El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Tues., Sept. 10, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 10, 2019 15 Comments

Trump Outed CIA’s Top Source In Russia.  During conversations with the Russian ambassador. The CIA had to extract him from Russia due to Trump’s loose lips.  Holy bleep, this guy is an utter disaster. Most Working-Age Hires Are People Of Color.  For the first time ever. Rudy Giuliani’s Trail Of Corruption. A real good chronicle […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., Sept. 9, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 9, 2019 6 Comments

DuPont To Be Exposed For The Environmental Criminals That They Are. Movie and book will detail how they poisoned West Virginia’s waters and fought all attempts to be held accountable. And how one heroic attorney brought them to justice of a sort. An excerpt: “Dark Waters” starring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway will arrive in […]

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DL Open Thread: Sun., Sept. 8, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 8, 2019 9 Comments

Meet Jared Kushner’s New Middle East Policy Advisor: His former coffee guy who ‘constantly has the Drudge Report and Twitter up’.  Got a problem with that? Trump’s “Losing His Shit”: No, this comes not from his enemies, but pretty much everybody who is in daily contact with him. Useful analysis: “Deteriorating in plain sight.” Military […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat., Sept. 7, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 7, 2019 3 Comments

Delaware Politicians Fall All Over Themselves To Kiss Comcast’s Ass. This makes me want to fwow up. So…unseemly. Featuring a cameo appearance from Buccini/Pollin. Trump’s Justice Department Goes After–Automakers Producing Cleaner Cars.  Oh, and they’re leading the fight against environmentally-friendly light bulbs. Utter insanity. Another Would-Be White Terrorist Arrested. Ex-Marine, with an arsenal, online quotes […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., Sept. 6, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 6, 2019 2 Comments

Chris Johnson Officially A Member Of Wilmington City Council. Along with Linda Gray and Rysheema Dixon, you’re beginning to see the makings of a City Council more concerned about Wilmington’s future rather than (a) lining one’s pockets; and/or (b) continuing decades-long feuds. Going forward, Council may no longer be Delaware’s worst deliberative body. Sussex County […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., Sept. 5, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 5, 2019 1 Comment

State Department Admits It Failed To Protect Trump-Targeted Employees.  But they can’t fire the guy who did the bullying because–Trump appointed him. Biden Dependent On Fossil Fuel $$’s. Another Take.  Yep, just like Hillary, he spends most of his time at big donor events, and, just like Hillary, the big donors are undesirables. Bo’s Bro […]

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DL Open Thread: Weds., Sept. 4, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 4, 2019 2 Comments

Top Trump Interior Official Joins Company Planning To Drill In Alaska. Of course he promoted the policy of expanded oil-drilling in Alaska while with the Administration.  Engage in enough corruption, and each corrupt act seems less important on its own. Britain’s Democracy Is Truly Screwed Up.  I’m no expert, but this guy seems to be. […]

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DL Open Thread: Tues., Sept. 3, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 3, 2019 2 Comments

Trump To Pence: Stay At My Place. The Taxpayers Will Pick Up The Tab.  Pence’s trip to Ireland will feature trips on Air Force Two back-and-forth to the conference b/c…why, exactly? Trump’s resort gets taxpayers’ $$’s, gets publicity, and we pay for it. Pence, of course, could have stayed at the official residence of the […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., Sept. 2, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 2, 2019 1 Comment

What Biden And Carney Have In Common: Neither have the earthliest idea as to why they run. And, as we saw with Carney, he had no earthly idea as to what to do when elected. Anyone think it would be different if Joe stumbled into the White House? Can Environmental ‘Super Voters’ Be Progressive Answer […]

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: August, 2019

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 2, 2019 0 Comments

A strong final week rescued what otherwise would have been a relatively weak month for new music.  Thanks to that final week, it’s weak no more. Not even close: More proof that Bon Iver is a national treasure: Someone wrote on a blog somewhere, “What appeared to be a comeback record was in fact a […]

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DL Open Thread: Sun., Sept. 1, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 1, 2019 1 Comment

The Latest Shooting Rampage From Texas.  It’s gotten to the point where the particulars don’t matter. Especially since Texas has just passed bills to make the carnage more likely. Betty DeVos Makes It Tougher For Defrauded Students To Get Their Debt Canceled.  And why not? It was, after all, an Obama initiative. It has to […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat., Aug. 31, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 31, 2019 1 Comment

How Tax Break To Help Poor Became Windfall For The Rich. Including, of course, Buccini/Pollin (Thanks, Mayor Mike!) and virtually everybody in Trump’s orbit. Trump Judge Blocks Timely Release Of Trump Tax Returns To Congress.  Stacking the courts already paying dividends for the Criminal-In-Chief. ‘Red Flag’ Law Stops Would-Be RWNJ.  Deranged vet. Of course, threatening […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., Aug. 30, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 30, 2019 3 Comments

Arden Fair Day tomorrow! Hope to see you there. I’ll be working as a beer narc from 12:30 to 2:30, so stop by and say ‘hi’. Just don’t try to smuggle any beer in or out of the Beer Garden… DHS Blocking House Staff From ICE Facilities.  Hey, it’s in ICE’s interests to keep anyone […]

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