
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Late Night Video — Hey White Guys

Filed in National by on August 15, 2012 0 Comments

This was on dKos some days back and thought I’d post it up here as a shout-out to Colin Flaherty as he is barricaded in his undisclosed location waiting for the RACE RIOT.

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NCCo Executive Debate — WDEL

Filed in Delaware by on August 15, 2012 63 Comments

There is a debate tonite between the Democratic contenders for NCCo Executive. This is hosted by WDEL and the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce at the NCCo Chamber Building located at 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE 19720. Don’t know if this is open to the public, but WDEL is broadcasting this live from 6 until 7:30.

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Wednesday Open Thread [8.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 15, 2012 8 Comments

Wednesday! Two more days til the weekend. Here is a new ad released by Team Obama hitting back on the Rmoney lies about Medicare:

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Campaign Finance Reports

Filed in Delaware by on August 15, 2012 50 Comments

30 day Campaign Finance reports for the 9/11 primary were due yesterday — 8/14/2012 — to the Department of Elections. Looking over finance reports is a good deal of fun and you can judge something about campaigns by the amount of money raised and *who* they raise it from. If you want to start perusing some reports, take a look

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Late Night Video — Happy Birthday Alfred Hitchcock

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on August 14, 2012 0 Comments

Actually, yesterday, 13 August would have been Sir Alfred’s birthday. But the video is a compilation of the majority (not all) of his cameo appearances in his films.

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Tuesday Open Thread [8.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 14, 2012 15 Comments

So what is going on in your part of the world today? We have a couple of clips of Governor Markell making the rounds talking about Paul Ryan:

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Great States to Live in for the Future

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 14, 2012 17 Comments
Great States to Live in for the Future

Gallup developed what it calls the Gallup-Healthways Wellbeing Index to try to determine the states with the best expectations for future livability. Sad to report, Delaware is not in the top 10. We are in the bottom 10, though.

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Late Night Video — Gov Markell Challenges Ryan on Economic Policy

Filed in National by on August 13, 2012 2 Comments

This clip is from October last year (2011) from a CNBC program where Ryan is spinning up the usual talking points about lowering taxes, how there is no budget, and the business “uncertainty” canard. Governor Markell appears at the 4:30 mark to push back some on what business leaders tell him:

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Monday Open Thread [8.13.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 13, 2012 13 Comments
Monday Open Thread [8.13.12]

So there has been two days of chatter on Rmoney-Ryan (I saw a cartoon over the weekend that transformed the Romney logo into the Rolls Royce logo for Romney-Ryan, wish I could find that again), what do you hear?

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Welcoming Romney to Florida

Filed in National by on August 13, 2012 4 Comments

So Multiple Choice Mitt is traveling to Florida today to sell Floridians on the idea that they have to accept cuts to Medicare in order to make sure that Romney and his family gets a massive new tax cut. The Obama Team sent out this video as a welcome mat:

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(Re)Introducing the Ryan Plan That Romney Endorses

Filed in National by on August 11, 2012 18 Comments

Well that didn’t take long — Team Obama released a video earlier today that reminds people what the Ryan Budget means for Americans and reminds everyone that Mitt Romney wanted to see it passed by the Congress:

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Saturday Open Thread [8.11.12]

Filed in National by on August 11, 2012 4 Comments

Today is the Workers Stand for America Rally being held in Philly at the Eakins Oval. Not sure if any DL commenters plan on being there, but visit the website for information and take a look at America’s Second Bill of Rights being proposed by the labor organizers

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Wow Are They Done Already?

Filed in National by on August 11, 2012 3 Comments

That was fast. And I’m not sure anyone got in a leisurely cigarette afterwards. Politico (yes, yes, I KNOW) is reporting on the current positioning of the GOP field for 2016. You read that right, 2016.

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