(Re)Introducing the Ryan Plan That Romney Endorses

Filed in National by on August 11, 2012

Well that didn’t take long — Team Obama released a video earlier today that reminds people what the Ryan Budget means for Americans and reminds everyone that Mitt Romney wanted to see it passed by the Congress:


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (18)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Checking in with Intrade — Rmoney got a small tick up in share price. The same tick up that President Obama shares got.

  2. Jason330 says:

    “Back to the failed top down policies that crashed our economy.” I love that part. Never let Bush off the hook. Never allow anyone one to forget that all their bullshit has been tried and failed miserably.

  3. traveler says:

    The Romney-Ryan ticket resounded loudly today with Republicans, Independents and many Democrats. Say what you want but their speeches in both Norfolk and Manassas resounded loudly in America today.
    Their message was clear and concise; the failed policy of the Obama administration will no longer be accepted nor can Obama blame his horribly failed policy on the Bush administration.

  4. X Stryker says:

    SNL needs to hire Zach Woods (Gabe from The Office) like now.

    It won’t let post the image inline, but here’s the link:

  5. Jason330 says:

    Here is some resounding…

    “Under Paul Ryan’s plan, Mitt Romney wouldn’t pay any taxes for the next ten years — or any of the years after that. Now, do I know that that’s true. Yes, I’m certain.
    Well, maybe not quite nothing. In 2010 — the only year we have seen a full return from him — Romney would have paid an effective tax rate of around 0.82 percent under the Ryan plan, rather than the 13.9 percent he actually did. How would someone with more than $21 million in taxable income pay so little? Well, the vast majority of Romney’s income came from capital gains, interest, and dividends. And Ryan wants to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends.”.

    Oh baby.

  6. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Oh yes, Traveler — the ticket did ‘resound’ loudly — isn’t ‘re-sound’ what beans do three hours later?

    After all, it is worth noting that ‘Unca Scrooge’ passed over the first three nephews, Huey (Christie), Screwy (Bachmann or her crazy Uncle Ron Paul), and Dewey (any Republican who remembers what classic conservatism is) to pick the fourth nephew, Phooey.

    But it really is a shame that you are merely a drive-by earning his Koch Brothers Green Stamps for trolling. I’d love to actually engage you in a debate over those supposed ‘horribly failed policies’ like the ones that keep some of us healthy and out of bankruptcy court, the ones that saved the auto industry, and the ones that have ‘failed’ because republicans filibustered them into oblivion — like the jobs bills, the DREAM Act, and the second GI Bill (note to trolls, the FIRST GI Bill was the single greatest ‘job creator’ in American History).

    But you are long gone, heading to other places where you’ll fill another page in the stamp book. (And how will you feel when you win a lifetime supply of Brawny Towels, Dixie Cups, and a complete set of the works of Ayn Rand — if they are out of them, ordinary toilet paper will be substituted?)

  7. Truth Teller says:

    It didn’t Take Mittens long to Flip Flop on Ryan he did it on the first stop after Norfolk.

  8. Geezer says:

    Obama doesn’t have any “horribly failed policies” — if you checked, you’d notice that the Dow is double what it was when Bush dropped the ball — and it certainly is all Bush’s fault.

    Traveler, eh? Got your stars and bars flyin’ there, Gomer?

  9. Truth Teller says:

    Geezer you are correct the Dow was below 7,000 and 401Ks were in the tank when President Obama took over the Dow is now above 13,000 not a bad showing for a guy who has been called a socialist. Also in the past 44 months in which Obama has been at the helm more private sector jobs have been created in that period that were created under Bush’s 8 years.
    And remember folks Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored as much as the Repuks would like you to believe

  10. Truth Teller says:

    The Ryan plan is something Mittens understands for his tax liability would go from under 15% to a mere 1% I wish we could all get that kind of a deal

  11. traveler says:

    The DOW is being artificially overbought by the printing of more money by the FEDS as well as behind the scenes by the Obama Administration. Most everyone realizes that fact except you. When his policies finally completely and utterly fail, so will the DOW.
    There are large investors sucking in the smaller investors with the artificially overbought DOW, who will be the first to take the profits before the small investors can recoup their investments. The whole thing is a giant PONZI scheme.

  12. jenl says:

    Paul Ryan is better than Romney when it comes to public speaking but he certainly doesn’t wow you unless you are already in his camp. They are not personally persuasive. Politically that’s a real problem.

  13. traveler says:

    At least you got me laughing. You could be a stand-up comedian. From the age of green stamps, you must be as old as me. Not too many of the young remember green stamps. My mother used to save them in the early sixties but so did everybody, no matter what economic class they originated from. Back then, green stamps were as American as apple pie.
    The bad thing is, I simply don’t have the time or inclination to invest in a drawn out debate with you on the failed policies of the last two administrations. America needs to look to the future instead of reviewing the past and arguing. The ultimate solution would be for the two major parties to learn to work together. There have been great ideas from both sides.
    However you and I both know that is not going to happen.

  14. Jason330 says:

    travy wants to bring back the successful economic policies of the Bush administration. LMAO. Reality impaired does not being to describe it.

  15. Truth Teller says:

    IN 14 years in the house Ryan has had 2 bills passed one naming a post office and the other taking care of a big donor something to do with arrows. And i think that he believes his salary is worth his efforts.

  16. traveler says:


    “LMAO,” You’re all a$$, you must be laughing from every pore in your body.

    If you’ll notice my last post, I said the failed policies of the last two administrations.” Is it that you can’t read clearly?

  17. Geezer says:

    “Most everyone realizes that fact except you.”

    Really? Got any links?

  18. Bob says:

    Love that ad. It shows all the usual left wing spinmeisters doing their thing. The music adds to the comedy well. Meanwhile, if interest rates were to just rise to historical averages, the debt service in the no budget Obama’s years would blow a hole that will implode the whole US economy. The Dow inflated with Fed pumping will crash, main street will be a battle zone and the government will have no way, absolutely no way, of making good on any its obligations. Forget about Medicare which is on the Obama track for insolvency in a few short years. That will simply be one of many disasters sped up to the present. As the nonsense is spewed by my fellow comment writers here, just try to get your head around one simple fact for now. The Ryan Plan was sponsored by a democrat senator and it passed one house. Dirty Harry had the opportunity to tear it to bits or actually make substantive changes agreeable to the left but he followed the Obama strategy by burying it. No intelligent discussion and debate allowed. The presidents three annual budget jokes earned something around a half dozen votes for all combined pitiful attempts. Now, that’s Obama leadership. Punt the ball on first down and expect the special teams slobbering media to force a fumble with the same old worn scare tactics. Its the spending and buying of votes from increasing numbers of dependent people that will destroy us. 43 cents of every dollar spent is borrowed. Tax revenues can not fix this disaster. No intermediate algebra nor elementary level required to comprehend this issue. Simple math is something the slobbering class uses every trick in the book to divert and distort the dumbed-down electorate. The only semblance of a design for the future from this White House is the Cloward-Piven Plan.