El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Sun., Dec. 15, 2019

Filed in National by on December 15, 2019 10 Comments

Anti-Impeachment D To Flip.  He thinks he has a better chance to save his seat in a general than in a primary against a real D: Those talks (with Trump) came after Mr. Van Drew saw the results of a poll conducted this month that suggested that a vote against impeaching Mr. Trump would damage […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat., Dec. 14, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 14, 2019 16 Comments

Trump Supporters Flock To Fake News Sites.  Bottom line: The endless propaganda from Fox, Limbaugh and the like, and sites like these guarantee that this impeachment will just be ‘us vs. them’.  The only good news is that there are more of ‘us’, if we vote and if we’re allowed to vote. More and more, […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., Dec. 13, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 13, 2019 19 Comments

Defeated Rethug Governor Pardons A Whole Shitload Of Prisoners Convicted Of Violent Crimes. 428 in all.  Provided no notice to the public.  When they lose, they try to take society down with them. Boris To Get His Brexit.  Can someone explain to me how Jeremy Corbyn came to be the leader of the Labour Party? […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., Dec. 12, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 12, 2019 4 Comments

Some D ‘Moderates’ Likely To Oppose Impeachment.  They’re every bit as cynical as every Rethug who gives Trump a free pass. Primary ’em. Rethugs Still Confirming Unqualified Judges.  Hey, at least Coons didn’t vote to confirm this one.  Betcha he gets a pat on his balding pate every time he gives a thumbs-up to one […]

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My Conversation With City Council Candidate Coby Owens

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 11, 2019 16 Comments

Coby Owens is running for Wilmington City Council in the 1st District.  Many of you know him from his work on Kerri Harris’ campaign and from his community activities. He is a community organizer, a civil rights activist, and a member of the Democratic State Committee. He has committed to accepting no corporate donations to […]

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DL Open Thread: Wed., Dec. 11, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 11, 2019 16 Comments

The Articles Of Impeachment Annotated.  Perhaps most notable is that the first article sets out that Trump’s actions remain an ongoing threat to the nation: Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in […]

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DL Open Thread: Tues., Dec. 10, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 10, 2019 7 Comments

Wesley College Sidles Up To The Public Trough–Again.  This time, they want $3.2 mill. How long will the state prop up this failing institution? Wesley was never an academic powerhouse, and it has always been a private, religiously-affiliated institution. I guess they’ll keep getting bailouts until a bigger fish swallows them. Like the casinos. Your […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., Dec. 9, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 9, 2019 9 Comments

BREAKING: Afghan War Was Never Winnable. We have been lied to for 18 years. Washington Post finally got the goods after a three-year FOIA lawsuit. Trump To Kick 700,000 Off Of Food Stamps.  Oh, and he appoints a ‘Homelessness Czar’ who ‘tried to get cities to ban charities from feeding the homeless’. Yet not one […]

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DL Open Thread: Sun., Dec. 8, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 8, 2019 3 Comments

After Shooting, Trump Rushes To Shield Saudis From Criticism.  Saudis Respond In Kind.  Anyone who doesn’t think that Saudi Arabia and Trump are co-conspirators aren’t paying attention. The Prince has Trump by the short-hairs. Russia, Part Deux. Trump & Carson Illegally Withhold Aid From Puerto Rico.  Nobody, not even Trump, disputes that failing to release […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat., Dec. 7, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 7, 2019 13 Comments

Miss. Rethug Asks Legislature To Invalidate Election Loss.  Blames failures of elections officials, all of whom are Rethugs.  Guess she doesn’t like the fact that she got beat by an African-American. The worst fact? The legislature can do this with impunity.  But, hey, who needs that pesky Voting Rights Act? Certainly not Mississippi. More criminal […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., Dec. 5, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 5, 2019 8 Comments

AG’s Hand-Picked Investigator Dismisses RWNJ Claim That FBI Conspired Against Trump: The prosecutor handpicked by Attorney General William P. Barr to scrutinize how U.S. agencies investigated President Trump’s 2016 campaign said he could not offer evidence to the Justice Department’s inspector general to support the suspicions of some conservatives that the case was a setup […]

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Seeking Nominations For Delaware’s MVP Of The Year For 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 4, 2019 20 Comments

I’m strongly inclined towards anointing one person the MVP (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause) this year, although I’m open to persuasion. Who else belongs on the list? Remember the criteria. If you nominate someone, you must give a reason why they deserve consideration for this year’s list.  The nominee doesn’t even have to be […]

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DL Open Thread: Weds., Dec. 4, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 4, 2019 11 Comments

Now, THAT’S A Report.  The report from the House Intelligence Committee lays out the crimes and the criminals in clear and concise language. One guy who got caught acting both as a ‘tryer of fact’ and a criminal? That Devin Nunes.  Betcha he didn’t know that his own committee had those phone records… Ga. Governor […]

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