
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Highands Bunker for Your Labor Day Listening Pleasure

Filed in National by on September 2, 2022 2 Comments

It is not just for leering at the train wreck that is Kathy McGuiness. Listen to these podcast and sign up as a patron. E204 – Building a Cadre (w/Jason Myles) Musician, writer, and podcast host Jason Myles joins Rob in the virtual bunker to talk about his background in music and radical politics, his […]

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A Senate Concurrent Resolution – Are You MAGA?

Filed in National by on September 2, 2022 4 Comments

DL strongly supports this draft resolution to put DEGOPers on record. Are you MAGA?

Senate Concurrent Resolution 105

151st General Assembly (Present)


Original Synopsis: This Resolution expresses the General Assembly’s strong support for President Biden’s call for Americans to reject violent, anti-American MAGA Republicanism in all of its forms.

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“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” – Epilogue

Filed in National by on September 1, 2022 8 Comments
“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” – Epilogue

I was thinking about something as I wrote the other installments.  “I wonder what the asswipes in the DEGOP are going to make of this primary?”

Are they rubbing their hands together in anticipation at the idea of being able to run against a trans person?   Are they slobbering at the idea of being the assholes they are by deadnaming and mis-gendering McBride in every statement?  Are they somehow thinking that normal Delawareans will join them in thinking that if McBride wins transgender teams of softball players will try to gain an advantage in the state championship?

And, on a related note, will the sober moderate Dems be drawn into their usual vortex of “worries” that the “middle” will reject a trans person based on the DEGOP’s utter nonsense?

Well… let me take those rhetorical questions in order.

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Carper is one of the most spry shambling corpses in the Senate

Filed in National by on September 1, 2022 4 Comments

It is funny (not “ha ha” funny) to think that some of his colleagues make Carper look relatively young and with it. Those Bits Were On The Record I’m thinking specifically of how instead of simply reporting on their regularly skewed interactions with Dianne Feinstein, it was necessary for reporters to do deeply sourced pieces, […]

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The Party of Selling Our National Secrets & Preserving Rapists Paternity Rights Strangely Unpopular

Filed in National by on September 1, 2022 5 Comments

Guess what, you dumbfuck? (Yeah I’m looking at you, Jane Brady) The nation is picking up on your bullshit.

Your Messiah, Trump is completely exposed as a criminal and fraud. And your dumb Party has been working like hell to strip women of their rights to privacy while protecting the paternity rights of rapist.



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Highlands Bunker – Kathy v Kathy Pt. 15: A Botched …LOVE-FEST(?)

Filed in National by on September 1, 2022 13 Comments

Fuck McGuiness.  Kathy McGuiness is a convicted criminal. She was convicted for doing the very same corrupt shit that she was hired by voters to investigate and root out.  She hired her daughter and her campaign consultant to work on her campaign while being paid by the auditors office. It is exactly the type of corruption that people think of when they say “They are all corrupt.”

Fuck McGuiness. Oh I’ll listen to Rob and Bill’s love-fest, but I will not be happy about it.

Also – if you are not a patron of the Highlands Bunker podcast, WTF?!

Judge Carpenter has decided: Kathy McGuiness is still guilty, though slightly less so. Rob and Bill go through the latest decision and what it means for sentencing and how the rest of state government will respond.

Show Notes:

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“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 4

Filed in National by on September 1, 2022 13 Comments
“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper”  Part 4

This is the 4th and probably last installment of this series.  By the end of this post all people of good will should agree that I’ve made a strong case that Sarah McBride: SHOULD challenge Tom Carper in a primary, CAN beat Tom Carper in that primary, and WILL beat Tom Carper in a primary. […]

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Trump’s new lawyer is incredibly stupid

Filed in National by on August 31, 2022 2 Comments

Just taking Trump on as a client speaks volumes about her lack of brainpower. As if to drive home how stupid she is, Alina Habba told Fox News:

I’m somebody who has been in that office…I have first hand knowledge.  I have never seen that. (files on the ground) That is not the way the office looks. He has guests frequently there.  

They (the FBI) must have gone in and taken out documents they wanted, or cover letters, and put it about so that the public believes this is top secret documents on his floor.


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“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 3

Filed in National by on August 31, 2022 5 Comments
“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 3

We’ve chatted a bit about how the shambling corpse has said he is running again and how that (by freezing out LBR) works to McBride’s benefit.  But can she win?  McBride is politically savvy enough to know “Can I win?” is the most important question leading up to a “go/no go” decision. She would need […]

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DL Open Thread August 31 2022

Filed in National by on August 31, 2022 4 Comments

Biden should just roll everything up right now.  Get rid of machine guns and pennies.  Make Super Bowl Monday a holiday. Medicare For All.  They can’t hate him more than they already do. John Fetterman calls on Biden to declassify and work to decriminalize marijuana prior to the President’s visit to Pittsburgh. Trump’s been declared […]

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August has been a total disaster for Marco Rubio

Filed in National by on August 30, 2022 0 Comments
August has been a total disaster for Marco Rubio

I hate when Dems send out these panicked/whiney “the sky is falling” fundraising emails. I guess they raise a lot of money though because everyone sends them. I much prefer the kick-ass approach Madinah has taken in her recent video.

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Kathy McGuiness Still Convicted, Still Corrupt

Filed in National by on August 30, 2022 36 Comments

It is only news to the convicted state auditor that she is convicted.  Everybody else got the news a few months ago.

The convicted state auditor had been going around saying that she isn’t Double-Secret-Convicted because a judge didn’t say so. I expect she have some other nonsensical rationalization now.

Democrats from both chambers of the Delaware legislature renewed their calls for Governor John Carney to remove McGuiness, now that the appeal was heard.

Pete was unavailable for comment while dealing with a family emergency. *shrug*

Has John Carney fired her yet?

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DL Open Thread August 30 2022

Filed in National by on August 30, 2022 23 Comments
DL Open Thread August 30 2022

Maybe Biden’s new “eff you guys” vibe is catching? Sen Coons to introduce motion to censure Graham over incitement to riot WASHINGTON — Delaware Senator Chris Coons says he plans to introduce a motion to censure Senator Lindsey Graham over comments he made threatening “riots in the streets”  in the event former President Donald Trump […]

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