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The Daily Delawhere – November 12, 2016

Filed in National by on November 12, 2016 0 Comments


The statuary in All Saints Cemetery in suburban Wilmington is distinctive and modern. At least one statue, that of the Holy Family, was sculpted by noted Italian sculptor Egidio Giaroli.

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The Daily Delawhere – November 11, 2016

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Autumn - All about leaves

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The Daily Delawhere – November 10, 2016

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Graffiti on some of the doors to Old Swedes Church, at 7th & Church Streets in Wilmington, is almost 200 years old. Carvings may be almost 300 years old. At the bottom of this door, a date of 1839 can be seen with some of the graffiti.

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The Daily Delawhere – November 9, 2016

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Farmland along Ashland Clinton School Road in Ashland.

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Election Results Thread

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 79 Comments
Election Results Thread

Post what you are seeing and hearing.

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The November 8, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 11 Comments
The November 8, 2016 Thread

Emma Green at The Atlantic:

She’s ready.

Hillary Clinton stood before a crowd of tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia on Monday night, sounding hoarse from her days of campaigning, wearing a bright red pantsuit as if to dare anyone to make fun it, the night before her historic election. She did not declare the race over, but the whole event felt breathtakingly close to a victory party. Clinton is ready to be off the campaign trail, and to be president of the United States.

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What are you seeing and hearing at the polls?

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 46 Comments
What are you seeing and hearing at the polls?

So I voted. Guess who for? LOL. So what are you seeing and hearing out there today. Use this thread to report your voting experiences. And report any problems you encounter out there, whether they be with poll workers, machines, or Trump supporters trying to intimidate voters.

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The Daily Delawhere – November 8, 2016

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Fall colors are showing along Upper Pike Creek Road in Pike Creek.

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General Assembly Predictions

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 7 Comments
General Assembly Predictions

The Democrats are not in jeopardy of losing the House. In fact, I predict they will pick up two seats, the 9th RD with Monique Johns in Jason330’s Upset Special, and Bradley Connor in the 41st RD. That would give the Dems 27 seats again, and the Republicans will have 14 seats. As for the Senate…

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My Final Prediction

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 8 Comments

Final Prediction

A Latino blue wave sweeps Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Texas, though not quite enough yet to turn the Lone Star state blue. Texas will be a two to three point race, and a swing state from here on out. Hillary Clinton’s ground operation wins North Carolina and Ohio, but is not quite enough to turn Iowa blue, probably because the state has just been trending extremely red since 2012. It is also the whitest state in the nation. There will be no congressional district splits in Maine or Nebraska, after all the attention placed on both.

The final popular vote margin will be Hillary 51, Trump 43, Other 6.

Dems will come very close to winning the House because of the blue Latino wave. They will win unexpected seats in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, California, Texas and Florida because of it. I am just not sure they will win enough to take the majority. Either way, Paul Ryan will have an ungovernable majority of maybe 5 seats.

Dems will take the majority in the Senate after winning Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Florida, Missouri, Nevada and Arizona. That’s a net pick up of 9 seats, for a 54-46 majority.

In Delaware, no surprises on the Statewides: Carney, Blunt Rochester, Hall Long, Navarro all win. Meyer wins in New Castle County.

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The November 7, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 9 Comments
The November 7, 2016 Thread

In case you have not read the New York Times inside story on the final week of the Trump campaign, it is a must read. We learn that Corey Lewandowski, CNN’s pro-Trump “analyst”, “still talk[s] to the candidate frequently,” that Ivanka Trump “discouraged” the campaign from promoting her own ad for her father, fearing it would damage her own businesses (I hope she is bankrupt next year); that Trump’s inner circle finally wrestled his phone and Twitter away from him; that Steve Bannon’s pants literally caught fire while helping to write one of Trump’s speeches (bringing new meaning to liar liar pants on fire); that Trump doesn’t use a computer and, apparently, can’t wrap his mind around the idea that other people do, so he “rails against the campaign’s expenditure of tens of millions on digital ads, skeptical that spots he never sees could have any effect;” that Trump’s Gettysburg speech was supposed to be something more dignified and highbrow, but Trump “insisted” that he instead use the event to lash out at women accusing him of sexual assault; and that Trump does not do well with alone-time.

Aboard his gold-plated jumbo jet, the Republican nominee does not like to rest or be alone with his thoughts, insisting that aides stay up and keep talking to him. He prefers the soothing, whispery voice of his son-in-law. He requires constant assurance that his candidacy is on track. […] And he is struggling to suppress his bottomless need for attention.

The article opens with the revelation that Donald Trump is not sleeping, and the end of the article says that Trump believes that he will win. The latter is probably because of the former.

We also learn that Trump has fired his pollster and so all these late campaign moves, visits to Minnesota and Michigan are not because his campaign has numbers showing close races (as they have been lying about), but because his aides decided to literally play around with the 270towin electoral college simulation game to find different paths to 270. I’m serious. So all these Democrats here and elsewhere who have been so fearful of the Trump surge should perhaps change their sheets and buck up. He is who we thought he was.

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The Story of Her

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 0 Comments

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The Daily Delawhere – November 7, 2016

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 0 Comments

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