
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday March 1st 2022

Filed in National by on March 1, 2022 13 Comments

Nobody wants Putin’s murderous insanity rewarded, but can we “support” the people of Ukraine without sounding so much like they are an underdog football team playing well in the first quarter? Seriously. Shell is exiting Russia, BP is also leaving. These are good things. Better yet – let’s get off fossil fuel altogether. It’s time. […]

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Coons Still Thinks Brown Jackson Will Get GOP Votes to Confirm.

Filed in National by on February 28, 2022 4 Comments

CBS/Gayle King: Some Republicans are calling her (Ketanji Brown Jackson) too radical. Yes or no, do you expect bipartisan support on this?

Coons:  I would certainly hope so.  She got three Republican votes when confirmed for the DC circuit.

This is absurd. The over/under is one Republican vote, and I’m taking the under.

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DL Open Thread Monday Feb 28th 2022

Filed in National by on February 28, 2022 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday Feb 28th 2022

It is a basic convention of the “State of the Union” address that the sitting President proclaims the union “strong.” I’m not sure how Biden is going to be able to continue with that bit of nonsense when his supreme court pick is getting zero votes from Republicans.  89% of Workers at an Arizona Starbucks […]

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The Democrats Are Filled With A Bunch Of Extremist Weirdos But I Am Not Like That – Vote Democrat!

Filed in National by on February 27, 2022 3 Comments

A Uniquely Skilled Candidate Related to this, what happens in “wave” elections, when Dems win big, is a bunch of their CopTroopCIA candidates win in swing districts (this is their only model for winning against incumbents in swing districts), become convinced of their unique political skills, spend two years being a pain in the ass […]

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The Leader of the DEGOP Really Wants a Strong Daddy

Filed in National by on February 25, 2022 6 Comments

I’m sure you’ve seen this, but watch it again. Witzke, who is the leader of the DEGOP for all intents and purposes, craves a strong daddy figure to impose his will on her.  I mean, really.  By the third time (within two minutes) she admires Putin for all his “strength” and “taking care of his people” – you start to wonder if the studio is going to need to get her chair professionally cleaned.

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Peter C. Schwartzkopf thinks Kerri Evelyn Harris Needs to Learn Her Place

Filed in National by on February 25, 2022 0 Comments
Peter C. Schwartzkopf thinks Kerri Evelyn Harris Needs to Learn Her Place

The Dems “leadership’s”  treatment of Harris is shocking. Today’s “Delaware Political Weekly”  is infuriating.   The Dem “leadership” continues to be racist as fuck. Kerri Evelyn Harris is the kindest, most empathetic, person in Delaware politics.  She believes in a  “bipartisanship” that seeks to break down phony party divisions used by the powerful to exploit people […]

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Chris Coons Loves This Shit

Filed in National by on February 25, 2022 1 Comment
Chris Coons Loves This Shit

Unlimited opportunities to go on CNN and act like a tough guy. “Putin will only stop when we stop him.”   ooh… chills. But wait, what do you have in mind, Coonsie?  

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DL Open Thread Friday February 25 2022

Filed in National by on February 25, 2022 4 Comments

Yesterday was a bad day for non-cis, non-het Americans. Maybe if we only compromised harder, they’d meet us in the middle. Eh, Coonsie? Florida’s House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would prohibit “classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity” in the state’s primary schools. The legislation — titled the Parental Rights in […]

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WTF, Postles?

Filed in National by on February 23, 2022 2 Comments
WTF, Postles?

I haven’t read the proposed “Education Right to Know Act”, but I know that the photo of Postles announcing it with his eyes closed is some amazingly on the nose shit.

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This is delightful.

Filed in National by on February 23, 2022 4 Comments

“That is against my Hipa law!”

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DL Open Thread Wednesday February 23, 2022

Filed in National by on February 23, 2022 18 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday February 23, 2022

Today we have, “Mike Pompeo Praises Putin While Trashing Biden” – Trump praises Putin’s strategy as “savvy” and a long Twitter Thread from a Finnish Leftist on Ukraine. What do you want to get out of your head?

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Chris Coons Joins With Republicans Calling Biden’s Ukraine Policy “Weak”

Filed in National by on February 22, 2022 6 Comments

This is not satire. Senator Chris Coons marched in lockstep with his GOP allies piling on Joe Biden’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine according to reports now running on NPR and in  Vanity Fair : 

Though Russian forces have apparently crossed the Ukrainian border, both the White House and Zelensky at first appeared wary of formally declaring it an “invasion,” a distinction that would trigger the severe — and, for much of Europe, economically costly — sanctions that Biden has threatened. That led to attacks from Republicans, who have painted Biden as weak on Russia, and to calls from even some Democrats to immediately begin imposing “significant costs on President Putin and the Kremlin,” as Senator Chris Coons said Monday.

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Just Listen to Ambassador Martin Kimani from Kenya @ UN Security Council Emergency Meeting

Filed in National by on February 22, 2022 1 Comment

h/t Mike Mahaffie

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