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Saturday Daily Delawhere [9.12.2015]

Filed in National by on September 12, 2015 2 Comments

A late summer view of the Ocean in Lewes. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Friday Open Thread [9.11.2015]

Filed in National by on September 11, 2015 12 Comments
Friday Open Thread [9.11.2015]

Republican consultant Steve Schmidt, who presumably sympathizes with National Review and Club for Growth, described their frustrations as the result of a fatal disjunction between mass conservatism and the ideology that’s supposed to underlie it. “We’re at this moment in time,” Schmidt told NPR recently, “when there’s a severability between conservatism and issues. Conservatism is now expressed as an emotional sentiment. That sentiment is contempt and anger.”

This explains Trump’s rise and persistence, but fails to account for how “contempt and anger” became such valuable currency in Republican politics today. That omission is predictable, because such an accounting would implicate nearly everyone who now claims to be astonished and dismayed by the Trump phenomenon.

It’s difficult to pinpoint when resentment became a controlling force in Republican politics, but Club for Growth, National Review, and Schmidt all contributed to it.

Republicans in 2008 were contemptuous and angry that their ideology of preemptive war and supply side economics were revealed to be bankrupt and responsible for the horrible mess the country found itself in. Not that the horrible events of two failed wars and an economic depression that they were directly responsible for made them angry. No, they were angry that they were found out. They were angry that the were shoved out of power because of it. Power belongs to conservatives. Always. And they were very very very angry that the person doing the shoving was black.

Republicans, all of them, everywhere, began an opposition of total obstruction. And they maintained it through anger and contempt. Every action taken by the black usurper was an action of a genocidal tyrant bent on conservative white people’s immediate, imminent destruction. Everything was an outrage.

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8:46. 9:03. 9:37. 9:59. 10:07. 10:28.

Filed in National by on September 11, 2015 2 Comments
8:46. 9:03. 9:37. 9:59. 10:07. 10:28.

A lot of horror can be released in 102 minutes. We should remember it. We should remember those we lost in those minutes. And we should remember the sacrifice of those who tried to help.

But we shouldn’t dwell in anger and hate. We have gotten our vengeance. Our revenge. It is time to move on. We shouldn’t be seeing posters like this on Facebook……

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Biden’s Honest and Emotional Appearance on Colbert

Filed in National by on September 11, 2015 4 Comments
Biden’s Honest and Emotional Appearance on Colbert

Come inside to watch the videos of the Vice President’s appearance last night on Colbert. It is a paradox. This is the kind of man that needs to be our leader. Honest and Authentic. A true family man. And yet, because of that, I don’t think he will run. Because he knows he doesn’t have it in him.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [9.11.2015]

Filed in National by on September 11, 2015 0 Comments

Rowhomes on 4th Street in New Castle. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Still my favorite Biden GIF of all time

Filed in National by on September 10, 2015 6 Comments


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Thursday Open Thread [9.10.2015]

Filed in National by on September 10, 2015 14 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [9.10.2015]

Ed Kilgore says the GOP can screw up a one car funeral. Greg Sargent says the GOP is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of defeat.

What am I talking about? Well, we all know that the Iran Deal is done. President Obama has secured the support of enough Democrats in the House and Senate to not only sustain his veto of the potential Disapproval Resolution from the Congress, but also to filibuster the Resolution in the Senate so that it never passes in the first place. And that is not sitting well with your Radical Republican. They hate it when the President and America wins. So instead of going through with the vote on the Iran Deal and passing their Disapproval Resolution, radical conservatives in the House have hatched a new plan that is also doomed for failure.

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I think this cartoon gets updated every week….

Filed in National by on September 10, 2015 1 Comment


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We are 3 for 3

Filed in National by on September 10, 2015 6 Comments
We are 3 for 3

The remaining member of our Congressional delegation, Congressman John Carney (D), came out in favor of the Iran Deal yesterday.

His statement from his Facebook page:

After much thought and consideration, I have decided to support the Iran nuclear deal. I appreciate hearing from so many of you on this issue, and I know this is something many feel passionately about.

I am under no illusions that we can count on Iran to adhere to this deal in good faith. That being said, this agreement allows us to immediately ‘snap-back’ sanctions should Iran cheat. It also curtails Iran’s nuclear program by blocking its pathway to a bomb. I do not believe it’s possible to go back to the negotiating table, and I have concluded that this deal is better than no deal at all.

You see, that is why I am so fucking angry at this staged rendering of the garments by Carney and Coons. If Iran reneges on the deal, then guess what? The sanctions get reimposed immediately AND we bomb the ever loving shit out of them. That is obvious to everyone.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [9.10.2015]

Filed in National by on September 10, 2015 2 Comments

Photo by Melinda Chaffinch.

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We Stand with the Democratic Six.

Filed in National by on September 9, 2015 4 Comments
We Stand with the Democratic Six.

Last year, the budget deficit, which fluctuated between $60 and 83 million dollars, could have been solved by the implementation of new progressive tax rates on the wealthy alone. But we did nothing and now we have double the budget deficit. That was the main objection of the Democratic Six to the budget that passed last year. Their no votes were a reflection of disappointment that the can was kicked down the road.

Guess what? Pete Schwartzkopf is not that strong of a kicker. Because “down the road” is January 2016. That’s about 100 days from now. And no one time settlement money or budget gimmicks is going to balance the budget this year. And Pete Schwartzkopf is going to have to get over his hurt feelings, and not engage in petty retaliation against the six. Instead, he is going to have to follow their lead on the budget. We did it your way last year, Pete. Now we are going to do it our way.

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Wednesday Open Thread [9.9.2015]

Filed in National by on September 9, 2015 5 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [9.9.2015]

First Read says the Iran Deal is done, but the fighting over it isn’t. Yesterday, four Democratic Senators came out in support, bringing the total to 42 Democrats in support, which means that there are more than enough Democrats to filibuster the disapproval resolution so as to prevent it from ever getting to the President’s desk. Chris Coons might vote with the Republicans on the filibuster, since he has said that he wants up or down vote. Whatever. I could criticize him for that, but I won’t. He has already been damaged by his summer of Angst and Grandstanding, that my only reaction to the latest news that me might not filibuster is to roll my eyes.

“If you looked at all of today’s events, you’d think that we’re at some tipping point in the debate over the Iran deal. The Democratic and GOP frontrunners — Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump — are making dueling arguments regarding the deal. And Congress is equally fired up today. But much like the Battle of New Orleans, all of these rhetorical guns are being fired as the war over the Iran deal is essentially a done deal. The story is over, but the talking (or fighting) isn’t.”

“We found that out yesterday after the Obama White House got 42 Senate Democrats to support the deal — one more than what’s needed to filibuster a resolution of disapproval, which would prevent the president from even having to issue a veto. (Now all of these 42 Senate Dems might not be committed to a filibuster right now, but do they want to have to take additional votes? That’s the question they’ll be facing.) So consider today a day full of sound and fury signifying nothing. As for Obama, the Iran deal represents his biggest achievement of his second term. But like with his other wins, it’s never pretty or easy. He may be getting what he wants, but it’s hardly a victory lap when bipartisan majorities in Congress and in the public aren’t celebrating with you.”

Once again Chuck Todd gives one last handjob to the ghost of Bipartisanship. Who the fuck cares about bipartisanship? I care about Partisanship. I don’t want the Republicans agreeing with me, for it makes me think I am being tricked into something or that I am wrong in some way.

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The Glacier Speech

Filed in National by on September 9, 2015 4 Comments

DR Tucker at the Washington Monthly thinks the President’s speech last week at the GLACIER conference in Alaska will down in the history books.

They should teach this speech in schools.

Future generations are going to look back upon the date of August 31, 2015 and thank President Obama for stating, in clear, bold and stark terms, the immorality of carbon pollution and the moral necessity of taking action to defend the only planet we have. His speech to the “Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience” conference in Anchorage, Alaska was a soul-stirring call to action, and a testament to the power of words to awake the international conscience.

Excerpts cannot do this speech justice. It must be watched, in full, to appreciate its grace and power.

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