
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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The Threat to Wages from the Status Quo

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 7 Comments
The Threat to Wages from the Status Quo

From the Kaiser Family Foundation: Since 1999 (through 2008), total premiums paid by employers for family employee sponsored health insurance has risen 119%; and the portion paid by the employees themselves has gone up 117%. And the smaller the firm you work for, the less likely you are to keep your coverage. In addition, out-of-pocket […]

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So When Are the Carper, Kaufman and Castle Local Town Halls?

Filed in Delaware by on August 12, 2009 13 Comments

According to this Community News article:

For now, none of the three are holding public forums or town hall meetings before returning to the Capitol Sept. 8, according to their aides.

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In Which We See a Castle vs Biden Senate Race Becomes the CW

Filed in National by on August 11, 2009 15 Comments
In Which We See a Castle vs Biden Senate Race Becomes the CW

Tom Schaller over at Five Thirty Eight takes a long look at the possibility of a Republican taking the Senate seat previously held by Barack Obama. He cites an article written over at the Rothenberg Political Report notes that a seat held by someone who has gone to the White House (either President or VP) has flipped 50% of the time, but since the numbers involved are pretty small it is hard to know what that means. But before he gets to looking at the landscape of the Senate race in IL, he stops in Delaware first:

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Lobbyists to the IC’s Office?

Filed in Delaware by on August 11, 2009 30 Comments

On 30 July 2009, the Delaware Insurance Commissioner’s office sent out a Press Release announcing their “new” initiative for “the formation of a new revenue generating division within the Department of Insurance entitled the Bureau of Captive and Financial Insurance Products”. There was a subsequent Press Release, this time working hard at making the case that this is an economic development task for the state.

A bit of small print at the end of the first Press Release caught my attention:

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This is How It is Supposed To Work

Filed in National by on August 10, 2009 10 Comments

The peripatetic Mike Stark went to a Town Hall Meeting for held by Rep. Tom Perriello in rural VA, and found an interesting dynamic:

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Briefing on the Progress of Health Insurance Legislation Tonite

Filed in National by on August 10, 2009 9 Comments

There is an event tonite in Newark to providing up-to-date information and some training on the current state of the health insurance reform effort:

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Now This is How It’s Done

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 11 Comments

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has an interview with CNN where she is asked about the idiot John Bolton — and she just laughs: [youtube][/youtube] When they bring up their usual go-to pundits who are peddling the usual crazy and bamboozlement — you laugh at them. Treating them seriously just gets them more airtime. ps. […]

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Late Night Video –Blip

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 1 Comment

[vimeo][/vimeo] by Sean Mullen

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Orly Taitz MSNBC Meltdown — The Remix

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 3 Comments

Awesome — behold our favorite dropout from the RuPaul School of Beauty: [youtube][/youtube]

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Townhalls Gone Wild! — The Commerical

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 4 Comments

Get yours TODAY!

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Is This All There Is?

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 4 Comments

…and the usual repub thuggery, of course. But Chuck Grassley took to the floor to for a ritual WTF? moment, and Jon Stewart deconstructs the tale Grassley so ineptly tries to tell: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

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Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 29 Comments
Afternoon Open Thread

What is going on that interests you this afternoon?

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Doof of the Day

Filed in National by on August 4, 2009 19 Comments

“If you like the Post Office and the Department of Motor Vehicles and you think they’re run well, just wait till you see Medicare, Medicaid and health care done by the government.”

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