
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday February 7 2022

Filed in National by on February 7, 2022 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday February 7 2022

Bad news for people who think Darwin will be decisive. You may be wondering – Have the disproportionate COVID deaths in “red” areas been big enough to make a difference in future elections? Even if the pandemic gets 100 times worse in terms of death numbers between now and November 2024, the excess Republican deaths […]

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What are the real actual goals of Glorious Centrism anyway?

Filed in National by on February 5, 2022 19 Comments

Aside from lower taxes for companies and people who already pay practically nothing, or some complicated tax rebate scheme carefully crafted to give the Chamber of Commerce a hard on, it is impossible to imagine what the Coosian dream of glorious centrism actually delivers. I mean, what is the goal of Coons style bipartisanship?  Does […]

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The GOP is now an explicitly the pro-insurrection political party

Filed in National by on February 5, 2022 8 Comments
The GOP is now an explicitly the pro-insurrection political party

The fact that the Republican National Committee  officially declared the January 6th insurrection and the conspiracy that preceded it as “legitimate political discourse” seems like a milestone.  It also seems like something Democrats should make known to voters.  I know making Republicans answer tough questions isn’t part of the Dems playbook, but this seems like […]

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“Bottom-Up Authoritarianism”

Filed in National by on February 5, 2022 0 Comments
“Bottom-Up Authoritarianism”

Super wealthy a-holes who want to be loved are the worst. Luckily they now have a term to describe their full victimhood at the hands of powerless peons who from time to time try to make them feel bad about saying and doing stupid, anti-social shit.

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Dems still not close enough to “the center” for the New York Times

Filed in National by on February 3, 2022 3 Comments
Dems still not close enough to “the center” for the New York Times

Coonsie and the New York Times Editorial Board believed in the center, the orgastic centrist future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…. And one fine morning—— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly […]

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Would you change your party affiliation to vote for Mike Castle* in a GOP primary?

Filed in National by on February 3, 2022 24 Comments
Would you change your party affiliation to vote for Mike Castle* in a GOP primary?

In order to save America and return the Republican Party to some semblance of sanity, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R–Ill) is hoping you will become a Republican. From ABC: Experts suggest the practice, sometimes known as “party raiding,” will be hard to execute on a broad scale, but Kinzinger warned that failure to shift the GOP’s […]

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Who is the Delaware Way Hack Being Snuck Into Fill Brady’s Lame Duck Term?

Filed in National by on February 2, 2022 23 Comments

The RD4 committee looked around for an old white retired lump of Delaware Way mediocrity to fill Brady’s lame duck term and they are now pushing…wait for it…. Bud Freel.  

Feel is favored by the committee star chamber over the districts’s consensus choice, Adriana Bohm.   A current Red Clay board member, college professor who is active in her community –  Bohm is missing one key credential.  She is not a Delaware Way lackey.

This lame duck term is bound to be eventful.  When LEBOR, tenets rights or legal weed end up in a close vote, the hidebound Dems know they can count on the old potato.   

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DL Open Thread – Wednesday Feb 2nd, Happy Ground Hog Day

Filed in National by on February 2, 2022 0 Comments
DL Open Thread – Wednesday Feb 2nd, Happy Ground Hog Day

6:00am  I wake up.  Sonny and Cher are singing “They say we’re young and we don’t know…” on my Panasonic clock radio.  I turn over and look out my frost-covered window.  I see the Democratic Party being run by fuckwits.  I see them picking the worst losers and corporatist douchebags to run in every fucking election.   I see those same corporatist douchebags trying to run on some complicated tax rebate scheme carefully crafted to win the approval of the Chamber of Commerce.   I see them wondering why their campaign is foundering.  I hear them yelling at me, “VOTE HARDER! or the terrible Republicans will WIN!! You awful liberal!!”

I see the terrible Republicans winning.  Over and over again, forever.  Happy Ground Hog Day!

DL Commenters who said that Biden was going to easily appoint the Supreme Court Justice of his choice are idiots. This guy had a stroke. And I still don’t think Manchin is a solid Dem vote.

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You know why I hate Chris Coons so much?

Filed in National by on February 1, 2022 3 Comments
You know why I hate Chris Coons so much?

It is because, more likely than not, Trump is going to be president again in less than three years.  Coons could give a fuck.  And when he does stir himself out of his slumber enough to give a fuck, it will be way too late.   All the elite political discourse in this country is […]

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DL Open Thread Monday Jan 30 2022 – Two Year Anniversary of the First Mention of “coronavirus” on DL

Filed in National by on January 31, 2022 25 Comments

On this date in 2020, Alby  mentioned the early flight cancelations to/from China in an open thread.  He also predicted super-spreader parties by the GOP’s brainiac vaccine deniers.  At the time he probably thought he was being outlandishly satirical. I had a niece working in China for most of 2019. She came home for Christmas that […]

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Well, it fucking snowed last night

Filed in National by on January 29, 2022 1 Comment
Well,  it fucking snowed last night

I hope you have no reasons to go out. At 9:00am it is still snowing in MOT. What is like by you?

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Highlands Bunker – Seize the Moment (w/Adriana Bohm)

Filed in National by on January 28, 2022 2 Comments

I haven’t listened yet but will be returning to the comments section to lay down my markets influencing 1-5 score on this pod. E160 – Seize the Moment (w/Adriana Bohm) Red Clay School Board Member Adriana Bohm joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the good of Carney’s new education plan for Wilmington, how […]

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DART Bus Stop Improvements Benefit Residents of Wilmington’s 2nd District

Filed in National by on January 28, 2022 1 Comment
DART Bus Stop Improvements Benefit Residents of Wilmington’s 2nd District

Here is a press release from DART.   I’m wanting to cover Delaware transit issues (non motor-vehicle)  a little more.  Passing along a press release isn’t exactly “covering” transit but it is a start.    DART, working with Wilmington Councilwoman Shané Darby, has completed several bus stop improvements in Wilmington’s 2nd District. Councilwoman Darby contacted DART last spring requesting […]

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