
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Breaking – Trump Announces Independent Bid for Prez & Formation of New MAGA Party

Filed in National by on November 15, 2022 10 Comments
Breaking – Trump Announces Independent Bid for Prez & Formation of New MAGA Party

This headline is me “manifesting” this outcome. I thought of it this morning based on Trump’s hatred of both Republicans and Democrats. It would be the dream scenario. If it comes to pass today – You’re welcome.

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Red to Blue Governor Flip in Arizona

Filed in National by on November 15, 2022 4 Comments
Red to Blue Governor Flip in Arizona

Kari Lake the former television news anchor, election denier and all around horrible person lost. Decision Desk HQ projects Katie Hobbs (D) elected governor in Arizona. R to D Flip. #DecisionMade: 8:50pm EST Follow more results here: https://results.decisiondeskhq.com/national/2022-house…

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 15 2022

Filed in National by on November 15, 2022 8 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday November 15 2022

Republicans cringe as Trump 2024 approaches – POLITICO

Reached for comment, Trump said that he was writing down the names of all the cringers. 

But seriously, Democrats can’t deny the fact that a Trump run will help them down ticket. But let’s not fall into the the delusional thinking that he can’t win.  With our electoral college, he clearly can win nationally. Democrats – let’s agree to not cheer the announcement this afternoon.  

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Defund the “D Triple C”

Filed in National by on November 14, 2022 2 Comments

Take everything you don’t like about the out of touch, centrist, corporate Democratic Party and create an organizations that embodies every toxic impulse of that party and you have the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. DCCC I don’t know everything, but I’ve been hearing basically the same complaints about the DCCC forever. It’s an incumbency protection […]

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Don’t Be a Dick – Support the Call

Filed in National by on November 14, 2022 8 Comments

I’m going to spring for the $50.00 ticket because it is a great investment, and because I turn into a pumpkin if I am on the other side of the canal after 10:00pm.   The “meet and greet with the Delaware Call team” is a nice bonus I suppose, but not my main thing.   […]

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What if Hillary?

Filed in National by on November 14, 2022 10 Comments
What if Hillary?

Knowing that Trump is going to officially announce his re-election bid tomorrow got me wondering about a possible rematch with Mrs Clinton. If Hillary announced tomorrow a small number of Democrats would be intensely excited. And the the majority of Democrats would call those people dangerous whackos and nutbags. I wonder if a Trump’s intense […]

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DL Open Thread Monday November 14 2022

Filed in National by on November 14, 2022 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday November 14 2022

plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Pete hangs on. If you have any insights into how we ended up with the same shitty Kop Kabal leadership team in the lower house, please feel free to enlighten us. In the comment section.

Lappy’s Pappy is Unhappy

The man who gave birth to the idiotic Lappy!(tm) saga is sad that people are being mean to him.

Delaware Launches School Security Initiative – State of Delaware News

Ok, this is nice I guess, but let’s cut to the chase and put SWAT Teams & fully kitted out ER/Trauma units in each school. The shootings are bound to happen, because teenagers and mentally ill people need to be able to buy military machine guns with high capacity magazines.  It says so in the Constitution.

A boring, centrist look back at the 2022 midterm election | Delaware First Media

Delaware First Media hosts University of Delaware Associate Professor of political science Phil Jones – who somehow seems to think the DEGOP is not fully defunct statewide.

Listen to him discuss all the bipartisan, unthreatening things you’ve already heard about the elections, but this time in the grating accent of a Limey Fop.

Ok. Limey Fop was harsh, but how do you call yourself Associate Professor of political science in Delaware and not acknowledge the progressive changes that have taken place in the Dem caucus?  It’s odd.  I want my 12 minutes back.

Ed Note:  This post was drafted prior to the progressives folding like a house of cards in the leadership vote.  So, who’s the Limey Fop now?  


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Democrats projected to keep control of the US Senate

Filed in National by on November 13, 2022 5 Comments
Democrats projected to keep control of the US Senate

With VP Harris as tie breaker, Democrats will retain control even if Warnock fails to win re-election. If Warnock wins, Dems gain a seat majority thereby making Kyrsten Sinema irrelevant.

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Breaking – Pete Remains Speaker

Filed in National by on November 12, 2022 23 Comments
Breaking – Pete Remains Speaker

Someone dropped the ball. But who?

Val lost her nerve or never really had the pieces in place. I guess we’ll learn about the rube goldberg machinations at some point.

Here is the thing though. They are politicians, so we’ll never probably know the real story. Politicians are not driven by the same sorts of things that drive normal people. They are motivated by ancient grievances, arcane grudges, weird phobias, gossamer dreams of greatness, and the voices of their ancestors.

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Disneyland Woke-ism is OUTRAGEOUS!

Filed in National by on November 12, 2022 2 Comments
Disneyland Woke-ism is OUTRAGEOUS!

Utterly cowed by the woke mob, Disneyland is unveiling two new dolls in wheelchairs for “it’s a small world”. What next, Lady Doctors?

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Speaking of Leftist Podcasters

Filed in National by on November 12, 2022 13 Comments

A new “election wrap up” Highlands Bunker is out.  So far it is pretty good, but I’m only half way through but will be back to rate this one on my patented 1 – 10,000 door knocks rating system.

The general election is finally over, so we get together to talk about what the results in Delaware and nationwide mean both in the short-term and the long-term.

Show Notes:

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Breaking News – Leadership Vote Today

Filed in National by on November 11, 2022 10 Comments
Breaking News – Leadership Vote Today

The Speakership has been rumored to be a lock for Valerie Longhurst for months now.  Paul Baumbach is regarded as a possible alternative but a long shot.  Anyway, Pete is almost certainly out.

I don’t know much about the mechanics of it, so I’ll leave that to El Som.

Leftist podcaster and journalist RE Vanilla had an interesting and possibly revealing take on how a Speakership vote for Longhurst could come about with the progressive changes in the Dem caucus. 

Val is a politician. What if her potential ascent to Speaker depended upon, say, a new influx of progressive women Reps? And hypothetically Val knew her ability to lead the House and leapfrog Pete in leadership was orchestrated by a coalition that she’ll need to maintain that power? She could be expected to have a different agenda than she’s had, for example.

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How’d My Predictions Fare?

Filed in National by on November 11, 2022 2 Comments
How’d My Predictions Fare?

I said I wasn’t going to make predictions, but I did.  And I was pretty fucking close. I said Burns was going to beat Ramone by 5 votes and was wrong but by only 40 votes.  I’d have preferred to be wrong by 40 going the other way, but still a pretty good prediction. I […]

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