El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 7, 2020 13 Comments

Trump Runs For Presidency–Of The Confederacy.  He’s determined to take NASCAR with him.  Backwards reels the mind. The Rogues’ Gallery Of Small Business Loan Recipients.  Fossil Fuel Companies Just Steal Money. As, Of Course, Do Companies With Trump Ties. Here’s The Most Egregious Rethug Recipient. Let’s Not Forget The Dallas Megachurch That Hosted Pence, And […]

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DL Open Thread: Monday, July 6, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 6, 2020 4 Comments

Border Wall To Keep Americans From Infecting Mexicans?  Finally, a justification for Mexico paying for that wall.  To keep Americans out. The Toxic Swamp Comprised Of Lobbyists And Trump Administration Officials.  Great reporting from the NYTimes. Trump’s Race-Baiting Strategy: Changing The Subject On Steroids.  Having completely defaulted on fighting the coronavirus,  Trump has landed on […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, July 5, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 5, 2020 8 Comments

Trump’s National Garden Of American Heroes.  Featuring such ‘heroes’ as the Rev. Billy Graham and Antonin Scalia. I think we all see what he’s trying to do here. Militia Groups Descend On Gettysburg To Defend American Flags From Non-Existent Antifa Threat.  Years of consuming nothing but propaganda have completely eliminated any critical thinking skills they […]

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DL Open Thread: July 4, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 4, 2020 9 Comments

Trump Uses Mt. Rushmore To Decry ‘Left-Wing Cultural Revolution’.  He can’t, and won’t change.  Kim Guilfoyle, Trump Jr’s latest paramour, missed the event as she tested positive for the fake virus. Trump’s Switching Convention From Charlotte To Jacksonville Leaves Donors And Party In The Lurch.  Revel in the schadenfreude.  A total clusterbleep. Lawless NYPD Refuses […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: June 26-July 2, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 3, 2020 8 Comments

I was gonna wait until after the holiday weekend to write this, but too much stuff happened. Plenty of stuff will happen over the next two weeks as we approach the filing deadline for state and local races.  Meaning, for now, I’m back to doing this weekly. 1.  Colin Bonini Makes It A Five-Way For […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, July 3, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 3, 2020 4 Comments

Supreme Court Backs Restrictions On Voting In Alabama.  A late Thursday night decision before the holiday weekend. 5-4, of course. Trump Campaign Vs. Omarosa.  Rampant harassment backed by an illegal NDA: Government employees can’t be bound by NDA’s. First Amendment, you know. Barr Fires SDNY Head Berman. Successor He Didn’t Want Indicts Ghislaine Maxwell.  We […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, July 2, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 2, 2020 15 Comments

Which Will Disappear First–Trump Or The Virus?  My money is on Trump–although it probably won’t be until November.  He has just given up on the coronavirus, he’s taken it personally. At this point,he’s a sick senior dog, blind and with only three legs. Afghan Middleman Handed Out Russian Bounties For Killing American Soldiers.  Oh, and […]

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DL EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Dave McBride Publicly Pushed For The Restoration Of The Whipping Post In Delaware

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 2, 2020 26 Comments

Publicly, as in nationally-syndicated TV. Specifically the Morton Downey, Jr. Show back in 1989. But I’m getting ahead of myself.  First, the story, which had remained in the recesses of my brain until I read this article today. and it had a mind-meld mash-up with Black Lives Matter. A brief excerpt will suffice: But in […]

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DL Open Thread: Weds., July 1, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 1, 2020 5 Comments

Is Trump Toast?  Yes, I think so. Historical precedent also suggests it’s so. Russia Paid The Taliban.  Hey, maybe it was just for poppy seeds.  Trump has no good defense.  He’s only gonna have the dead-enders voting for him. Medicaid Expansion Voted In By Oklahoma Voters.  Voted into Oklahoma’s constitution, no less.  In Colorado, a […]

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: June 2020

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on July 1, 2020 0 Comments

This set sure runs the gamut.  I  done found you some real good stuff: Hey, this band is seriously cool.  I want one more, meaning you’re gonna get one more: Phoebe Bridgers can do anything she wants to. My fave album of the year so far: Dylan And Whitman: 1967 called. They want their song […]

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 30, 2020 11 Comments

Trump Can’t Escape Bounty Debacle, Instead Stands By Putin.  Did he know in February?  Or was it in 2019?  Can ‘He doesn’t read’ really be a defense for abdicating perhaps his most sacred responsibility as President?  Trump had better hope that none of the parents of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan speak out publicly.  Trump’s […]

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BREAKING: Rep. Quin Johnson Not Running For Reelection

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 29, 2020 9 Comments

As usual, Matt Bittle of the Delaware State News had it first.  He was one of the more Chamber-centric D’s in the House Democratic  caucus, and he consistently opposed minimum wage increases.  Having said that, longtime DL follower Joanne Christian has praised Quin’s constituent service work.  The 8th RD is a Middletown-based district, and has […]

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DL Open Thread: Monday, June 29, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 29, 2020 11 Comments

Police Unions Are The Enemy.  They thwart reform at every turn.  ‘I Can’t Breathe’. 70 cases, the same three words.  Utterly compelling. Report: Trump’s Psyche ‘Fragile’. Could Drop Out.  Maybe that’s why Pence has started to wear a mask.  He would become the first robot to run for President, which is why he didn’t need […]

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