liberalgeek's Latest Posts
30K New Troops to Afghanistan
The Presidant gave a speech this evening to West Point cadets. The strategy is the surge part deux. 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan to stabilize the situation and support the shitty government there. Then start pulling the troops out in 18 months. Many soldiers will miss only a single Christmas. As much as I have […]
Sarah’s Peeps
Do you remember when Democrats were accused of joining a cult of personality and thinking that Obama was the Messiah? M’kay then. [youtube][/youtube]
PSA Press Release: Lake is Exonerated
Nancy Willing sent me this press release sent out by Frank Murphy today:
The Board of the Peoples Settlement Association today announced that Keith Lake, its Executive Director of 16 years, has been cleared of all allegations of misconduct. After a special investigation lasting more than one year, the State Auditor of Accounts provided Peoples Settlement with a report finding no evidence of illegal conduct or missing state funds. Representatives of Peoples Settlement recently met with the Auditor’s Office, and confirmed that Mr. Lake was exonerated of any wrongdoing.
It is funny how the same people keep popping up at all of these McDowell influenced organizations.
Radio Times’ Hasan Hour
Last night I was able to listen to a repeat broadcast of yesterday’s Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane (mp3). She spent an hour interviewing three guests about Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood killer. Unfortunately, I only got to hear the first half, but it was riveting. The first half hour was a discussion with Daniel Zwerdling, who has been interviewing Hasan’s co-workers to find out what the missed signs were.
People’s Settlement Final Report Released
Today, Tom Wagner published the final report of his investigation into People’s Settlement. The findings are as follows:
- They did not meet the standards of the Green Energy Savings Program
- Their accounting standards are inaccurate
- Questionable real estate transactions have been referred to the Attorney General
- Department of Education audit findings were not reported to the board
Is Hasan a Terrorist?
I was having a discussion at work the other day about the Ft. Hood killings. One of my co-workers said, “He’s a terrorist.” I disagreed with him and stated my definition of terrorism. Primarily, it deals with the motive of the act being designed to terrorize a populace into forcing a political change. Israel, Northern […]
Why Eminent Domain Had To Be Reformed
Hopefully we all remember the fight that Ed Osbourne fought for several years to prevent his business (an incredible auto repair shop) from being taken through eminent domain. The issue was that an extremely shitty Supreme Court decision had ruled that it was legal to seize property (with compensation) through eminent domain in order to […]
Time to Put Up or Shut Up Sussex County Republicans
As a terrible storm slowly works its way up the coast, I hereby call on Mike Castle and Sussex County Republicans to demand that the federal government save our tax dollars by not spending on beach replenishment. Sussex County is sick and tired of the inefficient and dangerous expansion of government into what should be […]
Kowalko Fundraiser Reminder
Don’t forget about the John Kowalko fundraiser this Friday in Newark.
25th District State Representative John Kowalko
Featuring the delectable cuisine of Michael Gritz, Master of the Meatball and Marinara
Friday, November 13th, 2009
6:00-9:00 PM
Universal Unitarian Fellowship of Newark
420 Willa Rd. Newark, De
$25 per person, $200 per table
20 Years Since the Wall Fell
I was a young whipper-snapper when the wall fell. I had been to Germany the previous summer and had fallen in love with the people and culture. I was not there when the wall started to fall, but luckily it didn’t all happen at once. I was given an opportunity to go to Germany in […]
Charlie Won’t Run
I was looking at my email the other day and a web ad appeared on the page for the Delaware GOP. I know they get charged if I click on it and I wanted to see what they are up to, so I clicked. It took me to their Stop the Biden Dynasty page, where […]
Heeee’s Baaaaaacckkkk!
Let’s welcome the newest addition to the Delaware blogging scene, Donviti, with his new blog The Wage Slave. There are already a number of Donvitisms and some posts. As always, we wish Donviti luck.
Welcome back.
The Castle Purging Begins on Saturday
Apparently there is a Tea Party this Saturday in Dover. I guess that it is being advertised on Stormfront or wherever those people get together online. Last time they did this, there was a minor bruhaha about Tea Party barfly, Mike Protack and his demand for top billing. This time, an actual candidate for an actual office is speaking.
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