
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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QOTD — Should Republicans Speak at the DNC Convention?

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 16 Comments

TPM (via the dreaded POLITICO) reports that the DNC is thinking of including 2 or 3 moderate Republican leaders to the speaking lineup for the convention. What do you think about this idea?

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Guest Post: Westside Wilmington Mayoral Debate

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 26 Comments

This summary of the Monday 6 August Mayoral Debate focused on Wilmington’s Westside and their revitalization program was offered as a comment by Kiki to the thread I posted with notice of this event. I thought this was an excellent summary and worthy of its own post.

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POTUS As Press Critic

Filed in National by on August 9, 2012 3 Comments

This is an article close to my news junkie heart: President Obama is an Avid Reader, and Critic, of the News. This is worth reading for the whole (short) thing, but I was intrigued that he read his news mostly via iPad (where you really could read all of the newspapers — take that Sarah Palin!) and that he watches very little TV news. And I admit intrigued because this is largely how I get my news — I can wade through the information, get a sense of the narratives out there without having to sit through the dumbed down shoutfests. But that’s just me. And the President.

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The Romney Campaign Goes Old School — Here Come the Welfare Queens!

Filed in National by on August 8, 2012 12 Comments

One of the signature dishonest (of many) tales told by Ronald Reagan was one of some Chicago woman who was able to put together enough fraudulent participation in enough government programs to net more than $100K per year. Even as Reagan never named this woman and no one could find a public record of anyone who was that productive in getting government assistance. Certainly no one who was caught and tried for the fraud that this would have represented. This exaggerated tale was often repeated, never substantiated but it did its job — tap into existing resentments and stereotypes of welfare cheats — even though the typical welfare recipient never looked the way the stereotype had it. It was more dogwhistle politics from the ultimate dogwhistler — one who kicked off his campaign at the Neshoba County State Fair (county where Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman were murdered), calling for a reinstatement of “state’s rights”. This was,of course, a coded message promising these folks to roll back the rights the Feds were giving to minorities. And now that he is cornered on the issue of his tax releases, Mitt Romney has decided that the Gipper’s dogwhistles can work for him too.

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Marriage Equality in Delaware in 2013?

Filed in National by on August 7, 2012 38 Comments

Governor Markell spoke to the Huffington Post and tells them that he thinks that marriage equality in Delaware might be as close as 2013, when he expects the legislature to take it up. That is a surprise and it is good news.

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Late Night Video — The Doors Sing the Reading Rainbow Theme

Filed in National by on August 6, 2012 3 Comments

This is one freakin’ awesome bit with Jimmy Fallon chanelling Jim Morrison to sign the once ubiquitous “Reading Rainbow” theme. This one just might become my favorite — after the one where Fallon channels Neil Young singing Willow Smith’s Flip My Hair.

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Wilmington West Side Candidates Night

Filed in National by on August 5, 2012 8 Comments

Wilmington candidates for Mayor and City Council will be at this event Monday night, August 6 that specifically focuses on Wilmington’s West Side. Sponsored by Westside Grows, this event is meant to give residents of the West Side of Wilmington a chance to hear how candidates will help them to address their specific issues and in how to help them to implement their Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.

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Sunday Open Thread [8.5.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 5, 2012 9 Comments

So how about those Olympics? Are you watching? What do you think? According to this Gawker article, Every Single Person in America is Pissed at NBC’s Olympic Coverage. Use this thread to tell us what you think.

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Late Night Video — Bad Romance

Filed in National by on August 2, 2012 1 Comment

And now for something completely different: a parody video of Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance song, redone to pay homage to Alice Paul and the women who fought for the passage of the 19th Amendment.

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Late Night Video — The Gayest Chicken

Filed in National by on August 1, 2012 1 Comment

KFC’s Colonel Sanders makes the pitch for KFC as your gay friendly fast food chicken choice. John Goodman does the honors as the Colonel and this is probably NSFW:

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Late Night Video — ALEC Rock

Filed in National by on July 29, 2012 1 Comment

By the great Mark Fiore, who starts with the great Schoolhouse Rock version of I’m Just A Bill, and shows how ALEC has run roughshod over the whole process. Click through for the video.

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Sunday Open Thread [7.29.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 29, 2012 3 Comments

It looks like the world is captured by the Olympics and the entire #RomneyShambles business. Here are some interesting reads during Olympic commerical breaks:

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Mitt Romney Goes to London to Get His Ugly American On

Filed in National by on July 26, 2012 17 Comments

It is an unfortunate stereotype, but why in heck would you — a Presidential hopeful– travel to a host country (hoping for lots of positive photo ops, hoping to look statesmanlike), then launch into a criticism of their signature event? That event being the Olympics and supposedly the source of Romney’s hoped for photo ops. This is also a country currently under Conservative control (they might be your allies, dude) and one where you have just told the world that the current President doesn’t treat as a special partner. But Romney goes to London and tells NBC news:

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