liberalgeek's Latest Posts
Kauai: Things Ain’t That Different in the Middle of the Pacific
I was fortunate enough to have a vacation to the island of Kauai, Hawaii for 11 days. I highly recommend it to anyone that may be looking for a little R&R in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Being a political junkie and a geek, I actually spent some time (mostly while changing of something) watching the goings on of their Kauai County Council.
There appears to still be a battle for transparency and access for many documents from Kauai’s government.
CRI’s Impact on Real People
I’m not going to assign blame to a particular individual for the posting of payroll information. I don’t know if that decision was made by the Director of CRI, board members or the anonymous money men behind the whole thing. But Dave Burris got all bent out of shape for Kavips’ dissection of one of their employees resumes. Dave’s main complaint seemed to be the poisoning of the well for said director in his next job interview.
If a state employee resume comes across a potential employers desk, CRI’s database of payroll data is likely to assist the employer in negotiating salary.
Kindle Irony
I am a tech geek, so this interests me. Apparently, there was an issue at Amazon with a publisher “changing their mind” about offering an electronic version of a book that had already been purchased. Ok, so they stop selling the books, right? Only half right. They actually remotely deleted the already purchased books off of their users Kindles and credited the user accounts for the price paid.
Senator Adams’ Last Punch in the Gut
I have been talking to a few people downstate recently and have been getting a feel for the race for Adams seat. Honestly, I don’t know a damned thing about Polly, so I cannot tell you whether or not she would make a good Senator or not…
But this post isn’t about Polly. It is about what her Father pulled in his 2nd to the last day in the Senate. It is about the Violent Crimes Compensation Board (now re-formed as the Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program) and what the restructuring meant to one of Thurman Adams’ friends, Leah Betts.
Welcome to DelawareLiberal 3.0
If you are reading this, hopefully the site looks very different than it did the last time you visited. If not, I screwed up again. Our new site is designed to improve your access to the best stories that we produce, while keeping all stories alive longer. We hope you like it. As always, we […]
I Wonder if This Guy Manages a Pool in His Off Hours?
Why do I keep hoping that the Republicans eventually “get it”? I think it must be a weakness in my personality.
Breaking: Eddy Parker Unable to Run
Brian Shields tweeted that Parker (the Dem candidate for Adams’ seat) is unable to run. No details yet. UPDATE by Delaware Dem: Geek and I posted at the same time. Here is my post. Eddy Parker, chosen by 1 vote over the late Thurman Adams’ daughter last week at a Democratic “Meet the Candidates” meeting, […]
Let’s Take a Look at the Ledger
I got an email from Dave Burris this morning with the press release from the Caesar Rodney Institute telling me about their newest tool. Delaware Spends is an online tool (with cool web 2.0 features) that will help make it easier to see where money is going. Essentially is is an online checkbook ledger with […]
What to Expect From Delaware Liberal Tonight
This is the last day of the legislative session in Dover. Unstable Isotope and I (at a minimum) will be in attendance and passing along reports. Many of our reports will be available via Twitter (@liberalgeek and @UnstableIsotope), Nemski and DelawareDem will be monitoring the tweets. El Somnambulo will be listening to the audio stream […]
My Take On The Passing of Michael Jackson
I know you’ve heard it all. It’s the only thing on TV this weekend and it will probably continue to be the lead story for another week. I’ve been meaning to put down my thoughts on this event since I first heard the news of Jackson’s death on Thursday afternoon. To read my take, check […]
Kowalko Suits Up For Battle
John Kowalko has been fighting tooth and nail with the Governor (against the across-the-board pay cuts) and against the Republicans that don’t think that we should increase a single tax (even a small tax on alcohol and a larger one on cigarettes). But now, it’s crunch time. By midnight Tuesday they need to have a […]
Mind: Lost
I just caught some commenting over at DWA and as Mike would say, OH MY! Ladies and Gentlemen… Nancy Willing: nothing will happen to KWS, EXCUSED ME? You have something to say then fuckng say it bitch. What did Karen DO EXACTLY, Asswipe fuck. Sorry but what you don’t know is that the gaii fucking […]
A Gift at Drinking Liberally
Sometimes we have people that aren’t really liberal show up at Drinking Liberally. Tyler Nixon came out to the last one, and in the past we have had a few of the “cool” Republicans come out. This evening, one of the cool Republicans, RSmitty came out to hang out with us. He gave me a […]
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