President Obama Admits Jason330 Was Right All Along
You are going to hear a lot about this, so I will not belabor the fact that I was right all along when I said that the Presidency is about politics and policy in equal measure.
Nor will hear me talking about how early I diagnosed the problem, or about how much grief Obama could have saved himself (and the country) in the mid-terms if he had only listened to me.
I’m not going to mention any of that.
Biden should have clued him in… It’s Delaware man… Forget every other state… We have the answers.
(You can tell that by just how poorly the Republican party is doing here…btw) We, have the answers.
I am assuming jason and president obama mean president obama should have told us even more stories than he did. (all he did was tell stories), he certainly did no work. This is a story the white house h has been telling for 31 consecutive months, ” you should not read to much into any one months unemployment numbers.”
Now another new story comes our way from the administration, david france, executive director of the loan department for the department of energy, says the loans to solyndra were an enormous success. I just have one question, what is his definition of failure
I’d rather hear a story from President Obama than the lies from W, Cheney & Rmoney.
Jason, here is my bet for you. I offered to bet anyone a dollar that romney will win 40 states including california. Zero people took me up on my bet, so I am now taking that bet off the table. Here is my new bet for jason, and jason only. I still say romney will win at least 40 states, including california. Here is my bet to jason, if, on november 7th, 2012, I am right, then jason has to state that rusty dils is way smarter than him. If I am wrong, then I have to state that jason is way smarter than me. I need an answer on or before july 16 for the bet to be valid. Jason, if you have a question, about the bet, just ask
If Romney wins 40 states I’ll change my voter registration to Republican. If he wins fewer than 40, you can change yours.
Jason, I will take your bet
A new graph out shows how much lower unemployment would be, and how many less people would be losing their homes if only obama had told more stories
you mean the graph showing the projected recovery that was blocked by the GOP when they undercut the stimulus for political gain. It isnt new. we’ve all see it.