaign that for the first time using the social networking technology….
Apology to Alabama in 3… 2… 1…
Hey, the article notes Schmidt is also a college dropout (one class short and is finishing it online), weren’t we just talking about that in another thread?
What is it with these guys?
Some things can’t be taught?
I think Obama is trying to let the torture allegations play out. I’m sure he doesn’t want to get caught up in all the political maneuvering while he’s trying to get his ambitious agenda through. I hope that he’s not ruling out a judicial process, like a Special Prosecutor.
Public outcry is building. If that stops then Obama has to step in.
Just got back. I am suspicious of any statement that begins with the phrase “Not to make an excuse, but…” .
Obama is playing chess and the media is playing checkers.