liberalgeek's Latest Posts
Welcome to the Blogosphere, Gov. Markell
Today, Governor Markell launched his new blog. His first post is titled Dedicated to You: Amazing and Awe-Inspiring and it details some of the heroics of state workers during the storm. Right on cue, a commenter identifying themselves as “Employee” made this comment:
It’s so nice to hear about how hard my fellow employees work. However, you forget to mention the money we have lost, and the benefits that some of us don’t have. I have been working for the state for over two years with no raise, a pay cut, and no benefits.
Healthcare NOW!
On Friday, I was able to leave work a little early and visit a healthcare rally held in Newark. The event was a stop on an 8 day march from Philadelphia to Washington. The march is called The March for Melanie in honor of an activist from Philadelphia, Melanie Shouse, that recently lost her battle with breast cancer.
Melanie’s death certificate certainly said that the cause of death was breast Cancer, but it was just as much caused by a lack of healthcare.
Psst! Your Shallow Bench is Showing
Potential Republican Congressional candidate, Anthony Wedo dropped out of the race Friday. I believe that this leaves only Fred Cullis, the guy who had a half dozen people (mostly family and volunteers) at his announcement. They really have no one. I asked Charlie Copeland if he was running and he was pretty clear that he […]
Coons for Senate’s Bad Start
I just got an email from the Coons campaign. The topic of the email was PayGo. Seriously?
Look, I like the idea of PayGo, but here’s how Coons puts it:
Every week, I’m watching Congress debate incredibly important issues that impact Delaware, even though they often don’t get much press attention. Last week, the House of Representatives voted to reinstate “pay-as-you-go” rules. It doesn’t sound exciting, but these rules make it much more difficult for Congress to increase spending or cut taxes unless they also vote for a way to pay for it.
State of Emergency Declared in Delaware
Governor Markell has declared a state of emergency effective at midnight. There is also a driving ban for all non-essential personnel. Stay home and let the doctors, nurses, plows and cops do their work.
Updated Map after the jump…
DADT Activist Recalled to Active Duty
In a sign that the Obama Administration is moving steadily and firmly in the direction of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Dan Choi, a member of the Army National Guard and Arabic translator, has been recalled to active duty. In 2009, Choi was released from active duty because of the DADT policy. While it is […]
Ask Dr. Liberal: Coons is in the Club Edition
Dear Doctor Liberal,
Do you think Chris Coons has the guts to really go after Castle? I view Castle as the incumbent in this race and they say to beat an incumbent you need to make the race a referendum on the person. Can Coons do that?
Chris Coons is In
From the inbox:
I am pleased to announce to you, my friends and long-time supporters, my candidacy for Delaware’s open seat in the United States Senate. In the coming weeks, I will formally kick off my campaign with formal announcements in each county.
Ask Dr. Liberal: PETA and Its Shadow
Dr. Liberal –
PETA wants organizers of Pennsylvania’s Groundhog Day festival to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a robotic stand-in. WTF? Why is PETA determined to turn itself into the Westboro Baptist Church of the Anti-Animal cruelty movement? Don’t they realize that this kind of shit makes people want to beat their groundhogs?
Phil Connors
Dear Dr. Liberal: Storytime!
Dear Dr. Liberal:
So a Republican male centerfold beats a Democrat in Massachusetts and its the end of the world for Democrats. While late last year a Democrat beats a teabagger in historically strong Republican Congressional district and there wasn’t this cry of anguish from the Republicans.
Why are the Democrats the biggest bunch of spineless reactionaries around? Or, in Dr. Liberal terms, why are most Democrats douchenozzles and run with the fight gets tough?
A Democrat with a Spine
Liveblogging the SOTU
The link is live. Grab the beverage of your choice and join us for the always entertaining liveblogging with the DelawareLiberal crew.
Liveblogging the State of the Union Speech
Tonight, President Obama will give his State of the Union speech (hint, he will say that the state of the union is strong…). As usual, we will be liveblogging the speech starting at 8PM. The speech is given this year as the reverberations of the Massachusetts special election are still being felt, Haiti has moved from search-and-rescue to recovery-and-burial, healthcare reform has moved from “possible in our time” to “cross your fingers”, Iraq is winding down while Afghanistan is ramping up and our economy has stopped falling and is poised for a recovery.
So stop by at 8 and you will see our link for the liveblog application. And as always, it is BYOB.
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