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Lisa Diller For County Council

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2009 6 Comments
Lisa Diller For County Council

Last Thursday I attended the meeting to determine the candidate that would replace Stephanie McClellan in the Council District 5. Two of the people considering a run for council decided to drop from the race, clearing the way for Lisa Diller. I had a few minutes to speak to her and she confirmed my impression that she is a smart and principled, qualities that are sorely lacking on New Castle County Council. The special election to replace McClellan is scheduled for February 19th.

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A Good Night For All

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2009 20 Comments

Wow.  Let me say first that Deer Field Fine Wines knows how to throw a party.  They came up huge last night with a full on extravaganza of wine, food and hospitality.  If you need wine, you need Deerfield. I am still tabulating the guests that paid at the door, but we are going to […]

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11,411 Pounds

Filed in Delaware by on January 24, 2009 38 Comments

That is how much food we sorted today at the Food Bank.  We had 39 adults and a gaggle of children there sorting food, checking expiration dates, building backpacks for other children and all of the tasks associated with moving that much food around.  We built 354 boxes of various foodstuffs and got them ready […]

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Breaking: Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd Having Medical Issues at the Inauguration

Filed in National by on January 20, 2009 9 Comments

This is still developing.  Kennedy was taken from the luncheon on a stretcher.  No word on his status.  Byrd was also having issues and was taken from the luncheon. Update:  Apparently, Kennedy suffered a seizure (or several) and was taken fom the room.  Robert Byrd was apparently disturbed by the Kennedy events and left the […]

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Time To Get To Work

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2009 16 Comments

Both Governor Markell and President Obama have made service a key to their plans.  As you may know, DelawareLiberal is making a point to help out how we can by organizing a morning at the Food Bank in Newark on Saturday.  The Food Bank has added staff for our visit so we now have a […]

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How I Am Spending My Morning

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2009 20 Comments

At some point between 2AM, when I went to bed last night, and 8AM, when my wife walked my daughter to the bus, someone smashed the window of my locked car and rooted through my console and glove compartment.  I beleive that all they got was a handheld GPS that was in the console. So, […]

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Scenes From a Midnight Inauguration

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2009 15 Comments

I have just returned from the Inauguration of Jack Markell and Matt Denn.  Sorry that I didn’t blog it live, but once I got there, it seemed inappropriate to do so.  From the blogging world, Cassandra M sat with me.  Two rows up was Redwaterlilly and across the room I spotted Mike Matthews. I also […]

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NCC Council Opening – Developers Wanted

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2009 19 Comments

Since Stephanie McClellen is leaving her position as a county councilwoman to work for the Markell administration there is a void in Newark.  Apparently, there are three people vying for the chance to run as the Democrat in the special election.  There will be a meeting on Thursday to select the candidate.  I am not […]

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Circuit City…

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2009 22 Comments

I bought my first digital camera and my camcorder at Circuit City.  They were great for credit terms.  Over that past few weeks I have been eyeing a new plasma HDTV.  I had it picked out.  CC had a deal of 18 months same as cash.  This is not a problem for me personally and […]

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The World is Watching Appreciatively

Filed in International, National by on January 15, 2009 8 Comments

For the past 8 years, when I have travelled outside of the US, people have treated me differently.  I have gotten this feeling that they understand that it wasn’t me that put Bush in the White House, but nonetheless, how could that have happened?  On some level, they got it.  Germany certainly has had their […]

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Breaking… Charlie Copeland to Join the Blogosphere

Filed in Delaware by on January 8, 2009 28 Comments

Charlie Copeland has seen all of the fun that we have here in the blogosphere and has decided that he wants in. Created by former State Senator Charlie Copeland and others, Resolute Determination will be resolute in its determination to ensure that our government is accountable and that a broad array of public policy initiatives and […]

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Donviti On The Air… er Internets!

Filed in National by on January 8, 2009 39 Comments

Be sure to surf on over to to listen to Donviti on the air with Maria Evans from 9 to 11.

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Kowalko to Get Choice Committee Chair

Filed in Delaware by on January 7, 2009 13 Comments

Representative John Kowalko (25th) has been chosen to head the House Energy Committee.  It will be great to have a guy chairing an energy committee that actually knows stuff about it.  I wonder if he can hire Arnetta McRae to cross-examine Randall Speck about how he was paid. Personally, I hope that John will take […]

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