
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Rally to Oppose Privatization of State Retirees Medicare

Filed in National by on September 28, 2022 17 Comments

RALLY TO OPPOSE PRIVATIZATION OF DEL STATE RETIREES MEDICARE SET FOR TUESDAY OCT. 4 – CARAVEL BUILDING/WILM RiseDelaware, a group formed to assist Delaware’s State retirees in their fight against privatization of their Medicare benefits announced that it has filed a lawsuit to stop the State from imposing Highmark’s Medicare Advantage plan as their only […]

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Bryan Shupe (36th RD) is NOT a MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on September 28, 2022 8 Comments

This project is about removing the grey area and discovering if the Republicans in the Delaware legislature are MAGA Extremists or Regular Republicans. The complexities of life don’t typically favor binary sorting, so I tried to write the questions as simply as possible and in a way that could only illicit simple yes or no responses.

Rep Bryan Shupe replied “yes” to all of the questions and is therefor, judged to be NOT a MAGA extremists. He thinks Biden was lawfully elected. He thinks that the Jan 6th people are criminals and he thinks that it is a crime for an ex-president to posses top secret documents. His responses are at odds with MAGA extremist orthodoxy. That’s great.

And yet, he couldn’t resist carving out a little unique space for himself in an attached comment (see below). I’ll leave it to you to decide if you think Shupe’s carved out space means that he is MAGA Lite. My verdict is…

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DLOpen Thread Wednesday September 28 2022

Filed in National by on September 28, 2022 22 Comments

It is hard to imagine an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine that doesn’t include Putin being deposed and killed.

Russian conscription still not popular.  

Satellite photos show 10-mile-long traffic jam at Russian border

Lot’s of bad news for Russia, but here is a little ray of sunshine. 

Orthodox Church leader says Russian soldiers dying in Ukraine will be cleansed of sin

Did you know that the Cherokee Nation agreed to relocate to Oklahoma (the trail of tears) in exchange for representation in congress that they never got?  Now you do.  

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Ronald Gray (38th RD) is a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on September 27, 2022 14 Comments
Ronald Gray (38th RD) is a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

If you live below the inlet and above the MD line (or in the open air garbage pit that is the rest of the 38th) you will not be surprised to learn Rep Ronald (Ron?) Gray is a MAGA extremist.   I didn’t have much hope that this zombie looking dude who took over from Hocker was going to be anything other than a MAGA extremist, but hope springs eternal.

For example, next up is Milfords favorite son, Bryan Shupe. I’m very hopeful that he will reply simply “Yes to all three.”

In the meantime if you want to read my emails to Gray below.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday September 27 2022

Filed in National by on September 27, 2022 15 Comments

If you listened to the recent Primary Wrap Up Highlands Bunker episode, you know the things that Democrats do that have a big impact. This is the other side of the coin.

Top Ten Things That Democrats Do That Have Very Little (to zero) Impact

10. Handmaids Tale Cosplay Protest.  

I get that you are angry.  We all are. But unless you are ready to go full on June Osborne just give it a rest.

9.  The “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho (someone/something) has got to go!” chant. 

Sorry. I hate this chant.  For the love of god someone come up with a new chant.

8. Means Tested Tax Credits

This is the worst way to enact some watered down policy goal.  It is complicated to explain to voters and utterly invisible to most voters when…

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Timothy Dukes (40th RD) is a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on September 26, 2022 4 Comments

Representing the very dag end of Delaware, the 40th Rep District’s Timothy (Tim?) Dukes is a dangerous MAGA extremist with even less courage than the gutless Rich Collins.

Dukes!, as I now refer to him (see my emails below) stonewalled, and for good reason.  What elected official wants to go around admitting that they are taken in by Trump’s anti-American bullshit?

They’d look and sound like a gullible fool defending Trump’s nonsense about Joe Biden, the Jan 6th insurrection and Trump’s (clearly) criminal theft and retention of top secret documents.

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DL Open Thread Monday September 26 2022

Filed in National by on September 26, 2022 7 Comments

Two people were shot after a high school football game in Middletown on Friday night. The story hasn’t been updated since Friday night which is odd.  Somebody knows who shot who.  That they haven’t announced anything makes me think some mischief is afoot.  Someone is lawyering up. We may well find out that someone “felt […]

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Eagles Pre-Game – Week 3

Filed in National by on September 25, 2022 20 Comments
Eagles Pre-Game – Week 3

Eagles v Washington Commanders  – Away 1:00 PM FOX The birds have a legit top tier quarterback in Jalen Hurts and that quarterback has many offensive weapons.  Including a weapon the birds coaches go to much too often – Jalen’s legs. Hurts runs too much and takes too many late hits.  The Eagles have a […]

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Micheal Smith (22nd RD) is NOT a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on September 23, 2022 6 Comments

All the same caveats that apply to Hensley and Ramone apply to Smith.  These responses (see below) don’t mean that Smith isn’t terrible person.  His party affiliation means that he probably is pretty horrible. And yet, these responses do mean that he is a Republican legislator who is willing to go on the record holding some […]

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Nobody Likes Kysten Sinema

Filed in National by on September 23, 2022 0 Comments
Nobody Likes Kysten Sinema

The hard work she put in to be widely disked has worked.

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This Saturday – Door Knock with Frank Burns

Filed in National by on September 23, 2022 2 Comments

Come help get out the vote for Burns!

This is a big pickup opportunity for Dems as Burns is running against republican in a heavily democratic district.

Burns is a Pro- Choice, Pro-Worker, Pro-Future Democrat.

Here is what El Som had to say about Burns:

Frank Burns. Perhaps the least likely, and most intriguing, D challenger to a vulnerable R incumbent I’ve seen in some time.  Yes, he’s overqualified, something nobody would ever say about smarmy incumbent Michael Ramone.  Can you imagine someone with this resume in Dover?  He is now running against the post-Roe repeal Mike Ramone.  Ramone is so vulnerable on that and so many other issues that Burns could score a victory in what again should be a blue year in Delaware.  He is a Bernie supporter and a dyed-in-the-wool progressive.  No weasel words in his responses. Here’s his answer to what he’s passionate about:

  • I am Pro-Choice. I believe ownership of one’s own body is the most fundamental right.
  • I am Pro-Worker. I believe that a living wage and corresponding benefits are the right of every full time worker. I support strong unions as a primary means of strengthening the middle class and achieving a fairer distribution of wealth in our societ
  • I am Pro-future. We need to look beyond our immediate horizon. Everything from climate change to emerging diseases presents us with challenges and opportunities. We need to be drivers, not road kill, on the road to the future.


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Highlands Bunker – Probably the best one so far

Filed in National by on September 23, 2022 29 Comments

I loved the conversation about how the establishment party is going to try and contend with the progressive wave that is kicking their asses all over the state.


Jason330, Jordyn Pusey, and Tye Grier join Rob and Karl in the virtual bunker to talk about the results of the 2022 state primaries. What were the results, what do they mean, and what happens next?

Show Notes:

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Rich Collins (41st RD) IS a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on September 22, 2022 13 Comments
Rich Collins (41st RD) IS a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Nobody likes this series except me. Anyway, Onward.

Collins replied but couldn’t say whether or not the Jan 6th rioters committed any crimes. Nor could he think of anything witty to say in lieu of giving a simple yes or no. (See his email to me below). I thought of all the dangerous MAGA Extremist in LEG Hall, Collins might have the balls to admit that he is a proud MAGA republican. Turns out – nope.

So if you live in the dreadful 41st RD you are represented by a cowardly dummy who is also a dangerous MAGA extremist. Which is probably no surprise to you.

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