
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday November 29 2021

Filed in National by on November 29, 2021 14 Comments

Kamala Harris bought a nice thing for her kitchen with her own money – this is an outrage that the DC press cannot  condone. Of all of the stupid arguments defending the filibuster, the idea that that the filibuster as it stands in 2021 is a Longstanding Tradition rather than the latest iteration of a […]

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More Bad News For Biden (Psst…all news is bad news for Biden)

Filed in National by on November 27, 2021 0 Comments

Right now oil prices back down to 2018 levels. Headlines in a few weeks, probably: “Gas is cheap again. Why this is a problem for Biden” …people who hold the most wildly disproportionate share of power in America — white conservative Protestants — think of themselves as the most oppressed minority group in America, and […]

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THE NEW VARIANT – Much Less Important than Owning the Libs

Filed in National by on November 27, 2021 0 Comments

Keep masking in enclosed spaces and in crowds. Avoid A-holes. Enforce vaccine mandates for school, work and travel. If the mandates don’t work, at least they will stop many MAGATs from getting vaccinations.

Look, this news on the new variant isn’t ideal. I think we can all agree on that. But it’s also by no means surprising. The COVID-19 virus is going to be here forever. It’s not going to go away, at least not without an additional set of big medical advances. We have to get used to this. That means it is likely to continue mutating. Some of those mutations might be pretty bad! It’s still true that barring the unprecedented elimination of the virus, we are all going to get it at some point or another.

The issue is to manage the virus. There are all sorts of problems around this. First is the massive disinformation campaign led by Rupert Murdoch’s global media network and the other rich right-wingers who fund this. Second is the fact that western companies and governments are putting profits ahead of vaccinating the world. We can’t really solve the second entirely without solving the first, but we can do a lot more than we are doing. Unfortunately, these are intractable problems right now.

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McGuiness Used States Funds to Pay Firststateupdate.com to Publish a Glowing Press Release?

Filed in National by on November 24, 2021 13 Comments
McGuiness Used States Funds to Pay Firststateupdate.com to Publish a Glowing Press Release?

It sure seems like she did. See the “Source” below. Also note that the “article” makes no mention of the brazen criminality the “auditor” will stand trial for. BTW – I’m just putting the whole thing here because, being a press release that they posted verbatim, it is not the intellectual property of any website. […]

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Filed in National by on November 24, 2021 0 Comments

Some dumb fucking conservative idiots have gotten into the habit of circulating “shocking” bullshit among themselves, then pretending that the shocking bullshit came from a school in the Caesar Rodney School District. The social media posts bout the “shocking things they are teaching in school” typically include calls to respond to the outrage, and “JAM […]

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Hey, put this on your “to do” list then make sure to do it.

Filed in National by on November 23, 2021 4 Comments

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 24 2021

Filed in National by on November 23, 2021 1 Comment

State Sen. McBride begins renewed push for paid leave in Delaware McBride says she’s confident the measure will pass next year, despite not having the support of the state’s largest business groups like the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce. She said she’s working to address their concerns. Based on those discussions, she plans to file […]

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Empty Headed Journalistic Bothersiderism Isn’t Just for Democrats vs Republicans Anymore

Filed in National by on November 22, 2021 0 Comments

In “Joe Biden Vs The Democrats” Jonathan Chait returns to the tired “both sides are at fault” trope. The twist is that by both sides he means progressive Democrats and Centerist Democrats – blaming them both equally for Biden’s failure to pass his agenda. For anyone paying attention, that is obviously nonsense.  1) It is […]

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DL Open Thread Monday November 22nd

Filed in National by on November 22, 2021 3 Comments

Rob Portman, (LAME DUCK-Ohio), and Chris Coons, (D?-Delaware), introduced bipartisan legislation to combat international wildlife trafficking. Maybe it’s a decent bill, maybe not.  Knowing Coons, however, I’m going to go ahead and assume that the bill was drafted by lobbyists for the International Wildlife Trafficking Association. The real point of rolling out shit like this […]

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It is not ok to be nice to Republicans.

Filed in National by on November 19, 2021 2 Comments

The Republican party is filled with psychotic racists who hate America and they need to be crushed at every election down to dog catcher. They need to be social pariahs who relearn how to stay in hiding.

When Coons continually attempts to rehabilitate the reputation of the Grand Old Party, even as their atrocities are unfolding, he isn’t trying to be a good guy. He is propping up psychotic racists for some psychotic reason only he really knows.

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Rep. Paul Gosar isn’t really a member of Congress, so Congressional Punishments don’t really matter

Filed in National by on November 18, 2021 1 Comment
Rep. Paul Gosar isn’t really a member of Congress, so Congressional Punishments don’t really matter

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to approve a resolution that censures Rep. Paul Gosar for posting a photoshopped anime video showing him murder Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The censure strips him of his two committee assignments. Gosar’s response was more or less – “Big Whoop. I’m just here to fuck around and shit post anyway.”

CNN and others call the more “a major rebuke” but let’s face it – Gosar is right abut his tenure. He is a hype-man. He can put his clown show on just as easily without committee assignments.

I liked AOC’s response:

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DL Open Thread Wednesday November 17th 2021 – Coons’ Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus Comes Out of Hiding for a Junket to Germany

Filed in National by on November 17, 2021 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday November 17th 2021 – Coons’ Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus Comes Out of Hiding for a Junket to Germany

How many of these Republican members of the

Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus

will vote for the second leg of the ‘Build Back Better’ plan? The over/under is 1. I’ll take the under.

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Biden’s Dilemma

Filed in National by on November 16, 2021 9 Comments
Biden’s Dilemma

He ran as the sensible moderate who, even in the age of unbreakable, unreasonable, recalcitrant Republicanism,  could “bring people together.”   The unreasonable, recalcitrant Republicans have called bullshit on that plan, so Biden can either renounce this key campaign promise, or make pretend that Susan Collins,  Mitt Romney, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski,  Shelley Moore Capito attending a White House signing ceremony means that he is “bring people together.”

I’d be the farm that the Biden braintrust goes with “let’s make pretend” as a strategy.

And I get it.   Calling out Republicans for what they are and charting a bold, aggressive new course of direct confrontation would be akin to admitting that his political life up until now is a bit of a scam.   You can’t blame him for not having the guts to renounce his entire political identity, who could possibly do that?

Sure.  That sucks for the country, but there you have it.

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